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Thank you for taking the time to respond!
Okay I agree I will quit letro immediately before I knock out my estrogen completely. Also in addition to the test I had added 40mg dbol week 7 and then week 9 is when the lump and pain became unmistakable. The arimidex was from a research chem site that I always get quality clen from but I'm sorry it has to either be weak or bunk. I've never tested it though. I do know my rx aromasin is good, which is why I'm confident switching over tomorrow away from adex and letro. I also know my nolva is good as well (same place as aromasin and nolva). Thank you for the instruction on the nolva dosage. In the past I've always used 12.5mg aromasin and I've never had issue with gyno so I think I'll stick to aromasin as well for all future aromatizing cycles.
I'm on day 2 of the 40mg nolva so hoping to see some good results in reduction soon. Do you have an ETA on when shrinkage will become quite noticeable? Also what dosage of aromasin do you recommend along side the nolva?
I have def learned a valuable lesson here after cycling for almost 3 years as this is my first run in with gyno. Scary but good to know how to handle it.