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Thread: Feeling very ill, is it the tren?

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    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
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    Feeling very ill, is it the tren?

    This would be week 10 of my cycle consisting of 400mg test c, 400mg mast e, and 400mg tren e per week.

    I can’t tell if it’s a coincidence or it’s the tren but I have felt the worst I’ve ever felt in my life. I am weak in the gym, but this is probably related to my absolute lack of appetite- which has been fine with me as I am strictly cutting this cycle.

    My acid reflux has been pretty bad. I take Prilosec once a day usually but since being on cycle I have had to start using it twice a day- even though I hardly eat.

    Anyways, the reason for this post was for the past week I have had a terrible headache- sharp pain in the front and sides. I guess it would be consider a stress headache. Tylenol or Motrin doesn’t touch it. Tuesday night I go to bed and wake up about 1:00am to pee and my head is on fire and I don’t feel right. Never really got back to sleep. I went to work that day dragging ass, came home feeling like dog sh*t- head felt like it was on fire, body was cold, headache, felt weak. My wife said my head was very hot to the touch but I was not running a fever according to the thermometer- but I had every symptom of a fever. My wife gave me Tylenol and Motrin and I was sleeping by 7:30 that night. I woke up at 9:30 and felt like I was drowning. I was literally soaked like I had just got out of the shower. I soak my sheets and all my pillows, I even soaked the comforter. But I felt like a different person- basically 100% better night and day difference. After changing all the sheets I got back to sleep and went to work the next day feeling so much better- although I could still feel something is off in the background. I wake up today and I’m right back to square one. I woke up in a smaller pool of sweat- but still soak the sheets where I was laying. I feel the same exact fever symptoms I felt the other day and haven’t been able to shake them. I’m dreading sleep tonight because I really don’t want to wake up in a cold wet bed again. We check my temp again and I’m still at 98.5F

    I stopped my cycle before Christmas so it has been a little over a week since I last injected tren. I’m currently just back on a trt dose of 100mg per week of test e. I know tren is harsh and I’ve heard the horror stories and I know it causes night sweats, although I haven’t experienced them until now. Could all these headaches and fever symptoms I’m getting be caused by tren? Does it sometimes do this as its “leaving your body”?
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  2. #2
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Again, thats why i always run short ester cycles in case i run into a “what if” scenario and have to dump the cycle. Im not sure, it could several things. You could actually be sick, it could be the drugs, i cant say. I would definitely dump the cycle and see what happens if symptoms worsen u will need medical professional advice
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  3. #3
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    For me with tren it gets worse the longer I run it.
    I can handle 4 weeks but by 8 weeks I’ve had enough.

  4. #4
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
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    I have ran ace before and never had these issues, but that was a little shorter than this run. I stopped the cycle last week so I was on it a total of 9 weeks. I was actually just starting to feel the harness and full muscle feeling too. But I do believe it is responsible for how I’ve been feeling but with all this virus talk I was worried. I have handled every type of aas I’ve ever put in my body very well and I’m just very surprised I could be reacting to this compound this way. I mean, I’m actually having trouble peeing lol I’ve never had any of these issues before, even on a gram of test a week lol

  5. #5
    Meloncap78's Avatar
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    I guess I’m the lucky one. I’m almost 5 weeks in on 300mg ace and barely have sides. Your sides sound typical from what I’ve read. Now my buddy on the other hand is running the same tren and dose as me and already wants to jump off a cliff. Hopefully it leaves your system quick and you get back to normal. No one wants to feel like trash on a cycle.

  6. #6
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Tren is a mofo and what you’re experiencing is why people shy away from it. All of what you’re feeling is totally normal, it sucks but it comes with the territory. The good news is it’ll get better with each passing day, you’ve probably weathered the hardest parts. I’d drink a lot of greens and hydrate the shit out of myself. Some saw palmetto can help with the peeing or just some 5 mg cialis. Hang tough brother, hopefully the juice was worth the squeeze
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 12-31-2020 at 08:57 PM.
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    Lethal Hamburger's Avatar
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    I am limited as to what I can reply here due to the spam controls etc.
    My experience with the cattle stuff and the human stuff, is to keep the human stuff at trt levels when using the long ester cattle stuff.
    Control e2 and the cattle stuff has less issues.
    Come on 25 posts, this is hard work lol.

