11-29-2020, 11:40 AM #1
Planned Cycle Request for Feedback
Hey fellas, it's been some time since I've posted in the forums, as well as had a real cycle.
My stats are as follows:
-Age: 39
-Height: 6'0"
-Bodyweight: 225 pounds
-Body fat: 12-15%
-Training Time: 25 years; 15 seriously
Goal: Lean bulk
Cycle History: About 9 cycles, since 7/2014
1) 500 Test Cycle (accomplished what I couldn't in the past 15 years of training)
2) 800 Test Cycle (so-so...)
3) 300 Tren & 200 Test Cycle (Killer Recomp Results!)
4) 600 EQ & 150 Deca & 300 Test & 50 Anavar Cycle (Best lean growth cycle to date)
5) 225 Tren & 300 Test & Clen /t3 Pyramid (last 5 wks) (Best cutting cycle results to date)
6) 200 EQ & 160 Test (long PED Cycle for Bike racing - best racing year ever)
7) 300 Tren & 500 Test (Bailed out on this before it really got started due to surprise upcoming blood test at work)
8) 150 Tren & 420 Test & 50 DBol (4 week kickstart) (Nothing memorable recorded on this one... so unsure of results)
9) 300 Mast & 500 Primo & 140 Test & 25 Anavar (This cycle just finished and was abysmal.... nothing to show, did not feel it at all...)
Okay, with that history in mind, and my prior successes on Tren or EQ cycles, this is the cycle I'm proposing for a lean bulk. I am considering a Deca cycle as well, but I have no experience with it other than a therapeutic dose.
8-10 week cycle
-300 Tren E
-400 Test C
*might just stick with 200 Test weekly, following Atomini's thread on Tren: forums.steroid .com/anabolic -steroids -questions-answers/508157-atominis-all-you-need-know-about-tren-how-use-effectively-thread.html
16 week cycle
-600 EQ
-400 Test C
16 week cycle
-600 Deca
-400 Test C
Either cycle would include the following:
-500 HcG (250 twice weekly, day after injections)
-.25 Adex EOD (necessary on Tren only with Test only slightly above TRT level?)
-.25 Caber twice weekly OR .25-.5 Prami daily (enough?)
-may possibly restart a therapeutic dose of Deca (120/wk) soon, that would continue indefinitely, to help with ongoing joint/ligament pain and arthritis.
Side notes for the cycle:
-Watch RBC count with meter and donate blood (double RBC) as soon as I hit 53-55.
-Nutrition: 2800 maintenance + 500 calories at 270g protein, 100g fat, the rest in quality carbs.
-Training will be higher volume HIT variety with plenty of cardio (mountain biker)
-I will do a mid-cycle blood test and adjust as necessary
Any constructive feedback, advice, or thoughts are appreciated!
12-02-2020, 09:51 PM #2
12-04-2020, 07:03 PM #3
12-05-2020, 02:15 PM #4
Tren E should kick in much sooner than that, no?
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12-05-2020, 02:36 PM #5
Enanthate esters kick in, it just takes a little longer to reach a stable level. You could front load, but I'll leave that wildcard to the other guys. (I'm at work and swamped).
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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12-05-2020, 02:41 PM #6
Thanks for chiming in AG.
For the Tren E cycle:
I’m looking at 12 weeks at 300 a week or 10 weeks at 400 a week.
For Deca cycle:
I am looking at 16 weeks at 600 a week.
For the EQ cycle:
I am looking at 16 to 20 weeks at 600 a week.
All of these options would include test C at 400 a week, unless I decide to err closer to TRT dosage.
Planning to run proviron throughout at 10-12.5 daily with caber available as needed.
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12-05-2020, 02:44 PM #7
12-05-2020, 02:47 PM #8
300 mgs of good tren enth with TRT levels of test (200 mgs a week) is not far off from my sweet spot.
I keep my test at about 1/2 of my tren and find that keeps the sides manageable...especially for 12 weeks.
I benefit from a front load, others argue it. I’m not here to debate it.
