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Thread: Dealing with some gyno. Here's my reversal protocol

  1. #1

    Dealing with some gyno. Here's my reversal protocol

    9 weeks on 75 mg tren EOD, 50 mg anavar eod, 100 mg sus eod. So I guess I got careless and wasn't taking my AI properly. I thought I was doing well with arimidex .5 eod but wasn't being consistent. When the gyno really flared up and I finally noticed a slight nipple change and a small hard lump under my nipple I realized 2 weeks prior I had begun dbol. So I'm assuming I wasn't protected again the flood of estrogen the dbol brought with it. The gyno was not caused by prolactin from the tren as the areola didn't show any size growth. At this point the gyno itself is shrinking.

    Anyway here is my reversal protocol and feel free to tear into me on this because I have been going nuts trying to drop my estrogen and prolactin/progesterone and no matter what I do I am still not suffering from low estrogen sides. I dropped the dbol immediately. Began 2.5 MG of letrozole on Friday as I think my body is overwhelmed with estrogen at this point. I know the letro has to build up so I have been taking 1mg of arimidex ED as well since Friday. Yesterday I began 40mg of nolvadex per day and plan on maintaining that until the lump has shrunk. I'm replacing arimidex with aromasin as of today. Up to 25mg aromasin a day to prevent any estrogen rebound. The lump seems to be shrinking/breaking up and the visual puffiness is subsiding. I will be discontinuing letro tomorrow and letting the aromasin and nolvadex do their job while I continue my cycle closely monitoring the lump. The crazy thing to me is that after almost 5 days of battering my estrogen with 3 different AI's and a SERM that I'm only suffering mild low estrogen effects. Low sex drive most notably. My levels must have been insane with the dbol aromatizing on top of the prolactin and test. I read dropping your levels to 0 is pointless with letro and will just wreck a great cycle which so far I've packed on 25lbs of solid massin in 9 weeks and would like to continue without tits.

    So long story short. 40 mg nolvadex ED for the next 2 weeks plus 12.5 to 25 mg of aromasin ED until I can drop the nolva and then maintain with the aromasin. I've never has gyno before. I also have never used arimidex before. So I think I'll go back to the AI that has alqays protected me from estrogen. Aromasin.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well, since you were only on about 350 mgs of test per week if I read things correctly it's doubtful that it's "only" estrogen induced gyno. Odds are it's more progestin and estrogen induced due to the tren. Crushing your estrogen is not the answer imho. Minimize it, sure. Can't hurt. Any chance your AI is bunk?

    I'd run the Nolva for a week at 40 then drop it back to 20 for a few months. It doesn't take two weeks to raise serum levels so 40 isn't necessary. Plus, you want the nolva to do it's job with your gyno. Not to be the bearer of bad news but what you see/feel/palpate is always larger internally. Plus, once the tissue is developed it's going to stay, just shrink and that's the goal. If you think you're prone, run low dose nolva with all your cycles.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    Thank you for taking the time to respond!

    Okay I agree I will quit letro immediately before I knock out my estrogen completely. Also in addition to the test I had added 40mg dbol week 7 and then week 9 is when the lump and pain became unmistakable. The arimidex was from a research chem site that I always get quality clen from but I'm sorry it has to either be weak or bunk. I've never tested it though. I do know my rx aromasin is good, which is why I'm confident switching over tomorrow away from adex and letro. I also know my nolva is good as well (same place as aromasin and nolva). Thank you for the instruction on the nolva dosage. In the past I've always used 12.5mg aromasin and I've never had issue with gyno so I think I'll stick to aromasin as well for all future aromatizing cycles.

    I'm on day 2 of the 40mg nolva so hoping to see some good results in reduction soon. Do you have an ETA on when shrinkage will become quite noticeable? Also what dosage of aromasin do you recommend along side the nolva?

    I have def learned a valuable lesson here after cycling for almost 3 years as this is my first run in with gyno. Scary but good to know how to handle it.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokey1987 View Post
    Thank you for taking the time to respond!

    Okay I agree I will quit letro immediately before I knock out my estrogen completely. Also in addition to the test I had added 40mg dbol week 7 and then week 9 is when the lump and pain became unmistakable. The arimidex was from a research chem site that I always get quality clen from but I'm sorry it has to either be weak or bunk. I've never tested it though. I do know my rx aromasin is good, which is why I'm confident switching over tomorrow away from adex and letro. I also know my nolva is good as well (same place as aromasin and nolva). Thank you for the instruction on the nolva dosage. In the past I've always used 12.5mg aromasin and I've never had issue with gyno so I think I'll stick to aromasin as well for all future aromatizing cycles.

    I'm on day 2 of the 40mg nolva so hoping to see some good results in reduction soon. Do you have an ETA on when shrinkage will become quite noticeable? Also what dosage of aromasin do you recommend along side the nolva?

    I have def learned a valuable lesson here after cycling for almost 3 years as this is my first run in with gyno. Scary but good to know how to handle it.