  8. #8
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply’s everyone. I woke up this morning still feeling a little shitty- head is hot with pressure, and just feel a little weak and run down. I did not wake up in a pool of sweat though!

    I know the golden rule with tren is to run tren ace first to see how you respond and I did that about three years ago and had none of these symptoms. It was very tough to come off as I look the best I have ever looked and I kept wondering what a couple more weeks would do... but 9 weeks was all I could take so I pulled the plug lol

    I think I will stay away from tren from now on and just stick to all the other aas that have been good to me. But I’m afraid the way I look on this cycle will always be in the back of my mind tempting me to “give it one more try” lol

  9. #9
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lethal Hamburger View Post
    I am limited as to what I can reply here due to the spam controls etc.
    My experience with the cattle stuff and the human stuff, is to keep the human stuff at trt levels when using the long ester cattle stuff.
    Control e2 and the cattle stuff has less issues.
    Come on 25 posts, this is hard work lol.

    Agree with this, I do SO much better on TRT levels of test when running tren . Also why I’m a fan of running mast and proviron with 19 nors, especially tren
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  10. #10
    Lethal Hamburger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Thanks for the reply’s everyone. I woke up this morning still feeling a little shitty- head is hot with pressure, and just feel a little weak and run down. I did not wake up in a pool of sweat though!

    I know the golden rule with tren is to run tren ace first to see how you respond and I did that about three years ago and had none of these symptoms. It was very tough to come off as I look the best I have ever looked and I kept wondering what a couple more weeks would do... but 9 weeks was all I could take so I pulled the plug lol

    I think I will stay away from tren from now on and just stick to all the other aas that have been good to me. But I’m afraid the way I look on this cycle will always be in the back of my mind tempting me to “give it one more try” lol
    Thats great news man. Probably the best bet was to dump the cycle tbh. A positive take away will be that as tren e reduces through its half lives you will still get some gains while your symptoms subside.

    Did you check your blood pressure during your cycle? First time round running tren I choose the enanthate ester as it just makes sense to have smooth and long rises in blood levels rather than the jaggered spike seen with the acetate estered tren. Even when pinning ace frequently the blood concentration of tren spikes each time as it is more readily cleaved from the acetate ester. To add to this the acetate ester allows for more tren to be released mg for mg when compared to the enanthate ester.

    From memory my first tren e cycle was 250 per week with 125 test e. It was incredible! After many tren e cycles now I still run less than 400 and get the best of both worlds.
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    I haven’t check my blood pressure... I have had a couple dr appointments during the cycle and it was always fine then... blood pressure is never a concern of mine... it’s one of those things that my body just keeps perfect regardless of what I do lol
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  12. #12
    Lethal Hamburger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I haven’t check my blood pressure... I have had a couple dr appointments during the cycle and it was always fine then... blood pressure is never a concern of mine... it’s one of those things that my body just keeps perfect regardless of what I do lol
    Thats something to keep track of just to be on the safe side. Tren has a reputation for bumping up blood pressure. That is, if you plan to journey down the left hand path again..

    How did you end up with a dose of 400? Just asking out of curiosity.
    400 is like setting a claymour for an April fools day prank especially if it's your first flirt with the pandoras box of the aas world.

