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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1

    First cycle

    28 years old 210lbs 6 foot 10% bodyfat

    Im going on a 12 week cycle followed by a 4 week pct.

    Week 1-9 test E 400mg split in 2 shots

    Week 2-12, 400iu of hCG split in 2 shots (200iu a shot) and 0.25 of adex possibly 0.12 twice a week ..

    Week 5-12, 40mg of turinabol

    PCT : WEEKS 13-16 all novladex 40/30/20/20

    Im taking hcg on cycle to prevent nat test shutdown and i will stop taking on week 11 so 10 days before last oral aka end of cycle so i can sensitize my natural test for Pct

    With test and Hcg on cycle i know it can raise e2 also i heard u should start your AI ON THIRD PIN so on week two of cycle

    Should i start weening off of adex on weeks 11-12 since test E should be declining in my system???

    Thanks guys any contructive criticism or suggetions if im on the right track here would really help!!

  2. #2
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_20210310-234657.jpg 
Views:	143 
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ID:	180853  

  3. #3
    I'm currently about 6 weeks into my first cycle. 500mg test cyp per week. I still haven't needed to take an AI. No signs of gyno, high estrogen sides, and am feeling great. Getting blood tests next week to see where my hormone levels are... Maybe some body more experienced can chime in but I've heard that you need to wait 5 half lives to clear before a PCT will be effective. That could be like 4 weeks after the last shot of a long ester... You need to wait for your test level to bottom out and then pct to restart. Otherwise test levels are still much higher than what's natural and the pct won't actually have an effect because you are still being suppressed by the exogenous testosterone. Just happened with Pete rubish, he came off and ran a PCT after 2 weeks and it had 0 effect. But his test levels quadrupled after like 4-6 weeks
    Last edited by rise_against; 03-13-2021 at 03:02 AM.

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