12-31-2020, 01:41 PM #1
Suggestions For This Bulking Cycle?
Been years since I've done a cycle. I used to be a personal trainer, so I have everything in check at this point and just want to get back into cycles to put on serious mass again. Here is what I'm looking at:
12 Week Cycle:
Weeks 1-12 - 600mg Test Cyp
Weeks 1-12 - 400mg Deca
Weeks 1-6 - 50mg Dbol
Weeks 2-12 - 0.5mg/eod Adex
I was considering Methyltrienolone in place of the Dbol, as I love the idea of staying leaner while bulking up. I never tried it before and heard it's harsh on the liver, but I don't drink at all while on cycles and also supplement with milk thistle whenever I'm using alpha-alkylated orals to help protect the liver as well.
No worries as far as PCT. Doing TRT after the cycle, so I'm just looking for feedback on the cycle itself at this point. It's been so long I just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything I've missed out on or anything I might want to change up there.
12-31-2020, 01:49 PM #2
I’ve run pretty much the exact same thing, and had great results. Only thing I did differently was no adex and added in 200mg of Masteron .
12-31-2020, 01:51 PM #3
Your cycle is a tried and true bulker. I ran Dbol recently and stayed lean on it, it’s certainly possible
12-31-2020, 03:43 PM #4
Basic proven and works . i personally like to run 14 to 16 weeks cycle with deca in there and you dont have to worry abt pct thats a plus .as far as Methyltrienolone goes its really toxic. High toxicity means suppressed appetite and fatigue
and they both are a big NO on bulking cycle as you need food to grow instead go for Anadrol if you want to break some PRs. Less toxic plus your appetite isnt supressed that much. keep your water retention in check and drink plenty of water and eat 6 to 7 good meals a day . You ll be good to go.
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