    Good. Zero reason to crash your estrogen and then feel like shit along with gyno issues. Just makes no sense.
    12.5 asin is pretty much on point. Less is more. Especially when running nolva as well. Remember estrogen is anabolic so E2 levels are always better a little higher than lower, barring issues rearing their head. I can't remember the last time I did not run low dose nolva on a cycle. Some guys just need it.
    You're probably looking at 2-3 months for total reduction assuming none of it is hard and fibrous.
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  5. #5
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    Just wanted to reiterate what Kel said on the Nolva. I ran it the same way as he suggested above as this was the advice he gave me when i got a wee bit Gyno from starting my TRT.

    I ran 40mg/day for one wk then 20mg/day for just over three months.
    It reduced it to next to nothing, can't really feel anything.
    As soon as i run a blast i get a very very small lump starting so i always need to run 10mg Nolva a day and nothing ever comes of it.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokey1987 View Post
    Thank you for taking the time to respond!

    Okay I agree I will quit letro immediately before I knock out my estrogen completely. Also in addition to the test I had added 40mg dbol week 7 and then week 9 is when the lump and pain became unmistakable. The arimidex was from a research chem site that I always get quality clen from but I'm sorry it has to either be weak or bunk. I've never tested it though. I do know my rx aromasin is good, which is why I'm confident switching over tomorrow away from adex and letro. I also know my nolva is good as well (same place as aromasin and nolva). Thank you for the instruction on the nolva dosage. In the past I've always used 12.5mg aromasin and I've never had issue with gyno so I think I'll stick to aromasin as well for all future aromatizing cycles.

    I'm on day 2 of the 40mg nolva so hoping to see some good results in reduction soon. Do you have an ETA on when shrinkage will become quite noticeable? Also what dosage of aromasin do you recommend along side the nolva?

    I have def learned a valuable lesson here after cycling for almost 3 years as this is my first run in with gyno. Scary but good to know how to handle it.
    Jesus how bad did it get man?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Just wanted to reiterate what Kel said on the Nolva. I ran it the same way as he suggested above as this was the advice he gave me when i got a wee bit Gyno from starting my TRT.

    I ran 40mg/day for one wk then 20mg/day for just over three months.
    It reduced it to next to nothing, can't really feel anything.
    As soon as i run a blast i get a very very small lump starting so i always need to run 10mg Nolva a day and nothing ever comes of it.
    That's great news to hear esp because only 5 days ago I was in despair thinking I had to kill my cycle with letro. Takes a lot of questions out of future cycles as well. I was sure at some point I would mess up and have to deal with this and now knowing a protocol I have alot more confidence.

    I'm on day 4 of 40mg of nolva and day 2 of aromasin. Dropping 12.5 aromisin ED tomorrow. Dropping to 20mg nolva in 3 more days. I think that 5 days of letro was good because finally today I feel low e symptoms . Not bad just reduced sex drive and reduced energy (slight). Also I looked super lean all of the sudden. So I believe I had a massiveeee build up of prolactin/progesterone/estrogen.

    Question: When would I be safe to go back on 30mg dbol on top of my current test/tren cycle? I'm making decent lean gains but need to add a bulking guy in there. Shall I drop the tren and replace with deca??????

  8. #8
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    We need a poll on how many guys who run roids get gyno - I swear that shit has to be 50/50

    Nolvadex, more nolvadex & cross your fingers

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Lowlyf View Post
    Jesus how bad did it get man?
    Not too bad. I went on treatment right when I noticed a lump growing under my night nipple. Both appeared slightly puffy at that point but only the right had a growth lump. You could barely see its prob big enough rn to be noticeable if I was like 9% or less. Nolva is working quick. Gonna be running nolva alongside my AI on all future cycles. Dude when I thought I was fucked I was honestly depressed as hell. Scary but now Im feeling good as it reduces. and I get my estrogen back under control. Going for a blood test this week.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    We need a poll on how many guys who run roids get gyno - I swear that shit has to be 50/50

    Nolvadex, more nolvadex & cross your fingers
    Fingers crossed. No issues for 2 damn years and bam all of the sudden there it is. Either bad adex or complacency on my part

  11. #11
    Update: Day 7 of nolva and I woke up with the lump now 50% smaller than it was before treatment. My skin almost perfectly contours along the pec muscle and it almost looks better than is ever has before. Dropping from 40 to 20mg nolva today since it's day 7. Also taking 12.5 mg aromisin ED. I unfortunately did drop my estrogen too low and today I had a horrific weak workout (screw letro. glad I only took it for 4 days). No energy. Depressed. No sex drive. Symptoms are relatively minor though. Anyway hopefully that'll come back to normal over the next days. Long story short. Thank you for the advice as it's working like a charm.

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Glad to hear it!
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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    when gyno Symptoms Starting , increase Arimidex from 0.5 to 1 mg EOD + nolva 20 ED for 10-15 days
    then check prolactin and E2

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