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Thread: My first cycle: What do you think?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    My first cycle: What do you think?

    Week 1 Deca 300mg D-bol 15mg/per day
    Week 2 Deca 300mg D-bol 20mg/per day
    Week 3 Deca 300mg D-bol 25mg/per day
    Week 4 Deca 300mg D-bol 30mg/per day Proviron 50mg/ed
    Week 5 Deca 300mg D-bol 25mg/per day Proviron 50mg/ed
    Week 6 Deca 300mg D-bol 20mg/per day Proviron 50mg/ed
    Week 7 Deca 200mg D-bol 15mg/per day Proviron 50mg/ed
    Week 8 HCG 2500IU Proviron 50mg/ed
    Week 9 HCG 2500IU Proviron 50mg/ed
    Week 10 HCG 2500IU Clomid 100mg/ed
    Week 11 Clomid 50mg/ed
    Week 12 Clomid 50mg/ed

    I've been working out for about 2 years, and I'm 26, 6 3, 190. I've lost a little weight recently, but I'm going to get back to my old weight(205) before I start this. I'm susceptible to gyno, so that's why I factored in the proviron. I may or may not take it depending on how I feel. So post away and let me know what you think about this combination.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    the provion wont do any thing for deca gyno but it will help with the d-bol gyno also run the d-bol for 4 wks at 40 mg ed no taper
    you wont need HCG but can use it if you like
    you also mit want to add a test with that just for the fact that you will grow like a weed on it.
    and I would rather run a test d-bol cycle then a deca d-bol cycle just because you will gain more.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Proviron stops the aromatization of testosterone, so why would it work for the d-bol but not the deca?

    Why wouldn't I need the HCG? I don't want to lose everything i've gained. That's also one of the reasons I'd like to do deca because it's a good steroid for keeping gains.

    And I don't think I want to run test and d-bol being that they both convert to estrogen at a very high rate.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bump the deca to 400 mg a week and the dbol to 35mg a day for the first 4 weeks only. If you are trying to bulk, throw in some test @ 400-500mg a week as well... extend the cycle to 10 weeks. Bacause you are gyno prone, get some arimidex and do 0.5 mg everyday until clomid. Do clomid 3 weeks ofter your last injection for 3 weeks... 50/100/50. Milk thistle with the dbol.

    Eat, train hard, rest, and grow.

    Good move to get back to 205 before starting... when your finished you'll be like 225-235 depending on your diet.

    Last edited by arthurb999; 12-14-2001 at 09:31 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Deca 400/week weeks 1-8
    test 500/week weeks 1-8
    dbol 35mg ed for first 5 weeks
    clomid 3 weeks after last injection

    I'd say take the armidex (liquidex is cheaper) through your clomid theorpy. You might even want to do equipoise instead of deca as it is less likly to cause gyno. I'd only go 8 weeks. If this is your first cycle your grow plenty in 8 weeks but for the love of god Test, Test, Test
    Last edited by RON; 12-14-2001 at 10:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I may take your advice on upping the deca and d-bol, but the arimidex is way out of my price range. I also think the test might be too much for me being that this is my first cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Ron seems pretty excited about the test. I'll give it some thought.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    Check out liquidex its cheaper.

    I think you'd be happy in the long run with a little test bro. Check out some t-200 its cheap if your on a budget like I always am

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    No idea what t-200 is, and I kind of only have access to certain kinds of AS. No access to liquidex. I can get enanthate, and propianate.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    Testosterona 200 its an Enanthate. A cheap one . If you can't afford armidex go with nolva and you might think about switching the deca with equipoise like I said before. It is less likely to aromatize and can easily be controlled by nolva.