  13. #13
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
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    I ran tren ace about 3 years ago- that was my first run with tren and I handled it very well. I believe I was using somewhere around 300mg. The tren e I have now is 200mg/ml so I just decided on two 1ml shots 2x a week. Plus the masterone I was using was also 200mg/ml and everyone says as a rule of thumb to match your mast dose to your tren.
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  14. #14
    Lethal Hamburger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I ran tren ace about 3 years ago- that was my first run with tren and I handled it very well. I believe I was using somewhere around 300mg. The tren e I have now is 200mg/ml so I just decided on two 1ml shots 2x a week. Plus the masterone I was using was also 200mg/ml and everyone says as a rule of thumb to match your mast dose to your tren.
    Got it. Yup mast and tren the same is smart. Eq works well for me in place of mast if need be. Maybe next time trt levels of test might be the difference you are looking for?
    Something experienced users mostly agree on, if you need to run ais to control test aromatisation sides wouldn't it be better to simply run less test at low doses when you have a pack horse like tren on the job. Regardless of ai use this should indicate the effects aromatising compounds have when 19 nors are involved.
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  15. #15
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
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    Man I just don’t get how it can make you feel this way.. have people experienced fever symptoms for multiple days in a row on tren ? I literally have every symptom of a fever but no actual fever. It just doesn’t quit either.. it sticks with me all day and night. Some days are better than others. I’ll wake up one day feeling a little bit better but by the end of that day I’m worse. Or I’ll wake up the next morning worse. I don’t mean to complain, I just need to vent as I am frustrated and honestly a little concerned.
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  16. #16
    Lethal Hamburger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Man I just don’t get how it can make you feel this way.. have people experienced fever symptoms for multiple days in a row on tren? I literally have every symptom of a fever but no actual fever. It just doesn’t quit either.. it sticks with me all day and night. Some days are better than others. I’ll wake up one day feeling a little bit better but by the end of that day I’m worse. Or I’ll wake up the next morning worse. I don’t mean to complain, I just need to vent as I am frustrated and honestly a little concerned.
    It sounds like inflammation of the tren kind to me. Some feally get rocked by it and others get a mild version.Word of advice, avoid tren during summer lol.

  17. #17
    Gallowmere's Avatar
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    Feeling very ill, is it the tren?

    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Man I just don’t get how it can make you feel this way.. have people experienced fever symptoms for multiple days in a row on tren? I literally have every symptom of a fever but no actual fever. It just doesn’t quit either.. it sticks with me all day and night. Some days are better than others. I’ll wake up one day feeling a little bit better but by the end of that day I’m worse. Or I’ll wake up the next morning worse. I don’t mean to complain, I just need to vent as I am frustrated and honestly a little concerned.
    Anything above 350/wk of Ace and I feel like wretched dogshit after about week six. Haven’t tried Enan yet, but that’s my next experimental adventure.
    The only way that I can tell it’s working as intended is by my training log. Life in general is a pain in the ass, but strength PRs just keep coming.
    When you consider that Tren hits certain pathways harder than any other AAS (thyroid and glucocorticoid specifically), it makes sense. While both of these things make it the ideal “hold or build lean tissue in a hypocaloric state” AAS, it also means that it fucks with your systemic recovery like crazy. This is just made far worse if an individual is very prone to the sleep interruption side effect.
    I think a lot of people in this game forget just how important sleep is sometimes. I don’t give a shit how many grams of what you’re slamming down, if you’re not sleeping enough, it WILL catch up to you pretty quickly.
    Only three things will kill you within a short period if you go without them: breathing, drinking water and sleeping. Considering that Tren often fucks with two of those, it makes even more sense.

  18. #18
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    Fuck Tren , I’m never taking that. It’s poison. Taking poison for vanity is dumb IMO, no offense. I’d rather look like shit and feel good, than feel like shit and look good.
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  19. #19
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
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    Yes no more tren for me. Definitely not worth it. Test, deca , dbol ... I’ve used those the most and they have been very good to me.

    I couldn’t sleep last night. At 9:30 I took 5mg ambien... I was still awake at 12:30 so I took another one and about three unisom otc sleep pills... still couldn’t sleep. Sometime after 2 or 3am I believe I finally fell asleep. As of right now I feel ok and I am not in a pool of sweat.
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  20. #20
    Lethal Hamburger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Anything above 350/wk of Ace and I feel like wretched dogshit after about week six. Haven’t tried Enan yet, but that’s my next experimental adventure.
    The only way that I can tell it’s working as intended is by my training log. Life in general is a pain in the ass, but strength PRs just keep coming.
    When you consider that Tren hits certain pathways harder than any other AAS (thyroid and glucocorticoid specifically), it makes sense. While both of these things make it the ideal “hold or build lean tissue in a hypocaloric state” AAS, it also means that it fucks with your systemic recovery like crazy. This is just made far worse if an individual is very prone to the sleep interruption side effect.
    I think a lot of people in this game forget just how important sleep is sometimes. I don’t give a shit how many grams of what you’re slamming down, if you’re not sleeping enough, it WILL catch up to you pretty quickly.
    Only three things will kill you within a short period if you go without them: breathing, drinking water and sleeping. Considering that Tren often fucks with two of those, it makes even more sense.
    Nice wording. It's all about finding that sweet spot in dosing to make it all work. I personally love tren e. Its very predictable and pinning twice a week is no real hassle.
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  21. #21
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Thanks for the reply’s everyone. I woke up this morning still feeling a little shitty- head is hot with pressure, and just feel a little weak and run down. I did not wake up in a pool of sweat though!

