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Thread: Question About Injecting-Will be doing tonight

  1. #1

    Question Question About Injecting-Will be doing tonight

    Hello everyone, I have a question about injecting. I will be injecting into my bum tonight if I get around to it, this will be my first injection and I'm kinda nervous but anxious at the same time. I have a couple of questions about this. First of all I know you are supposed to inject into the upper most outter quadrant of my bum, but my question is this a guy at the gym said an easy way to find the spot is take your thumb and put it on your hip bone then stretched your middle finger around to your bum until its right around that upper most outter part has anyone heard of doing this, because im not sure really how far up to go or how low I can go. Another question is this after I fill my syringe with AS, I want to switch needles to a sharper needle but my friend said if I switch needles I will lose about 1/4cc of AS in the needle head. Is there away to save this oil purhaps pull on syringe to fill more air wouldn't this pull that oil in needle head into syringe? My last question is, I have 22 ga 1 1/2 needles how far should I inject it all the way except about 1/8th the needle showing incase breake off I have more fat on my butt now than muscle and 1 1/2 seems long ways lol? Oh and my syringes says the measure ment in ML instead of CC If I'm going to inject 1 cc I would fill it up to the 1 ML mark correct? Most these questions I prob. answered myself but it's finally coming down to it and I'm kinda nervous Thanks for finally tips and help bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Grand_Cannons
    Hello everyone, I have a question about injecting. I will be injecting into my bum tonight if I get around to it,
    Was this a pun?

    anyways, yes 1cc=1ml
    -look at for pics if you need them
    -i usually just flex my glute to get the idea where to inject-do this unless your bf is too high
    -With the switching needles deal, yes it is a good idea! and youll figure out how to minimize loss as you get more acquainted with syringes/etc.
    -as far as injecting, at least sink the needle 1", depending on bf
    -and remember to Breathe!
    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    South Carolina
    1cc=1ml I usually dont switch needles cause it doesnt make that big a difference, as far as losing that .3 of a cc you will lose that anyway. stick that needle all the way in you want to make sure it is deep in the muscle or you can waist even more by it leaking out the injection site. The injection is not painfull all you will feel is th needle break the skin after that it will just slide right in no problem, trust me dude it does not hurt, just the pinch when the needle first penetrates the skin. good luck bro

  4. #4
    so would it hurt to inject it all the 1 1/2 inch but leave about 1/8th an inch or is this to deep?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    down south
    Don't sweat that bro. You won't even notice that you have an inch and a half of needle in your ass! I have 1 1/2" also and haven't had any problems.


  6. #6
    Ok now for one of the most important questions, i'm going to run 20mg of tamoxifen through out my first cycle -- test enanthate 500mg m and t injections of 250mg each. If I work myself up to injecting tonight or rather wait until gf goes to sleep and my bro is staying over goes out or something when should I start the 20mg tamoxifen. Tonight, Tommorrow or week from now. It looks like once you inject it's not going to be broken down from the ester until atleast a week. But anywho when should I start taking this tamoxifen? Kinda worried about taking a new drug tonight especially going to sleep on it. Would tomm be ok and whats the latest I wait to start tamoxifen?

    Oh and when I asperate is it natural to see some blood or no blood at all?
    Thx thats all the questions
    Last edited by Grand_Cannons; 07-24-2003 at 09:00 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Grand_Cannons
    Hello everyone, I have a question about injecting. I will be injecting into my bum tonight if I get around to it,
    uhm, lol ?


    1.wash injections site with alcohol
    2. wash top of vial with alcohol
    3.draw up fluid
    4. stick needle in and go in slowly
    5. aspirate to check for blood in a vein
    6. SLOWLY inject to prevent an absess
    7. take needle out, apply a alcohol swap with pressure

    8. done !
    Last edited by gundam675; 07-25-2003 at 06:03 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Grand_Cannons
    Ok now for one of the most important questions, i'm going to run 20mg of tamoxifen through out my first cycle -- test enanthate 500mg m and t injections of 250mg each. If I work myself up to injecting tonight or rather wait until gf goes to sleep and my bro is staying over goes out or something when should I start the 20mg tamoxifen. Tonight, Tommorrow or week from now. It looks like once you inject it's not going to be broken down from the ester until atleast a week. But anywho when should I start taking this tamoxifen? Kinda worried about taking a new drug tonight especially going to sleep on it. Would tomm be ok and whats the latest I wait to start tamoxifen?

    Oh and when I asperate is it natural to see some blood or no blood at all?
    Thx thats all the questions
    When aspirating, if you see bubbles or nothing, youre in the muscle and are fine. When blood imediately comes into the needle, youre in a vein.

    You would be fine taking the nolv from the get go. Or, you could even just keep it on hand if in case gyno symptoms arose. But IMO i think it would be wise to take it ED throughout.-Not only will it keep the est a bit lower, itll keep the bloat and blood pressure down.

    Good luck

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