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Thread: Struggling to ejaculate end of cycle

  1. #1
    fish479 is offline New Member
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    Struggling to ejaculate end of cycle

    Hey guys, so I just finished my first cycle of 500mg SUS a week. I’ve been taking HCG 200u whenever I inject the sus.

    I’ve just finished my last injection 7 days ago.

    The last few weeks I’ve got myself a new missus and am struggling to cum, I can’t fucked for an hour and still not cum. I’m just wondering if I should up the HCg before my PCt and what everyone else’s experiences are?

  2. #2
    gjoney_b's Avatar
    gjoney_b is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fish479 View Post
    Hey guys, so I just finished my first cycle of 500mg SUS a week. I’ve been taking HCG 200u whenever I inject the sus.

    I’ve just finished my last injection 7 days ago.

    The last few weeks I’ve got myself a new missus and am struggling to cum, I can’t fucked for an hour and still not cum. I’m just wondering if I should up the HCg before my PCt and what everyone else’s experiences are?
    maybe add proviron

  3. #3
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fish479 View Post
    Hey guys, so I just finished my first cycle of 500mg SUS a week. I’ve been taking HCG 200u whenever I inject the sus.

    I’ve just finished my last injection 7 days ago.

    The last few weeks I’ve got myself a new missus and am struggling to cum, I can’t fucked for an hour and still not cum. I’m just wondering if I should up the HCg before my PCt and what everyone else’s experiences are?
    Me personally, I can tell my "loads" are bigger a day or two after I take HCG but it has no correlation to ejaculation.

  4. #4
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fish479 View Post
    Hey guys, so I just finished my first cycle of 500mg SUS a week. I’ve been taking HCG 200u whenever I inject the sus.

    I’ve just finished my last injection 7 days ago.

    The last few weeks I’ve got myself a new missus and am struggling to cum, I can’t fucked for an hour and still not cum. I’m just wondering if I should up the HCg before my PCt and what everyone else’s experiences are?

    My guess is it’s due to elevated prolactin’s notorious for that. Can throw random compounds at it and hope...or run labs.
    Cuz and clarky. like this.

  5. #5
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    You’re with a new girl so you’re a little nervous. Happens to me with every new relationship.
    Don’t masturbate until you come during sex. Then it will be fixed.

  6. #6
    fish479 is offline New Member
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    I might run some caber, as I need to order some more HCG and if that fails then get some labs done.

    I have slept with this girl loads of times and have cum fine I feel like it’s only been since my last injection. But I’m saying that being only 7 days my test levels shouldn’t have changed to much

  7. #7
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    My guess is it’s due to elevated prolactin’s notorious for that. Can throw random compounds at it and hope...or run labs.
    Was gonna say the exact the same thing

    If i was in this situation knowing what i know id take .5 mg caber eod for a week if i were just guessing at it sorta like a shitty mechanic lmao but yes bloodwork full hormone panel is needed for proper diagnosis or at least an educational diagnosis
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  8. #8
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by sampsonanddelilah View Post
    my guess is it’s due to elevated prolactin’s notorious for that. Can throw random compounds at it and hope...or run labs.
    x2...^^^ try and get blood work done ASAP.

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Not so sure about prolactin. Only running sust and you did not mention any AI's. So, yes test can raise prolactin levels even though it's not a progestin IF you let your E2 get completely out of control. Prolactin can follow estrogen, meaning it will rise but i don't think it would elevate near enough to be the root cause.

    That said, unless you say different I'd suspect your E2 is elevated and impacting you sexually. Yeah the current dogma is let your E2 rise with the test and don't control it unless you have to and you'll make better gains. This is true but when problems arise you have to mitigate them. Not everyone can handle super high E2.

    Right now you're coming off so hormones are in flux. Don't panic, just give it some time and stop thinking about it.
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  10. #10
    owias is offline New Member
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    Best HCG protocl for 12 weeks cycle is 500 ui weekly divided by two (250) until 12 weeks end then stop 2 weeks from last pin TEST
    then start PCT

  11. #11
    owias is offline New Member
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    Finally Check lab result for E2

  12. #12
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    I've experienced quite severe anorgasmia when on high does of Trenbolone ; I was able to get an erection just fine, but even after an hour or two of action I still couldn't orgasm.