    I know the golden rule with tren is to run tren ace first to see how you respond and I did that about three years ago and had none of these symptoms. It was very tough to come off as I look the best I have ever looked and I kept wondering what a couple more weeks would do... but 9 weeks was all I could take so I pulled the plug lol

    I think I will stay away from tren from now on and just stick to all the other aas that have been good to me. But I’m afraid the way I look on this cycle will always be in the back of my mind tempting me to “give it one more try” lol
    I would personally never run tren e until your very familiar with ace. the reason why is every run with tren can be different. if you want to run long ester tren stay with hex. hex is the best ester of tren hands down not even close.
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    I would personally never run tren e until your very familiar with ace. the reason why is every run with tren can be different. if you want to run long ester tren stay with hex. hex is the best ester of tren hands down not even close.
    That seems logical if you enjoy the spike and trough of short esters.
    When you pin a short ester compound the active hormone once it is cleaved from its ester, hits your bloodstream in a torent then due to its short half life it then steadily declines until the next pinning. This causes more issues than a long ester in the general population. If this theory is in correct, try asking your endocrinogist or similiar for a trt script of test prop.

    Users go wrong when they jump on the internet and start taking advice from strangers and gurus who have completely different hx and physiology than them, and start on doses that imho are waaay too high.
    As an old school trainee and coach I believe doses are overall ridiculously high.
    Keep it safe, take your time and start low. A methodical approach is needed with tren to gain consistant results from tren in general. Even by changing injection sites you alter the protocol.
    I started on 125mg tren e and the same of test e. After many cycles I stay at 375mg tren e and 125 test. As for sides, minimal and nothing compared to prop or sust flu.
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  23. #23
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lethal Hamburger View Post
    That seems logical if you enjoy the spike and trough of short esters.
    When you pin a short ester compound the active hormone once it is cleaved from its ester, hits your bloodstream in a torent then due to its short half life it then steadily declines until the next pinning. This causes more issues than a long ester in the general population. If this theory is in correct, try asking your endocrinogist or similiar for a trt script of test prop.

    Users go wrong when they jump on the internet and start taking advice from strangers and gurus who have completely different hx and physiology than them, and start on doses that imho are waaay too high.
    As an old school trainee and coach I believe doses are overall ridiculously high.
    Keep it safe, take your time and start low. A methodical approach is needed with tren to gain consistant results from tren in general. Even by changing injection sites you alter the protocol.
    I started on 125mg tren e and the same of test e. After many cycles I stay at 375mg tren e and 125 test. As for sides, minimal and nothing compared to prop or sust flu.
    the spike and trough happens regardless of ester. short esters only have this problem if your not dosing properly. most people who have run both ace and enth say they have far more sides using enth.

    i agree most doses are much higher than they should be, but there is some low quality shit floating around that contributes to this as well. like when you see people running 100mg of dbol when 30mg of blue hearts is enough for most people until there well above 200lbs.
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    the spike and trough happens regardless of ester. short esters only have this problem if your not dosing properly. most people who have run both ace and enth say they have far more sides using enth.

    i agree most doses are much higher than they should be, but there is some low quality shit floating around that contributes to this as well. like when you see people running 100mg of dbol when 30mg of blue hearts is enough for most people until there well above 200lbs.
    It is true that the spike and trough happens regardless of ester but the often omitted and vital factor is that the spike and trough is more pronounced in short ester compounds so too are sides if dosing is high enough. Yes that is correct, dosing would then need to be adjusted (upwards) as you need higher amounts to buffer the faster decline of a short ester within the cer time frame.
    The end result is the body sees are higher level of hormone and lower level of hormone more frequently compared to long esters. This has been the reason why trt compounds have stayed in long ester form.

