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Thread: Gyno help!

  1. #1

    Gyno help!

    Hey guys im get bad gyno 2 weeks in. Here's my info 42, 6'4" 25% BF, 6TH cycle

    300 mg test p a week
    100 mg of tren a and mast a blend a week
    200 mg tren e a week
    200 mg of mast e a week

    I take 10mg of nolva a day but up it to 20mg just a couple days ago. Gyno seems to still getting worse. I have ameridex on hand. I've considered dropping the tren. Haven't slept in 2 days and feel shitty. I can handle it just afraid of getting permanent bitch tits. What would you guys do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    You’re all over the place bud

    You’re bf% is quite high, that alone make us more gyno prone

    I’d drop all the shit aside from a maintenance test dose, give it some time - fix your diet, then get some blood work

    As far as gyno itself - well, it’s always a slippery slope for some - I’ve had mine removed once - shit is still trying to grow back

  3. #3
    Yeah not sure I'd be doing gear at that high BF%. I just started a cycle at 18% bf and was still questioning if I should or not. But I know my diet for me is solid and I've dropped 4% BF is 6 weeks.

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