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  1. #1
    Doc M's Avatar
    Doc M is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Fina taste one batch, none the next

    Okay..This is for all of you more experienced Fina gurus..

    I have been on an EQ, Fina, and Prop cycle for about 8 weeks now..I have been on the Fina for @5 weeks..My first batch was a 4g kit..I have never used Fina before and wanted to see how I was going to react as far as sides go before brewing up a ton of it..Well, after the end of my 4th week I hadn't experienced too many sides other than a little initial acne and the dreaded "night sweats"..Good thing my wife is pregnant and sweats like crazy at night because I have the air down to 63 degrees and have a ceiling fan going, a stand up fan, and a smaller one on my night stand..I wake up and feel like I have just run a marathon..

    Anyway, I noticed the metallic taste in my mouth every time while shooting the first batch..I had a one day lapse, which was tuesday, because my second batch wasn't completed yet..So tuesday no shot of Fina..Wednesday I took a little extra, about 1.25 cc's to make up for the lapse and didn't get any metallic taste..Today(thrs), I took my second shot from the second batch and had no metallic taste again..

    Now, I have a theory that it may be due to the short half life of Fina..Since I skipped a day I am thinking it may be due to the half life.. and it is going to take a few days for my body to become saturated with the Fina..This is a thin theory because I am really not that experienced with Fina even though I have read tons of info on it..

    I just think it is odd that I would have the taste from one batch and not the next..Any thoughts or theories are much appreciated..

    I am taking 1cc ed..Thanks!!

    Doc M

  2. #2
    Doc M's Avatar
    Doc M is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well..I am going to bump this since I have no responses yet..

  3. #3
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think you are making things up for attention. Seriously, though, even with the half life issue, people taking it EOD still report the metallic taste. To be honest, I can't even speculate on this other than to point out the EOD experiences with which i'm anecdotally familiar.

  4. #4
    ColdSore's Avatar
    ColdSore is offline Banned
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    i havent experienced a "metalic taste" i do have cotton mouth all of the time though...

  5. #5
    custom fit is offline Member
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    I HAVE had the metallic tast in my mouth.

    when i opened the fina pellets i immediately smelled that "metallic taste" and my buddy couldn't, (how funny). when i shot the second batch i immediately had that taste.

    Wait untill you get the "fina cough" good stuff...ok not really.

  6. #6
    sin's Avatar
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    i cant give you a better guess than the one you gave, but i dont think this is the problem. when i did fina i started with every day, then after a few weeks i went to every other day, and i always had the matallic taste regardless of the skipped day. my only guess is that you lost more in this conversion and the dose is lower.

  7. #7
    Doc M's Avatar
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    Well, I was hoping for a few more comments or thoughts on this..Sin brought up a point I failed to mention..I am hesitant to believe it was from a loss in the conversion because I prepared this batch exactly the same as the first..I mean literally just like a science experiment..It was in a home lab setting, the amount of oil, time to convert, BA, and steps were exactly as before because I wanted to be able to track and log what I did and for what amount of time..That's a big part of the reason I am so perplexed with this..So, if anyone has any thoughts, I am all ears..

    And BigGreen..When does a future attorney fail to have any speculation?? I thought I would at least elicit a two paragraph response from you!!

    Doc M

  8. #8
    popa's Avatar
    popa is offline Senior Member
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    I get a weird taste in my throat as well...only sometimes, heard it has something to do with the fina saturating the muscles...wheres budda_red when you need him

  9. #9
    Doc M's Avatar
    Doc M is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    One last bump..Someone..Anything..

  10. #10
    sigrabbit's Avatar
    sigrabbit is offline Member
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    I don't know what to tell you Doc. I have yet to experience the metallic taste or Fina cough, but my nipples lactate a puss colored fluid if I squeeze around them, if that counts for anything. Bump.

  11. #11
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Doc, I wouldn't read much into it. I've never had a metallic taste or fina cough and I know my conversion is fine.

    Theirs probably a list of theories that could be derived, but I think this going along the lines of some get sides and some don't. One might get no acne on one test cycle, and break out bad on the next. BP could be elevated in one cycle and be completly normal with same compounds down the road.

  12. #12
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I know this is an older thread, but I have a thought here.

    Doc, was there any difference in the conversion process between the two steps? The reason I ask is that using heat in your conversion tends to oxidize your tren . Differing amounts of heat produce differing levels of oxidation. It is not known by how much or to what extent the tren is changed by this oxidation, but it has to be altered in some way. Whether this alteration is for the worse or not I don't know. Perhaps the second batch had more heat applied to it, thus altering a greater amount of tren and lowering the effective dose. Just a thought...


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