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Thread: 2nd cycle Test E Deca Dbol.. A few questions

  1. #1
    bluelife93 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2014

    Question 2nd cycle Test E Deca Dbol.. A few questions

    Hello everyone!
    So I'm about to start my second cycle on monday and I have a few questions on my mind if you don't mind helping a brother out..

    Background info
    Been training for almost 4 years
    Already experimented with steroids (i did a test/dbol last year but things didn't go as planned because of the pandemic.. Had to stop training at g and missed week 12 shots.. My pct only consisted of Nolvadex ) i also didn't run any AI during cycle which was a bad idea..

    Now I'm back and in the best shape of my life ready to start this and do it the right way..

    My cycle will go like this
    W1-12 Test E 500mg/week
    W1-10 Deca 350mg/week
    W1-5 Dbol 40mg ed

    Clean bulk with a caloric surplus of 500-700kcal..
    Supplements: whey protein, creatine, EAA, multivitamin, arginine, omega 3

    Liver support: Nac 600, milk thistle

    I have Arimidex on hand..

    My questions

    What injection protocol to go for? (I wanna get away with only 2 injections a week.. So I'm confused whether to mix deca with the 2nd test injection or inject it separately..)

    When should I start taking Arimidex? (I feel like I'm prone to estrogen side effects.. I have pre-existing gyno i had it since puberty but it's not even noticeable and on my last cycle i got so much acne on my upper body throughout the last 4 weeks..)

    Should I also get an anti-prolactin drug to keep prolactin in the low-normal range?. (Cabergoline at 0.25mg EOD ?)

    Finally.. I also have proviron .. Should I also use it? I read somewhere that it helps avoid getting deca dick..

    Waiting for your help gents
    Thank you in advance

  2. #2
    Testie's Avatar
    Testie is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluelife93 View Post
    Hello everyone!
    So I'm about to start my second cycle on monday and I have a few questions on my mind if you don't mind helping a brother out..

    Background info
    Been training for almost 4 years
    Already experimented with steroids (i did a test/dbol last year but things didn't go as planned because of the pandemic.. Had to stop training at g and missed week 12 shots.. My pct only consisted of Nolvadex ) i also didn't run any AI during cycle which was a bad idea..

    Now I'm back and in the best shape of my life ready to start this and do it the right way..

    My cycle will go like this
    W1-12 Test E 500mg/week
    W1-10 Deca 350mg/week
    W1-5 Dbol 40mg ed

    Clean bulk with a caloric surplus of 500-700kcal..
    Supplements: whey protein, creatine, EAA, multivitamin, arginine, omega 3

    Liver support: Nac 600, milk thistle

    I have Arimidex on hand..

    My questions

    What injection protocol to go for? (I wanna get away with only 2 injections a week.. So I'm confused whether to mix deca with the 2nd test injection or inject it separately..)

    When should I start taking Arimidex? (I feel like I'm prone to estrogen side effects.. I have pre-existing gyno i had it since puberty but it's not even noticeable and on my last cycle i got so much acne on my upper body throughout the last 4 weeks..)

    Should I also get an anti-prolactin drug to keep prolactin in the low-normal range?. (Cabergoline at 0.25mg EOD ?)

    Finally.. I also have proviron .. Should I also use it? I read somewhere that it helps avoid getting deca dick..

    Waiting for your help gents
    Thank you in advance
    There’s a lot of questions there but I will tell you my test and Deca protocol would be to split your test and Deca into two shots half of your weekly test and half of your weekly dose of Deca in the first shot on Monday, then repeat same mixture on Thursday, I typically always do a 2 to run ratio on test and Deca to avoid Libido issues from Deca and I start Arimidex from the beginning maybe 1/2 mg the day after each shot, just my two cents from my own experience. I really hate to put this on the end but I feel like this is the best advice I could give anyone, it would be much better to reach your full potential naturally, meaning stay off the juice until you have a few years more of solid natural gains under your belt...the juice will be far more beneficial to you at that point, once again my two cents, good luck with your gains my friend
    Last edited by Testie; 05-29-2021 at 03:34 PM.
    Dgs59 likes this.

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