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Thread: Tren replacement instead of anvar to cut

  1. #1

    Tren replacement instead of anvar to cut

    I am on deca 500 to 600 mg a week and test e for 16 weeks my plan. On the 13th week I wanted or 12 th week to add anvar and discontinue the deca. My anavar isn't gunna be here in time. What dose of tren with least bit of sides can I take or should I want gains I can actually keep. Obviously will lose some. Or should I just wait afraid of the hair loss with tren.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Your plan was to bulk with Test/Deca for 16 weeks and then cut with Var at week 12? But instead of the Var, you want to know if you can substitute the Var (that won’t show up on time) for Tren?

    Do you know if it’s A or E?

    Just want to make sure I have it all correct...


    Oh and to know the least amount of tren that can be taken while being effective so you can avoid sides (mainly hair loss?)

  3. #3
    I wanted yo get stronger recover from some injuries and use as that seem to be able to keep the most of gains it's my first cycle. I was 174 5 '7" I am 189 now but waist and back slimmed down. I am a regular at the gym eat fairly clean no McDonald's a slice of pizza some times. Lots of chicken whole grains and turkey.i want yo get back to my original wieght and cut the fat. I am always hungry and my gear is very simple looking alil weary. But have a little bit of acne and strong and the pin is for real so I assume the gear real u can message me direct I have trouble getting back to my forum. Lol

  4. #4
    The pumps have been great to I went from 185 bench to 240 in 7 weeks this is week 8 now. My gear has no expiration but I was told if it xrash clouds pins. they will swap out no problem
    I was told to not take the nolvadex every day tho and my nolvadex is capsule that's weary as well but I have no itch or swollen nipples any longer after I got it and took for 2 weeks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    First off, I do not recommend a cut after bulking. You will lose most of your gains.
    IMO you need your body to come to homeostasis before cutting.
    You do not grow just from a 12-16 week bulk. It is a process.
    I only use tren when cutting to single digit bodyfat.... plus other things also.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    First off, I do not recommend a cut after bulking. You will lose most of your gains.
    IMO you need your body to come to homeostasis before cutting.
    You do not grow just from a 12-16 week bulk. It is a process.
    I only use tren when cutting to single digit bodyfat.... plus other things also.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    This ^

    If you wanted to get back into shape after injury, you'd done best cutting first.

    Cutting and bulking in the same cycle is a sure way to accomplish nothing.

    Tren will help you cut, because it melts off fat, even at low doses
    But in my opinion primobolan is almost as effective at cutting with alot less sides. But, it's harder to find and alot more expensive.

    Also, I answered your post because you called yourself construction. Alot of us blue collar guys use aas to keep up with the demands of our careers as we age. I do. I'm 44

    And it sounds like you do as well. It requires a different approach to using the gear, and also to training and exercise because our goals are different. And the demands put on our bodies is different. You'll never put on the mass of the bodybuilding guys. Or look as jacked. You don't get enough rest, and Don't have the time to eat enough, not the right way. Plus, you need some body fat to stay healthy and be on your feet all day, every day wrestling tools and slinging around heavy shit. So you won't be as cut. But, the good news is the density and strength of muscle you can pack around will be far more dense pound for pound than anyone else. Even professional athletes. The constant overuse and strain we put on our bodies can be utilized to make some really super dense muscle. Insane tendon strength And you can avoid injuries and arthritis at the same time with aas if your smart with it.

    Feel free to pm if you want. I get what you're trying to do. I've been there.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 03-08-2021 at 01:13 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    how does ur deca dose vary 100 mg each week?

    what dose are u running the test?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Construction View Post
    I am on deca 500 to 600 mg a week and test e for 16 weeks my plan. On the 13th week I wanted or 12 th week to add anvar and discontinue the deca. My anavar isn't gunna be here in time. What dose of tren with least bit of sides can I take or should I want gains I can actually keep. Obviously will lose some. Or should I just wait afraid of the hair loss with tren.
    Not fully sure I understand here so please let me know if this is not correct.

    - This is your first cycle
    - You have been running
    - - Deca 500-500mg/wk
    - - Test-E 500-600 mg/wk

    You want to stop Deca on week 12 or 13 and switch it to Anavar but you will use Tren instead because the shipment is not getting there in time?

    This idea is, overall, pretty bad. The reason is that Deca has just started to work at its full effect and that is when you have decided to stop it (Why I am not sure so I am asking, why?). Considering this is your first cycle adding in Tren is just asking for trouble. Is there a reason you are not running this for the fully 16-weeks as planned as it seems to be bringing you the benefits you are asking for?

    I suggest you run this for the 16-weeks, cruise on some reasonable dose for X number of weeks and continue to eat good. After that, evaluate if you want to continue to bulk or if you want to cut and come up with a plan and make sure you have all the gear before you start.

  9. #9
    Sometimes I am pull alittle to much and just go with 1.2 mil and 1 mil test e my test e is at 500.

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