Hello Brothers!
I ran test e and stana in the year 2019 and had the best time of my life. No sides and total recovery now. Did PCT too.
I ran another cycle pre lockdown but had to stop it within 4-6 weeks and it was test e only (with some anavar and just 2 shots of tren Ace because I was foolish), but I did PCT nonetheless and now it's been 1 year again.

I have gained a fuck ton of weight in lockdown and managed to get red of 4 kilos out of the 15 I gained.
I don't have a schedule to dedicate my whole self for 3 months to cut naturally which is why I was hoping to run a recomp cycle and keep the gains and maintain from there on. (Because that will get me results faster)

This is what I was thinking
-Test E @ 250mg (or less since I get full of water quickly) twice a week for 12 weeks
-Stana @ 25mg EOD in the last 3 weeks
- HCG @ 500 IU /week for 12 weeks
- PCT would be Clomid 75/50/50/50 and Nolva 20/20/10/10 (please advice here)
That's all, maybe throw in some clen and t3 it's just that I fear clen's cardiac effects

Also, if I run Var and Stana only, I know I will feel like shit and tops I will go would be 3 weeks on Stana and 5 weeks on Var, will I be shutdown or just suppressed and if so, do I need to PCT after still?

Thank you, please give your thoughts. I may have fucked up here and there since it's been so long and I haven't touched up on this topic.