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Thread: Cycle advice

  1. #1
    MaxInferno is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Cycle advice

    Hey everyone, hoping to get some advice on my next planned cycle.

    Lean Bulk

    Stats 37, 5,11 185lbs about 15% BF

    NPP 150mg EOD 1-8 Weeks
    Test E 600 EW Tue & Sat 1-8 weeks
    TBOL 60MG ED 1-6 Weeks

    Liv 52 for organ support

    How much arimidex should I take?

    Any other suggestions for optimal results

    Thanks Max

  2. #2
    Wannabhuge14's Avatar
    Wannabhuge14 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxInferno View Post
    Hey everyone, hoping to get some advice on my next planned cycle.

    Lean Bulk

    Stats 37, 5,11 185lbs about 15% BF

    NPP 150mg EOD 1-8 Weeks
    Test E 600 EW Tue & Sat 1-8 weeks
    TBOL 60MG ED 1-6 Weeks

    Liv 52 for organ support

    How much arimidex should I take?

    Any other suggestions for optimal results

    Thanks Max
    Throw the arimidex in the trash. Add in Masterson instead.
    Cuz likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    At 185lbs you don't need 1.5 grams of gear a week.
    I've never done that much.

    Have you cycled before?

    You'd have to front load your test with such a short cycle.

    I've heard NAC is better than liv 52.

    How long have you been training?
    DustMan, Cuz and Honkey_Kong like this.

  4. #4
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    Hello MaxInferno....welcome to forums

    If you have some cycles prior i would suggest something like 400 test e or 300 test e with npp and mast p at 100 mg eod. Its a good cycle, im actually running that at the moment. You probably wont need an AI but you can have it on hand.

    Id second the mast and Nac strongly recommend.

  5. #5
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Adex dosage is a very personal thing, the need for it (or not) and how much depends on the cycle and the individual.

    0.25mg eod is considered a starter dose and you can tweak it from there.

    For those advising masteron instead.... I happen to love the stuff and think it makes pretty much any cycle a little better. However I'd say it is not a total replacement option for a real AI on hand, at least not if you aren't experienced enough in cycling and confident enough in your gear to already know what's up and how you react.
    David LoPan likes this.

  6. #6
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Most of your questions will be answered here. But you did say next cycle, so what is your history or successes with AAS? Why the short cycle? At 37, NAC would be a great choice and stay on it year-round for cholesterol/liver health. Are you gyno prone?

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