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  1. #1
    jobedog is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    need advice on AS problem

    my past cycles include: 1) deca , 2)deca/ dbol / test , 3) eq./ test, all these cycles were legit products, average doses, food intake was up, training was hard, barely had to use nolva, and got most of the famous sides. Every cycle produced awesome results for about 5 - 6 weeks into it, then it would fade and level out until it was over. I also to lose most of my gains after about 6 - 8 wks. post, I used clomid properly after the last two cycles, what the hell? Has anyone else experienced this and how is it countered? or might I be deficient in something? I take a shit load of quality vitamins. Please, any thoughts?

  2. #2
    barbarian's Avatar
    barbarian is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    start trainign at max or close to max on most lifts and keep your same diet also get some isotest 7 and soem cell tec this will make a hige diff in keeping more gains and strenth by the way iso test 7 is a suppl that contains tribulus and other ingrediants the up your test naturaly and cut out soem of the sets maybe a set or 2 off your max from isolation exercises examp if your doing 14 sets drop to 12 or 13 keeps you from over training if this doesnt solve your problem then you arnt geneticly able to hold the extra size on without the chemicals in yoru system.

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