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Thread: Second cycle: cutting advice

  1. #1

    Second cycle: cutting advice

    Hey guys,

    So I’ve started my second cycle:
    12 weeks 250mg Test E- Mon/Thur. (500 a week)
    12 weeks Mast E 300mg Mon/Thur
    Weeks 1-5 Anavar 40mg per day.
    HCG 250iu Mon-Thu throughout

    Got all my PCT needs on hand and AI’s.

    I’m 31, approx 15-20% BF, was 90kg at start of cycle now in week 3 and 94kg. I’ve always struggled with holding fat around my hips mainly then stomach.

    Diet has changed this cycle instead of meat and some veg it’s veg and some meat. Trying to get as many greens and salads etc as I can.

    Protein is around 150 grams a day.
    Carbs less than 100g, cut out bread and cereals etc.

    Calories are in check with a min 500 calorie deficit.

    I know many say mast is no good with higher body fat however my theory is because I’m cutting fat over the cycle hopefully by the end I will start to see what’s under the fat and get that definition mast can give you, while also reaping the libido and sense of well being mast has been said to give.

    Problem is I’ve just put on water weight which was expected with the high test but I didn’t expect this much. I want to try and not run an AI this cycle for as long as I can to reap the gains estrogen can give in the gym.

    Last cycle when I started an AI around week 5 I dropped 3-4 kg in a week of water weight.

    I’m seriously thinking of dropping the test down to 250mg a week and adding in 200mg of Tren E a week.

    I’d love to hear some feedback. I’m sure everyone will say don’t run tren second cycle but it’s tempting

    How do others work around water weight while cutting?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    I would avoid tren on your 2nd cycle, especially at that does. Tren is a tricky drug and affects everyone differently. What is the goal of your cycle? Seems like you are saying it is a cutting cycle

  3. #3
    and to clarify...

    are you taking 500 test and 600 mast?

  4. #4
    Yep so I’m trying to cut this cycle and I’m taking 500mg test E per week and 600mg Mast E per week. Pinned T250/M300 monday and Thursday

  5. #5
    You are taking far more gear than you need to cut from 200lbs and 18% bodyfat.

    You could easily half the dose.

    Don't take tren on your second cycle.

    How long have you been training?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    Ill back the tren isnt a second cycle option. Too much mast, hell ive never ran over 400 and my hair goes at that dose...test is ok and you can add anavar

    Diet looks off to me what are your fat grams? Because 150 protein is like 600 cals...100 carbs is like 400 cals... regardless of fat grams i think you need more protein imo. If i tried to cut on 1500 cals id literally whither away but thats just me.

    Just a very general form of advice

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Ill back the tren isnt a second cycle option. Too much mast, hell ive never ran over 400 and my hair goes at that dose...test is ok and you can add anavar

    Diet looks off to me what are your fat grams? Because 150 protein is like 600 cals...100 carbs is like 400 cals... regardless of fat grams i think you need more protein imo. If i tried to cut on 1500 cals id literally whither away but thats just me.

    Just a very general form of advice
    Echo this cause that’s precisely what I did and it worked fantastically. I then tinkered with the tren at 75 - 100 mg. Tren is to be taken very seriously. Gee, glad I got rid of my mast cause I want my hair, lol.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Echo this cause that’s precisely what I did and it worked fantastically. I then tinkered with the tren at 75 - 100 mg. Tren is to be taken very seriously. Gee, glad I got rid of my mast cause I want my hair, lol.
    Your bald anyway. LOL
    Sorry couldn’t resist!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Ok so, I really need to dial the diet in and track everything I eat. I am eating quite a bit less and a lot cleaner than when I am just maintaining.

    As for the mast, I have no MPB on either side of the family, my hair grows like a weed. Either way if people are saying to drop it down would 400mg be enough?

    I’m thinking of dropping the mast down to 400mg a week, test to 250mg a week.

    Even for a week or two trying a 1000 calorie diet.

    What I’m sort of taking away from this is drop the doses down, stop trying to kitchen sink at it. Clean up the diet and track everything. And get more protein, 200g a day perhaps?

    How do people deal with water issues when on a cut?
    I’m open to all ideas as you all know much more than me

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