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Thread: help with this cycle?

  1. #1

    help with this cycle?

    Hello people! i am new at this forum and i really I would appreciate if someone can help me out with my problem! I am thinking to start with primo...anavar ...winstrol ..tren ! i am 5,11 275 pounds and i want to cut down...I understand diet is everything but
    can some one recommend a good dose of these items i have supply for 8 weeks. Also i have gyno from the past like 15 years ago when I did my last cycle so do I have to take anything for pct for this cycle?

    Thank you for you all support guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Would suggest doing a vast amount of research on protecting your liver. Yes you will need an AI.

  3. #3
    thank you for the response! yes I did research and i figure out that anavar if I mix it with all these and trend are very hard with the what i was as thinking to do is just primo and winny! Any suggestions?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I think I responded in your other thread where you asked the same thing. Where is the testosterone in this cycle?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by greekmanandreas View Post
    Hello people! i am new at this forum and i really I would appreciate if someone can help me out with my problem! I am thinking to start with primo...anavar ...winstrol ..tren ! i am 5,11 275 pounds and i want to cut down...I understand diet is everything but
    can some one recommend a good dose of these items i have supply for 8 weeks. Also i have gyno from the past like 15 years ago when I did my last cycle so do I have to take anything for pct for this cycle?

    Thank you for you all support guys!
    above in red...

    get your diet in check
    start a healthy exercise routine

    hang around here and research but I wouldn't touch gear for at least 6-12 months if I were you

    get bloodwork done and include your thyroid and testosterone levels.

    steroids are great for retaining muscle while dieting and exercising but do very little in helping you lose weight

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    above in red...

    get your diet in check
    start a healthy exercise routine

    hang around here and research but I wouldn't touch gear for at least 6-12 months if I were you

    get bloodwork done and include your thyroid and testosterone levels.

    steroids are great for retaining muscle while dieting and exercising but do very little in helping you lose weight
    Thank you all of you for taking the time to respond to my post i really appreciate it! I am starting my diet soon so I can drop my bf levels down while i am going for blood work! would ever stack this items all together though? What your suggestion is when I am ready to start a cycle? do I need all these items and whats your favorite stack for cutting!

  7. #7
    You haven't cycled in 15 years.

    If you are ever ready for a cycle it should be testosterone only at first.

    I realize you will most likely take the gear anyway because you "have supply for 8 weeks".
    I would urge you not to do it.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    You haven't cycled in 15 years.

    If you are ever ready for a cycle it should be testosterone only at first.

    I realize you will most likely take the gear anyway because you "have supply for 8 weeks".
    I would urge you not to do it.
    Thank you for the respond! I am new to this game after for so long and i respect the people which they know more than me and i respect their opinions! so i m taking your opinion and i put my gear on the side...Please tell me what kind of testosterones is good to do for my first cycle and what kind of pct should l take? i am new to this forum and i am spending hours to read as many posts as i what your suggestion for the first cycle to be? anything stack with the testo?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    This is excellent reading for a first cycle: My first cycle
    Thank you guys for all your support and i will start with Testo e for 12 weeks and then pct!! Thank you all guys taking the time to respond to my threads!

    Deadliftingdog i really appreacite you ....thank so much for your concern!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    You haven't cycled in 15 years.

    If you are ever ready for a cycle it should be testosterone only at first.

    I realize you will most likely take the gear anyway because you "have supply for 8 weeks".
    I would urge you not to do it.
    Exactly , with vast amounts of AI handy. Body fat and Test don't mix well(recipe for Gyno). Diet is far more important.
    Last edited by Yard_Dog; 11-27-2020 at 08:53 PM.

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