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Hi, Hope everyone is fine in this pandemic.
I have dropped ~22lbs in last 2 months with 20-30mg/day Test P, I have also lost lots of muscle during this period, in 22lbs I have lost like 30-35% muscles only, worst part is I didn't got the desired results(maybe because this is my first cutting)., performance also dropped due to no fuel in cells, before I was easily able to do 185-190 bench press, but now I can barely able to do first set of 100lbs after 40-60 pushups. I'm taking 800-1200cal diet, ~70-80% protein and fat. To shed more fat and less muscles quickly, I am thinking of adding T4(T3 is not available here) and albuterol in my cycle, and increasing Test P/E dose to 140/500mg weekly (640mg in total)., for next 30-45days(until I get desired results). I would like your opinion on this new stack at this stage of previous cycle.
T4: 200-300mg/day(will start from 100, then will increase it to 200-300 within a week according to tolerance)
Test P/E: 140/500mg(640mg/week)
Albuterol: 16mg/day
Ketotifen: 1mg/day
Stats: 5'6, 152lbs, 25yrs, male. First time on T4.