Hey guys. I feel like a real pussy posting this but I need help. Going through depression and suicidal thoughts and heartbreak. Just want your input if it the steriods are making it worse and if I should start up another cycle. Cause its time soon.
So basically I've been depressed for 3 or 4years. Before I started roids. And coming off them was always easy. 2 weeks of feeling like shit. Np. This cycle however I did alot more then usual. And I was warned by you guys that it was too much. But im an idiot. Here is my cycle
16 weeks of t400 1000mg a week
Last 8 weeks tren a 250mg a week
Last 5 weeks 400 mg a week of mast e
Weeks 1-4 30 mg of superdrol a day
Last 6 weeks 60 mg of anavar a day
Week 1-4 hcg 500 ui a week
.25mg of ameridex end
And did my pct after cycle
I got help from a local guy to cut about 4 weeks into cycle. He told me to stop hcg, replace nolva with ameridex for ai, and through in some tren a, i questioned the short ether. He said incase you react bad you can get off it quick. Ok. Whatever. Now just before I came off this cycle I just fell in love with someone and vise versa. Her dad died and she had a nervous breakdown. And things ended pretty quick. So I'm just wonder if you think. Couple questions I have too
1- did dropping hcg after 4 weeks have an effect on my now possibly low test levels
2 - should I get my test levels checked before I start another cycle
3 - should I just ride it out.
4- first time doing tren, did it fuck me up
6- should I do some hcg?
7- is it just heartbreak?
Btw im never like this, crying over a girl. I feel like a bitch. 5 years ago I said depression is for chicks. I guess karma is butt fucking me now. I appreciate any input guys. Only thing stopping from putting a bullet in my head is my son. I csnt leave him.
And sorry if its hard to read. Im also really lazy and dumb recently. Still lifting though💪Also I've been off gear for 3 months now. Fyi, thanks guys