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Thread: I am new to gear my gear looks very basic

  1. #1

    I am new to gear my gear looks very basic

    I've mentioned before I am on deca and test e 500 mgs a piece a week. I am concerned about pct. I am on the fence about either cycling and getting back to normal or cruising from here on out. ( what is a cruise dosage 100mg a week?). Test e or something. And what's the average 1 waist in between cycles. I've gotten stronger body's changing and knee pain virtually gone from deca hurts alilttle but has great therapeutic properties. So I am kinda hooked libido is great same as before just lil more active then before. Please help. Do I take natural test boosters at the end. ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina

    I asked some clarification questions on your other thread with the idea that I’d probably give you a snarky response. Now I’m reading this one and deciding to take the high road.

    You need to read up man. You can come here and be spoon fed (which is essentially what you’re asking for) but it’s really apparent that you need to do some studying before committing to anything and potentially messing your system up.

    The guys here are an amazing support piece (myself included) but it’s my opinion that you’ve got some reading to do. That’s just me though, I’m not judge or jury.

    What I do recommend for sure is posting your age, cycling and training experience, goals and anything else that should be pertinent.

    I’d definitely read the stickies here and spend some time reading up on PCT, TRT and the compounds you’re using or considering using.

    You’ll get far more buy in and a much better baseline in which to ask more beneficial questions.

    Make sense?


  3. #3
    Yeh I understand completely thanks for ur time
    Age 35 5 '7" 187 and my goal is to be 12 15 body fat strong my work is very demanding and I love the gym. The abs were to recover faster from work and gym. Not looking for xtreme or some Mr Olympia.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Construction View Post
    Yeh I understand completely thanks for ur time
    Age 35 5 '7" 187 and my goal is to be 12 15 body fat strong my work is very demanding and I love the gym. The abs were to recover faster from work and gym. Not looking for xtreme or some Mr Olympia.
    Your goal is to be from 12-15% body fat? What are you at right now?

    You should've already had your post cycle plan figured out before you jabbed yourself the first time. Go read the stickies here. The answers to your questions are already in them (plus things that you should probably already know but don't).

    **here are some stickies:**
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 03-06-2021 at 11:42 PM. Reason: added stickies

  5. #5
    I am at 18 % . thank u for the stickies. I training and eating clean so we will see thanks .

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