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Thread: Cycle thoughts

  1. #1

    Cycle thoughts

    Running my third cycle

    i plan on running Test, Dbol, winnie, & clen and also im taking arimidex with it.

    Test 1cc 2x a week

    clen 1/2 cc a day for two weeks, and two weeks off, and repeat throughout the cycle

    dbol 50 mg a day

    winstrol 50 mg a day (after running the dbol)

    Arimixex, 1 pill 3x a week

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Night City
    What is you Test dosage at 250mg, 2x per week? What is the ester? Dbol, Winny and Clen. Are you bulking or cutting? Looks like you are trying to do both in one cycle. Is your adex dosed at 1mg per tab. 3mg per week is alot of AI. Might crash your estrogen then you won't be worth shit. Most who take it only use .75 mg per week. What is your stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Clen is horrible stuff, what’s 1/2cc? Doesn’t tell us much without strength/ml.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    I would run a bulking cycle then a cutting cycle instead of running all this together. I’ve always had better success focusing on one at a time with the bulking cycle going first, obviously. Stats would definitely help.

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