Hey all, new here. Been on TRT for 4 years. 170mg test cyp / 1000 iu hCG, split into two doses over a week.

It's great, and I'd say I've gotten all the quality of life improvements I was expecting.

Main issue: extreme anxiety about supply chain interruption. If shit hit the fan, the idea of going cold turkey on test is terrifying.

Two basic question areas:

1: What is the best type of test for longer term storage? I use test cyp currently. Is there a better compound for longer term storage? What is the shelf life for test? How long with lyophilized hCG store?

2: NOT asking for specifics, but in terms of procuring, should I just go through one of the sites that is commonly discussed here, such as Ashop? I have purchased injectable SARMs this way and am comfortable with that, but never done so with anabolics.

Overall guys I am open and thankful for any input or advice you can give on this.