With quality gear, there’s no reason why you can’t hit your goals on that cycle.
Prami and caber are overkill in my opinion but I would add mast E at around 3-400.
I wouldn’t need adex either but that’s me. Don’t know your history with gyno or elevated E2.
I’d keep the proviron too - actually at 25 mgs a day
That’s my thoughts, good luck
12-05-2020, 02:59 PM #9There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
12-05-2020, 03:06 PM #10
Thanks Sampson, I was wondering about that dosage.
I’m keeping the prami/caber on standby for the Tren cycle, not taking unless the need arises. However, I will probably need them for the Deca and EQ cycles though I’m thinking?
Mast E... necessary? I’ve already made the order, so if it’s no big deal, I’ll pass on that until the next time.
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12-05-2020, 03:08 PM #11
A good rule of thumb is to never run any 19 nor without masteron . Its pays for itself. Helps out with some of the nasty sides with tren too.
12-06-2020, 11:06 AM #12
Accumulated Advice Rebuilt Cycle Planning (3 Cycles to Review)
Okay, so here's what I've gathered from the feedback so far (thanks!); please let me know if this all looks on par and, if not, what changes you would recommend:
I have 3 planned upcoming cycles:
Tren E & Test C: 10-12 weeks (half weekly dose, twice weekly)
-300 to 400 Tren E (dependent on sides experienced)
-200 Test C (any more may complicate the sides associated with Tren) ***
Deca & Test C: 16 weeks (half weekly dose, twice weekly)
-600 Deca
-400 Test C
EQ & Test C: 16-20 weeks (half weekly dose, twice weekly)
-600 Deca
-400 Test C
AI options for the above cycles* (necessary before DA’s) *
-.25mg Adex EOD
-12.5 to 25mg Aromasin daily (better as it won’t crush E2 or affect lipids) **
DA options for the above cycles
-.25 to .5mg Prami daily (less sides that caber) **
-.25 to .5mg Caber E3D
-10mg ED Tamoxifen (Nolva)
-12.5 to 25mg Proviron E daily
-maybe consider implementing Masteron E at 300 ****
-Tadalafil 5mg daily (to help with blood pressure) **
-500 TUDCA ED for the liver protection
*Per Austinites thread: https://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-...-reversal.html “19-Nortestosterone steroid such as nandrolone and Trenbolone can cause prolactin levels to become elevated MAINLY with the presence of excess estrogen. They are NOT a direct cause of high prolactin. While using prolactin inhibiting drugs will resolve issues, your first line of defense is controlling estrogen, as elevated estrogen can boost the effect of prolactin increase. It's not uncommon to prevent prolactin increase with the use of an AI. But the doses of 19-Nor steroids today, may prove that is somewhat ineffective. Leading to the necessity of having a secondary (and direct) compound to combat the effects.”
** Per JimmyInkedup thread: https://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-...nce-guide.html
*** Per Atomini’s thread: https://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-...ly-thread.html
**** Per SampsonandDelilah and Cuz
One final question if you made it this far... is there any known cycle that actually makes you feel happy, not angry, and on top of the world, in gains and mental state? lol Tren cycles always concern me (due to previous experiences); however, they all seem to have the same negative effects, in differing degrees, on mental state of mind.. maybe this last one is more appropriately posted in a separate thread.
And one final thought/concern, does any of this (particularly the DA's) conflict with Paroxetine (Paxil) since it plays a role in serotonin and dopamine? I've be on 20mg daily for over 15 years now...
Last edited by IronClydes; 12-06-2020 at 02:06 PM.
12-06-2020, 11:21 AM #13
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If you are looking for a feel good cycle then why not just test and cialis and hCG ?
12-06-2020, 11:52 AM #14
Last edited by IronClydes; 12-06-2020 at 11:57 AM.
12-06-2020, 04:07 PM #15
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Not sure of your size or experience but...
I’ve run as high as a gram with some AI.
I myself would run 600-800 a week with no AI.
About 750ius of hCG a week
About 5-10 cialis a day
12-06-2020, 05:34 PM #16
12-06-2020, 05:58 PM #17
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A lot of people say dbol makes them feel good...
