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Thread: Opinions on DHB and Test base (Not together)

  1. #1

    Opinions on DHB and Test base (Not together)

    I'm planning my next cycle and was looking at DHB which I've heard some good things about just wanted to hear some of your guys experiences. i love tren but can not handle the mental sides.

    i also picked up some test base to try pre workout which I've hear mixed opinions about.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    I don't know about test base, but DHB is my favorite steroid. It makes me look harder and fuller. Pip can be bad, depending on how it's brewed. It crashes easily, apparently, so sometimes they use more solvent/stronger solvents. Mental side effects - I can't compare to tren since I haven't done that. It definitely made me more aggressive than any other steroid I've tried. But all steroids make me somewhat more aggressive. DHB was the first steroid that I took which made me think "oh ok, this is what it's all about." Before that, test, EQ, deca... didn't really impress me much.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    I had to scale my DHB back fo minimal levels because the PIP was SO a blend, it’ll be harder to control.

    Save me the bullshit on finding proper sources, this shit in notorious for being crippling and there’s a reason. It’s gnarly.

    I’m as tough as they come and found it debilitating some weeks, just wasn’t worth it to me and frankly 6 weeks in I wasn’t so impressed that I HAD to stay on. If it would’ve been mind bending in it’s results, I would’ve labored through the wasn’t.

    Something to be aware of if you’re considering buying a blend. You’ll have less control than making your own blend and controlling the injection volume and frequency

  4. #4
    [QUOTE=Test Monsterone;7542259test, EQ, deca... didn't really impress me much.[/QUOTE]

    Same here they defiantly help but for some reason i seem not to respond the best, ive had just as good results with some sarms.

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