28 years old 210lbs 6 foot 10% bodyfat
Im going on a 12 week cycle followed by a 4 week pct.
Week 1-9 test E 400mg split in 2 shots
Week 2-12, 400iu of hCG split in 2 shots (200iu a shot) and 0.25 of adex possibly 0.12 twice a week ..
Week 5-12, 40mg of turinabol
PCT : WEEKS 13-16 all novladex 40/30/20/20
Im taking hcg on cycle to prevent nat test shutdown and i will stop taking on week 11 so 10 days before last oral aka end of cycle so i can sensitize my natural test for Pct
With test and Hcg on cycle i know it can raise e2 also i heard u should start your AI ON THIRD PIN so on week two of cycle
Should i start weening off of adex on weeks 11-12 since test E should be declining in my system???
Thanks guys any contructive criticism or suggetions if im on the right track here would really help!!