I've never done it.
You have more cycles under your belt than me.
Well about the same but more diverse...
I have tried test, tbol, tren , deca , halo in that order...
I personally love test.
Gonna give a low dose deca a shot for my knee...
Don't touch halo.
I think tren is best for cutting and divorce.
At least you'll be lean when single...
12-06-2020, 06:46 PM #18
Planned Cycle Request for Feedback
I agree with regard to halo… I tried it for a very short spell… Long enough to know I needed to stop.
As for Tren, the most amazing of all that I have tried with regard to cutting and bulking… Ironically, it even enhanced my aerobic mountain biking…in power and intensity. However, what it does to your temper and patience… I agree with regard to divorce and have been lucky so far and that is why I tread very carefully with it.
Regarding dbol, I personally don’t like it.
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12-06-2020, 07:18 PM #19
12-06-2020, 07:22 PM #20
I’ve never ran Deca high; only ever low dose. I’m leaning towards that for an upcoming cycle for sure though. How were your sides?
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12-06-2020, 07:27 PM #21
No sides at all truly I wasn’t even running an ai. The low test reduces sides for me. I’m think to go back to 900 maybe even try a bit higher. I have an arsenal of juice on hand likely 40-45 vials and various orals lol.
12-06-2020, 08:33 PM #22
Thanks for sharing that...
Possibly leaning towards the deca for my next one now!
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12-07-2020, 04:56 PM #23
I leaning towards rolling with the Deca cycle first (of the three referenced in my thread); that would bump the tren & EQ cycles to later.
In reviewing threads, and responses from other forumers, it seems that the most gains can be had with the least amount of side effects on this one. It’s either that or the EQ...
I am hesitant with Tren as it’s phenomenal it what it can accomplish, but it wreaks havoc on my interpersonal relations, patience, and sleep. It has had the best results on my physique in past cycles, but at a cost..
Are we agreed that this would be the best choice for mental and physical well-being? My long-term goals are to cut the waist down, build the arms, and I will be sitting pretty for the time being. What’s your opinion? As a refresher, below are the considered choices:
Tren E & Test C: 10-12 weeks
-300-400 Tren E (dependent on sides experienced)
-160-200 Test C (more than TRT dose may complicate the sides associated with Tren) ***
-.25mg Adex EOD or 25mg Aromasin ED (better as it won’t crush E2 or affect lipids) ** or 25mg Proviron daily
-.25 to .5mg Prami daily (less sides that caber) ** or .25 to .5mg Caber E3D
Deca & Test C: 12-16 weeks
-400-600 Deca
-400 Test C
-.25mg Adex EOD or 25mg Aromasin ED (better as it won’t crush E2 or affect lipids) ** or 25mg Proviron daily
-.25 to .5mg Prami daily (less sides that caber) ** or .25 to .5mg Caber E3D
EQ & Test C: 12-16 weeks
-600 Deca
-400 Test C
-.25mg Adex EOD or 25mg Aromasin ED (better as it won’t crush E2 or affect lipids) ** or 25mg Proviron daily
Should I consider implementing Masteron E at 300?****
-Tadalafil 5mg daily (to help with blood pressure) **
-500 TUDCA ED for the liver protection
*Per Austinites thread: https://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-...-reversal.html “19-Nortestosterone steroid such as nandrolone and Trenbolone can cause prolactin levels to become elevated MAINLY with the presence of excess estrogen. They are NOT a direct cause of high prolactin. While using prolactin inhibiting drugs will resolve issues, your first line of defense is controlling estrogen, as elevated estrogen can boost the effect of prolactin increase. It's not uncommon to prevent prolactin increase with the use of an AI. But the doses of 19-Nor steroids today, may prove that is somewhat ineffective. Leading to the necessity of having a secondary (and direct) compound to combat the effects.”
** Per JimmyInkedup thread: https://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-...nce-guide.html
*** Per Atomini’s thread: https://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-...ly-thread.html
**** Per SampsonandDelilah and Cuz
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