    As I was taking Trenbolone at the time, my anorgasmia was almost certainly caused by an elevated level of prolactin.

    Since you are only taking 'Sustanon ', which is just Testosterone , it's unusual that you would experience anorgasmia. If anything, high testosterone only increases sexual ability. But as kelkel said, your estrogen could have gone very high leading to an increase in prolactin. If this is the case, it can also cause 'moon face', acne and tingly nipples. In more severe cases you could grow breasts. But maybe you're only getting one symptom.

    One last thing: You wrote 'SUS', which we all assume is Sustanon. Are you absolutely certain that you've been taking Testosterone all this time? I met a gym owner one time who thought 'Sus' was nandrolone . If you really are taking nandrolone instead of testosterone then it would certainly explain the anorgasmia (as nandrolone commonly sends prolactin high even when estrogen remains low).

    If bloodwork comes back with estrogen in low-to-normal range then my guess would be that you're injecting nandrolone -- but this is just a wild guess. Maybe it's actually testosterone, and maybe you have skyhigh estrogen right now.

  13. #13
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    Anorgasmia is real. I can totally relate. Heard a couple of great responses on here from blood work to check the prolactin and the rest of your levels. I would also suggest the PSA even though it is not a really good indication of prostate issues. I am an old buck and my endo/urologist has me on a lot more HCG (daily to EOD) and I can assure you it will not cure the Anorgasmia.

    Leave willy alone for a few days, no sex or anything including porn (no nut), and get out of your head. Your mind can also mess with you and cause anorgasmia. If the problem persists with nothing in the blood work go get a check-up with a urologist and have a prostate exam done.

  14. #14
    fish479 is offline New Member
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    Ok so I should actually post some more in depth if I want help.

    It is for sure Sustenon. I had bloods mid cycle and post here before test was very high, Estrogen as well. Prolactin a little high but still in normal range.

    I was taking Arimidex 0.25mg EOD but stopped about week 6 as I crashed my E2 and previously I wasn’t getting any high E2 symptoms.

    I have been on Setraline 100mg for 4 years (SSRI) which is known for causing sexual distinction in men especially ability to cum. I have had problems before that seem to come in waves well before I started steroids . So it isn’t completely out of the ordinary I would say the mixture of the two things have caused this.

    I had sex last night and this morning and came just fine. So this may well be a mental thing as well as I am going through a divorce as well and there are plenty of unresolved feelings.

    So as I’m typing this I’m answering my own question really there’s multiple reasons why I’m not the same in the bedroom. There’s plenty of things fighting against me lol.

    I will get bloods done and stop guessing at least I can put my mind at rest and actually know what’s going on.
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  15. #15
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
    Fluidic Kimbo is offline Morale Officer (de facto)
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    Quote Originally Posted by fish479 View Post
    I have been on Setraline 100mg for 4 years (SSRI) which is known for causing sexual distinction in men especially ability to cum. I have had problems before that seem to come in waves well before I started steroids. So it isn’t completely out of the ordinary I would say the mixture of the two things have caused this.
    If you ever decide to come off the SSRI, don't let your doctor do it in 2 weeks. Take 8 weeks to come off, for example I came off Lexapro/Escitalopram as follows:

    20, 17.5, 15, 12.5, 10, 7.5, 5, 2.5, 0

    This will be a lot easier if you start doing a weekly yoga / meditation class. Or maybe just go back to church on Sunday's or pick up a Bible here and there.

    Best piece of advice I can give you though is:
    Let's say you get to week 5 of 8, and now you're having difficulty getting out of bed in the morning and you're feeling a bit shitty, well increase dosage to what it was the previous week and pause it there for a month. So then after a month go back to the Week 5 dose and continue the original plan. Pause and retreat again as necessary til you reach 0.
    Test Monsterone likes this.

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