    I gather the reason for users complaints of long esters is that they dose too high, then when peak blood levels are achieved its a case of too much compound becoming available and holding over a steady period.

    I agree on the underdosing 100% That can create chaos with any protocol and is the curse attached with the illegality involving aas sale and use (depending on country).
    Last edited by Lethal Hamburger; 01-02-2021 at 06:37 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Agree with this, I do SO much better on TRT levels of test when running tren. Also why I’m a fan of running mast and proviron with 19 nors, especially tren
    Same here. TRT only as Atonomis’s (however it’s spelled) thread outlines...

    But, I haven’t tried Proviron yet due to what reads as harsh cholesterol sides...tren is already harsh enough. Mast is also harsh in the same way..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lethal Hamburger View Post
    Thats great news man. Probably the best bet was to dump the cycle tbh. A positive take away will be that as tren e reduces through its half lives you will still get some gains while your symptoms subside.

    Did you check your blood pressure during your cycle? First time round running tren I choose the enanthate ester as it just makes sense to have smooth and long rises in blood levels rather than the jaggered spike seen with the acetate estered tren. Even when pinning ace frequently the blood concentration of tren spikes each time as it is more readily cleaved from the acetate ester. To add to this the acetate ester allows for more tren to be released mg for mg when compared to the enanthate ester.

    From memory my first tren e cycle was 250 per week with 125 test e. It was incredible! After many tren e cycles now I still run less than 400 and get the best of both worlds.
    Same here. Planning the same cycle for March.

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  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronClydes View Post
    Same here. Planning the same cycle for March.

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    Just a tip to add to that basic cycle. You can run the masteron with tren but also run nolva at 10mg per day while on tren and mast.
    Nolva acts as an estrogen on receptors in the liver and clinical evidence exists that shows a MARKED improvement in lipids.I simplified this as best I could lol.
    I have seen these results reflected in my own lipid panels. Believe me it was surprising the difference.
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lethal Hamburger View Post
    Just a tip to add to that basic cycle. You can run the masteron with tren but also run nolva at 10mg per day while on tren and mast.
    Nolva acts as an estrogen on receptors in the liver and clinical evidence exists that shows a MARKED improvement in lipids.I simplified this as best I could lol.
    I have seen these results reflected in my own lipid panels. Believe me it was surprising the difference.
    I’ve been planning another Tren cycle in early March. Sleep is usually an issue. So are lipids. I have heard that nolva is a good supplement to incorporate… I have also heard that the opposite is true; that it usually only has a role in PCT.

    Im looking at 100 EOD Tren E, 60 EOD Test C (trt dose), 30 EOD Deca (trt dose), and .25 Adex EOD.

    I will increase Tren if sides permit.

    How would you work the Nolva and Proviron into this? Is it Mast and Proviron, or one of them only?

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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronClydes View Post
    I’ve been planning another Tren cycle in early March. Sleep is usually an issue. So are lipids. I have heard that nolva is a good supplement to incorporate… I have also heard that the opposite is true; that it usually only has a role in PCT.

    Im looking at 100 EOD Tren E, 60 EOD Test C (trt dose), 30 EOD Deca (trt dose), and .25 Adex EOD.

    I will increase Tren if sides permit.

    How would you work the Nolva and Proviron into this? Is it Mast and Proviron, or one of them only?

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    It really seems to be a matter of individual preference. Mast and tren has been one of those synergistic stacks that gets picked from the shelf more often. Masterons utility is best suited to lower bf% for aesthetic augmentation.