  11. #11
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    Oct 2001
    Why would anyone want to use nolvadex? All it does is blocks estrogen receptors. Proviron stops aromatization alltogether.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    no privion fights for the estrigen rectors and helps fight a little aganist the conversion of esterigon if you get armadix you will stop test from converting into estergin almost completly and deca does not convert into estergin it changes to some thing else I forgot what it is called some one will tell you

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Deca will convert into progesterone. Nolvadex can't help with that. If you are running the Deca at 400 mg, or less a week, it will probley not cause gyno. But it can happen. 50 mg of Winny eod should help prevent Deca gyno.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Originally posted by ryan26
    Why would anyone want to use nolvadex? All it does is blocks estrogen receptors. Proviron stops aromatization alltogether.
    Why? What if the proviron didn't do it's job? What if your body doesn't respond well to proviron? Then are you SOL? Better be safe than sorry. Run some T-200 at 400 and deca at 300-400...try and get some liquidex, but if you can't, get nolva...i got both...just never know. Right Mike? Member that convo we had a couple weeks back.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    ok im not confused at all. heres my new cycle. Im going to run deca(unless i grow titties, then ill switch to equipoise) test, d-bol, nolvadex and proviron for a long time. arimidex for the whole time, or until my lottery winnings run out in which case I'll switch to liquidex. then i'll take HCG and clomid for an unspecified amount of days to fix myself up with in the end. and after that i'll just start chugging down bottles of milk thistle for some reason.

    I'll be huge in no time. No sweat.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    The only way to truley stop deca from converting into progesterone is RU486. But for one thing it is expencive and hard to find. For another it hasn't even been 100% proven to stop it. Winny will slow but not stop it.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    hey there Ryan, you are'nt gettin a little frustrated there are you? Look, your cycle is ok. But get Nolvadex, and have it on hand. It's not that expencive. Armidex would be better than proviron, but I'm on a budget, so I can't afford it ethier. Now on the Deca..more than likely you will not have a problem with deca gyno with your reasonable doses = 300-400 mg week. I was just letting you know that if it became a problem, get winny. D-bol don't taper, run it the same for 4 weeks. Milk Thistle you get at GNC, or any health food store. It is in pill form - helps protect your liver D-bol is a 17aa which means it can be bad for your liver. Drink lots of water. This will help your body stay flushed, and fully hydrated -else you start to cramp. Sorry if the info load confused you. If there is anything else, just ask. Someone will help.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    Sorry Bro, didn't mean to confuse you. If you need any help feal free to PM me. It's just good to know all you can about what your using. If you wanna run deca I'd run it like this.

    weeks 1-8 deca 400 mg /week
    weeks 1-4 dbol 35mg ed (every day)
    clomid starting 3 weeks after the last deca shot :week 11 50mg, week 12 100mg, week 13 50mg

    If you can get some kind of test put it in weeks 1-8 @ 500 mg

    Take the milk thistle to protect you liver while on dbol and drink lots of water and cranberry juice....

    If you feal signs of gyno take the nolva and winny...IE. itchy or sore nipples

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Ok. Thanks alot guys. Now I'm getting somewhere. Novaldex is cheap so I shouldn't have any problem getting that, and if I cut my d-bol usage in half, I'll probably have a little money left over for some test.

    Could I run my d-bol for weeks one through four, and then run test from weeks five through eight, or would it be more beneficial to run the test straight through the eight week period?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    straight through

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    The reason why people use dbol, is to see instant gains, instead of sittinng around for 3-4 weeks to gain some muscle. So, if you started the test at week 5, then you would have a 3 week gap with nothing in your system. Start it from the beginning, and you'll be gold baby.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    how would I have a 3 week gap with nothing in my system if I started test in the fifth week after taking d-bol for the first four weeks?
    I suppose what you mean is that test takes about three weeks before you see a noticable effect, correct?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Yup. Just like Arthur said, straight through...when hormone levels get 'upped'...keep it that way until your done, or you are at more risk to side effects.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Ok then, here we go. Weeks 1 through 8 will be Deca at 400mg/Test at 500mg. Weeks 1 through 4 will be D-bol 35mg/ed.
    Weeks 11 through 13 will be Clomid 50mg/100mg/50mg/ed. Nolvadex will be on hand if needed, and so will HCG if I feel like taking it. Expensive, but it sounds pretty good.
    Do I even need the D-bol? And I'm not worried about side effects such as water retention and reversible things like that, but how likely am I to lose my hair, or get bad acne from doing this heavy of a cycle for my first time? I really don't want to deal with any permanent negative side effects, and I would gladly take less AS to avoid this.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Maybe lay off the dbol for the first run. IMO , test and deca is PLENTY for a first cycle. Hell, test is enough for a first cycle. But, test and deca at 500/400 will produce fantastic results for you as long as training, rest, and eating are your top priorities.

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