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  1. #1
    roidmanraging's Avatar
    roidmanraging is offline Junior Member
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    Nonaromatizable AAS Cycle

    Test has a tendancy to nail a lot of us genetically unfortunante people to the estrogenic side effect cross. Although my body has a very happy affinity to gain lean muscle mass, it also has a tendancy to appear very soft, no matter what my body fat is, due to higher deposits of sub-cutaneous fatty tissue due to estrogenic side from aromatizable AAS.

    For example, I fought my estrogenic side effects my entire precontest period. I managed to get my body fat into the sub 5% range and my legs still had a smoother than others look to them. My skin looks thick and it tends to hold a boat load of water, diuretics or not.

    Even taking antiestrogens doesn't get rid of this look 100%.
    Here is what my precontest cycle looked like:
    wk 1-8 test cyp 500mg's per week
    wk 1-9 tren 75mg's EOD
    wk 6-12 winny 50mg's ED
    wk 1-19 nolvadex 30mg's ed
    wk 1-12 aromasin 1 tab per day
    wk 12-15 HCG 2500iu every 5 days
    wk 12 clomid 100mg's ed
    wk 13-15 clomid 50mg's ed
    Now, when I dropped the test and tren all together I started getting a harder look pretty fast from winny alone. Another vet on Anabolic Extreme board mentioned something along the lines of doing a nonaromatizable AAS cycle. It really got me thinking and I wanted to run some of these ideas through you guys.

    As an experiment I was thinking to try one of these cycles pretty early in the offseason. My thoughts were along these lines:
    wk 1-6 75mg's of tren EOD
    wk 1-6 50mg's of winny EOD
    wk 1-4 35mg's of anavar ED
    wk 1-7 viagra on hand if needed (damn tren)
    wk 1-6 bromo on hand if needed (it will be needed)
    wk 7-9 clomid therapy of 100mg 1 wk and 50mg following

    That is my thought on a short nonaromatizable AAS cycle. What would you guys do. Don't go from my cycle as a reference. What types of gear would you utilize in a nonaromatizable AAS cycle? We are talking BOTH cutting and bulking. Post up some ideas. Thanks

  2. #2
    barbarian's Avatar
    barbarian is offline Banned
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    the anavar is the only one i see in there that dosent aromatize for sure winny does mildly and the tren does to anavar and primobalan is your best bet my based on the facts and your not gona be able to do a bulk cycle without useing aromas i would just slap some novala and proviron in there with that test and some taraxatone and watch your sodium hey and if you can get it masteron will be the majic bullet for ya good stuff as anti e. and if your holding water with anti es and diretics you need to check yoru diet.

  3. #3
    barbarian's Avatar
    barbarian is offline Banned
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    how far out from your compo r u droping the test?

  4. #4
    roidmanraging's Avatar
    roidmanraging is offline Junior Member
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    Please reread my post carefully. I gave a contest history with my last cycle. In that past cycle, it states that at wk 8 of a 12 week cycle that I dropped the test.

    Just so you know. Tren doesn't aromatize, but it does create progesterone/prolactin based side effects. That would be what the bromo is for.

    My proposed cycle is referring to the offseason. I'm looking for free thinkers to say what they would do if they wanted to do a nonaromatizable AAS cycle.

    If you were in this situation you would do anavar and primobolan ? What doseages would you do and for how long?

  5. #5
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    What anti-e's were you using and at what dosage? I don't like the idea of An all non-aromatizing AAS cycle during bulking. I think for a cutting if I had to I would probably do something like this:

    1-8 anavar 50mg ED
    1-8 primo 600mg EW
    1-8 winny 100mg ED

    I still don't like it though. Dropping drugs prior to a show is expected but trying to do it year round will hamper gains in my opinion.

  6. #6
    barbarian's Avatar
    barbarian is offline Banned
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    ok id do 400 mgs a week primabolan depo injections every day 50 mgs winstrol eod and 40 milagrams a day anavar with clomid at the end and proviron all the way through with taraxatone also your nuts will not be shut down nor wil estragen be up but you want to kill out as much natural est as you can the less ya got the harder you are! do this with a proper diet and workout as you already have downpat if your competing and youll look scarry! throuw in a mild dose of eq about 250mg a week (i know this may sound mild but it is great for cutting) anyway stacking thsoe togher eq winny prim var and anti es youll look like straited steal dude! and eq at that dose does not aromatize! there ya go now get your gear and get ready to turn into steal!

  7. #7
    roidmanraging's Avatar
    roidmanraging is offline Junior Member
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    rickson, I was using BOTH nolvdex at 30mg's per day AND aromasin at 1 cap per day. I didn't have dostinex or bromo at the time I the sides went away estrogen wise when I dropped my tren .

    I believe you might be right about bulking without nonaromatizables. In fact, i'm 100% in agreement.

    Barbarian, I LOVE your idea about EQ, winny, anavar and primo. Damn, that is a good looking line of a stack. Thanks.

    I'm curious if anyone else has any theories or ideas. I've also been contemplating a cutter of
    - 4iu's of gh
    - t3 25mcg per day (5 on 2 off) while keeping the protein to about 2g's per lb of lean body mass
    - anavar
    - tren
    - winny

  8. #8
    Nixter's Avatar
    Nixter is offline Associate Member
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    Heroin is good for that "thin-skinned" look.

    See- "Mick Jagger"

    Just kidding


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