    Proviron lifts mood, enables more free test due to it's interaction with shbg and potentially inhibits tren gyno in such a complex manner to explain, that assembling a replica of the large hadron collider from Lego would look simple by comparison. It also helps with libido if pushing other compounds hard.
    I always recommend running nolva at 10mg/daily with harsh compounds like masteron , tren and orals that also smash lipid panels. The reading I have done regarding adversely effecting gains on cycle seems to be based around the research on both pre and postmenopausal woman who have cancer.
    The lowering effects of Igf-1 and hgh are seen most when the clinical studies are funded by cancer research groups. I kid you not.

    As for pct. I have not seen good enough evidence that fertility clinic protocols can decrease recovery time any faster than those who don't pct in long term users. Lets face it, pct is usually just a gap fill untill the next cycle. Most users at the beginning bounce back so why over use nolva at the end of cycle unless treating gyno issues that could have been prevented during the cycle at lower doses.
    Never confuse a serm with an ai. They do completely different things physiologically. Ais are satan with a boner. If you avoid their use you will have won half the battle.

    Btw if you are on trt and suffer raised estrogen, try using a supplement called dim in place of an ai. It saves me a small fortune and yeilds the same results as an ai.
    Last edited by Lethal Hamburger; 01-03-2021 at 03:46 PM.
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  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lethal Hamburger View Post
    It really seems to be a matter of individual preference. Mast and tren has been one of those synergistic stacks that gets picked from the shelf more often. Masterons utility is best suited to lower bf% for aesthetic augmentation.

    Proviron lifts mood, enables more free test due to it's interaction with shbg and potentially inhibits tren gyno in such a complex manner to explain, that assembling a replica of the large hadron collider from Lego would look simple by comparison. It also helps with libido if pushing other compounds hard.
    I always recommend running nolva at 10mg/daily with harsh compounds like masteron , tren and orals that also smash lipid panels. The reading I have done regarding adversely effecting gains on cycle seems to be based around the research on both pre and postmenopausal woman who have cancer.
    The lowering effects of Igf-1 and hgh are seen most when the clinical studies are funded by cancer research groups. I kid you not.

    As for pct. I have not seen good enough evidence that fertility clinic protocols can decrease recovery time any faster than those who don't pct in long term users. Lets face it, pct is usually just a gap fill untill the next cycle. Most users at the beginning bounce back so why over use nolva at the end of cycle unless treating gyno issues that could have been prevented during the cycle at lower doses.
    Never confuse a serm with an ai. They do completely different things physiologically. Ais are satan with a boner. If you avoid their use you will have won half the battle.

    Btw if you are on trt and suffer raised estrogen, try using a supplement called dim in place of an ai. It saves me a small fortune and yeilds the same results as an ai.
    Thank you for your help.

    So, with my following planned cycle, you would remove the AI and move forward as-is (keeping AI on hand as needed)?

    Tren E & Test C: 10-12 weeks
100-125 Tren E EOD (more if sides are controlled)
60 Test C EOD (TRT dose)
30 Deca EOD (ongoing w/TRT)
50 Proviron ED (25 am; 25 pm)
10 Cialis daily (blood pressure & heart health)
10 Nolva daily (lipid support)
.25 Adex EOD (AI)
*Prami/Caber will be on hand as needed; in my previous Tren cycles I didn’t use Nolvadex (I’ve heard I may want to consider to minimize need for an AI), but I was at .25 Adex EOD & .5 Prami ED (or .25 Caber twice weekly).

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  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronClydes View Post
    Thank you for your help.

    So, with my following planned cycle, you would remove the AI and move forward as-is (keeping AI on hand as needed)?

    Tren E & Test C: 10-12 weeks
100-125 Tren E EOD (more if sides are controlled)
60 Test C EOD (TRT dose)
30 Deca EOD (ongoing w/TRT)
50 Proviron ED (25 am; 25 pm)
10 Cialis daily (blood pressure & heart health)
10 Nolva daily (lipid support)
.25 Adex EOD (AI)
*Prami/Caber will be on hand as needed; in my previous Tren cycles I didn’t use Nolvadex (I’ve heard I may want to consider to minimize need for an AI), but I was at .25 Adex EOD & .5 Prami ED (or .25 Caber twice weekly).

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    I would avoid using the ai until symptoms start but the best approach is blood tests before mid and post cycle to determine estradiol levels.
    AIs are best avoided if possible.

