5 or 6th cycle. Planning now but not starting till blood work and other shit. 42 6'4" 235lbs 20%bf
Just wanted your input, it always helps
Pinning 3x a week
Week 1-10
Sust 250 750ml a week
Tren e 150ml a week
Mast e 150ml a week
HCG 500 ui a week
10mg nolva a day
Week 1-4
Anavar 40mg a day
PCT 18 days after last pin
Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Also I have something called a clen pen, you spray it in your mouth. 80 sprays at 33mcg a spray. Got it free on last order. Should I throw it in this cycle. Have the tren and mast on hand wanna use it up. Would you change the oral?