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Thread: Steroid cycle and PCT for Cyclists & Ironmen

  1. #1

    Steroid cycle and PCT for Cyclists & Ironmen

    Hello all,

    I've been doing some research on steroids for cyclists and endurance athletes and dosage information is actually quite difficult to find.
    I'm not interested in taking EPO, HGH or Insulin but I would like to run a cycle with a form of test as base alongside EQ to help my endurance/recovery/strength without building up too much muscle mass or water retention.

    I do have previous experience with steroids all the way up to tren as I was a keen bodybuilder in the past and I have to say I enjoyed them very much and I have a lot of experience for the dosage in that department.

    I have managed to find that a test dose of around 150mg/200mg per week is recommended and up to 400mg of EQ/Bolderone stacked on top.

    I'd like to know more about what else could be added in for example Winstrol/Anaver or even Clen as I've heard clen is very useful for breathing (I suffer from exercise induced asthma) which I do have treatment from the doctor but there's only so much they can do and I always train hard so sometimes it's a real pain and holds me back from my full potential. I do occasionally use Ephedrine which does help a little but any feed back on this area too would be highly appreciated.

    Lastly I'd like some information about PCT on these lower doses as I only have knowledge on PCT for higher bodybuilding dosages.

    So basically if anyone has the knowledge of dosage per week on these particular steroids and over what time period (12-16 weeks+) it would be most helpful.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Hi Cylon, cheers for your response. I've never heard of Cardarine and I'm also not too clued up on SARMs myself. I've just had a bried read up on it and the potential side effects don't seem brilliant (Cancer & Brain damage) being my main concerns - I'll do a little more research and see what dosages these were discovered at although the studies were on animals as they stopped the studies on humans due to the risk of cancer.

    Ok so if I'm to run test again I'll likely run 150mg per week to reduce water retention etc.

    I'm 28 years old so TRT is not an option just yet I believe?

  3. #3
    Yeah I read into it a lot more since my last post - decided to give it a go, as the feedback from users was very positive at pretty low doses 20mg per day. Seems to really help with allergies such as hayfever which I suffer from hugely in the summer... Especially my lungs, even with prescription anti-histamines and inhalers so hopefully my training won't take hit like it did last year!

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