    It makes sense to have an ai on hand, yes.
    Guys who just take them as a recommended protocol from the internet, without first knowing how much aromatisation takes place in their own body with a particular drug protocol are just rolling the side effects dice.

    Most users dabbling in aas don't have medical or scientific backgrounds but instead rely on anecdotal findings of others and their own exps. Honestly record your results as they will be unique to your physiology and serve the purpose of providing valuable data later on as you progress.
    Learn about androgen/estrogen ratios and build from there.
    Flat out, polypharmacy that includes an ai is just plain worrying. Yet because it is parroted across the universe, it somehow became set in stone to run them automatically.

    Just some points to consider and sorry if this sounds directed at anyones ideas.
    Last edited by Lethal Hamburger; 01-03-2021 at 06:39 PM.
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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lethal Hamburger View Post
    I would avoid using the ai until symptoms start but the best approach is blood tests before mid and post cycle to determine estradiol levels.
    AIs are best avoided if possible.

    It makes sense to have an ai on hand, yes.
    Guys who just take them as a recommended protocol from the internet, without first knowing how much aromatisation takes place in their own body with a particular drug protocol are just rolling the side effects dice.

    Most users dabbling in aas don't have medical or scientific backgrounds but instead rely on anecdotal findings of others and their own exps. Honestly record your results as they will be unique to your physiology and serve the purpose of providing valuable data later on as you progress.
    Learn about androgen/estrogen ratios and build from there.
    Flat out, polypharmacy that includes an ai is just plain worrying. Yet because it is parroted across the universe, it somehow became set in stone to run them automatically.

    Just some points to consider and sorry if this sounds directed at anyones ideas.
    Well said.

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  33. #33
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    It’s been two weeks now since I last injected tren ... still feeling like death- just every symptom of a fever without the fever lol. I know you can never be too careful and when in doubt you should always see a doctor but I’d hate to miss work and spend money on an office visit only to be told they can’t find anything. And obviously I’d have to omit the fact I’ve been using tren lol. Have you guys seen sides like this last this long? I’m just beyond puzzled at what it could be and why I went 8-9 weeks with no real sides and then all the sudden I can barely function.

  34. #34
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    If it were me, id go see a doc immediately. Tell them your symptoms and you dont know why or what happened. Dont mention gear. Id damn sure not worry about missing a days work for a potential serious health issue...I understand your concern that it will be a waste of time but if you do not go get a professional examination things could get worse.
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  35. #35
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    Feeling very ill, is it the tren?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    If it were me, id go see a doc immediately. Tell them your symptoms and you dont know why or what happened. Dont mention gear. Id damn sure not worry about missing a days work for a potential serious health issue...I understand your concern that it will be a waste of time but if you do not go get a professional examination things could get worse.
    I second this... Tren is beyond half life now

    At the very least, get a decent full panel of bloods so you can at least see and understand what might be happening better

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  36. #36
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    Do you have an RX for TRT? If so, tell them it was a test cyp injection that had you feeling icky. Otherwise just go in and tell them you’re symptoms.
    They’re not going to arrest you, best to run labs as mentioned and have them give you a routine exam
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  37. #37
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    You could easily have the flu or covid or something else. I would see a doctor.
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  38. #38
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    Woke up in a pool of sweat this morning. I think I’ll schedule an appointment.

  39. #39
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    If I felt the way you described in your first post, I would come off all the gear. I might even stop working out altogether and just rest for a week or two or three.

    Sure, it could be Covid19 or some unidentified bacterial/viral infection, but either way I personally would come off.

    Also I just want to throw this one out there:
    You can wake up covered in sweat with your bed sheets soaked for a mental/emotional reason. I have experienced this before. People who are under a lot of psychological strain, or stress from work, or who have had a recent bereavement, can wake up in a pool of salty sweat.

  40. #40
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    You can tell them you took some supplement for lifting, and not mention steroids . They can deduce that you may taken something that contains steroids and go from there. That will at least give them somewhere to start. I definitely would take everyone's advice and see a doctor. There's nothing like peace of mind.

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