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Thread: Higher doses of test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    East Coast

    Higher doses of test

    I am curious from the guys who have been there, have they benefited from larger doses of test meaning a gram a week or higher. This is for an experienced user who is eating and training 100% and doing every thing they can to grow...not really a just throw drugs at it scenario.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Testie View Post
    I am curious from the guys who have been there, have they benefited from larger doses of test meaning a gram a week or higher. This is for an experienced user who is eating and training 100% and doing every thing they can to grow...not really a just throw drugs at it scenario.
    Hell yes!!
    The secret is to let your estrogen go high.
    I take 1.5 g test and usually deca, tbol and anadrol. I could use Dbol but you need to be careful of the water retention.
    You can suffer from endema so you do need to know what you are doing. The first time I did it, I had to abort because of the endema and I was trying to see what the right dosages were. You grow like a weed.
    Once again, not recommended for newbies.

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  3. #3
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    Jun 2008
    I’ve never done more than a gram a week combined but the big guys I know take a minimum of 1g weekly of test plus other compounds. They have all said 1g a week minimum of test if you wanna get big.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    There’s actually some good info about this on Dan the bodybuilders podcast on YouTube called the bodybuilding podcast if you’re interested

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Testie View Post
    I am curious from the guys who have been there, have they benefited from larger doses of test meaning a gram a week or higher. This is for an experienced user who is eating and training 100% and doing every thing they can to grow...not really a just throw drugs at it scenario.
    You do get more gains from higher doses, but the gains are not linear as your dose goes up. You have a diminishing return the higher the dose you go. At the same time, the side effects become more and more intense the higher your dosage is Like Charger said, water retention can be a major issue. Not to mention RBC count, blood pressure, acne, hair loss, kidney damage (mostly from the high BP), liver damage (depending on the steroid you're taking), etc etc.

    It's not something a rookie should be doing for his first cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2021
    For a beginner no. You can only Gain so much muscle and the first few cycle you can max gain's with 300-600mg a week. Now that that is said... once you have the experience of how to cycle, lift, eat and what to expect. Try a gram or so.

    I'm running prop 150eod and sust 150eod with anadrol.

    My body is estrogen sensitive and I get heavy water and gyno from even a light dose of dbol so I don't take it at all. 1200mg of test and I don't have any gyno problem and not to bad of water

  7. #7
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    You do get more gains from higher doses, but the gains are not linear as your dose goes up. You have a diminishing return the higher the dose you go. At the same time, the side effects become more and more intense the higher your dosage is Like Charger said, water retention can be a major issue. Not to mention RBC count, blood pressure, acne, hair loss, kidney damage (mostly from the high BP), liver damage (depending on the steroid you're taking), etc etc.

    It's not something a rookie should be doing for his first cycle.
    Thank you Honkey. I left out those details. I also left out the detail that I only do this when I phase cycle. In other words, there is no way in hell that I would do this for 16 weeks. I do this for like 5 weeks.
    If endema sets in, your organs can start shutting down.
    The gains you get are great, but I would only do this short periods of time.
    You need to know your body.

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    1g is the max for me. I never go higher than that.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    The only thing I personally saw going from 500mg to 1000mg was more water retention.

    Everyone is different though.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by tlaloc View Post
    The only thing I personally saw going from 500mg to 1000mg was more water retention.

    Everyone is different though.
    Were you taking an AI?

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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    No, I was not taking an Ai. I try not to take any Ai.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    After years of experience (i.e. never do this in the beginning) it seems the body, my body specifically, adapts to where higher test doses does not give the estrogen build up. Once I ran 2g/wk of test cyp with nothing else (e.g. AIs, AAS, etc). Did not see much else in sides and felt pretty good. It is a lot of oil so that sucks. I am not certain, but I can't really say it was much better than just 1g/wk, certainly not at twice the price. Hemoglobin did not go any higher either (although 19-20 range for me is not that uncommon), Dr. wants me at ~17.

    Somewhat unrelated, but touched in the above comments: I believe too many people on here are using AIs and think estrogen is the enemy. It seems counterintuitive but estrogen actually does help male sex drive and muscle anabolism, not to mention bone and lipid health. Not a fan of polypharmacy in general either. There are some old anecdotal stories in the powerlifting community where old school guys that didn't want to bother with Fina separation into trenbolone and estradiol, just took them together (i.e. injected estradiol) and grew more than the guys just taking straight trenbolone. I know bovine physiology may be completely different, but the designer of these drugs saw some growth benefit or they would have not been formulated together.
    Last edited by powerliftmike; 08-08-2021 at 09:58 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    East Coast
    Just an update went over a gram to about 1500mg of test plus Tren and masteron …for me with the added drugs I was pushing the envelope, however definitely some gains but for me anything over 1250 seemed to make me feel either really good or not so hot…if my life was completely dedicated to training, eating and sleeping may have been a different story

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    The avi is looking killer Testie!

    Tough for all of us in the real world to dedicate 110% every cycle. Work, kids, friends…there has to be some sort of balance.

    I’ve never run more than 1500 total combined and never over 600 mgs of test…been rethinking that lately.

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