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Thread: Primo verses tren e

  1. #1
    Testie's Avatar
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    Primo verses tren e

    I am into a cycle and I have gotten a recommendation to integrate primo into my cycle, I’m having a little bit of a time constraint sourcing and my question is that if I use tren e as a substitute are the 2 compounds similar enough or not even in the ball Park? I wouldn’t normally consider changing from my plan however I’m working with someone and they have given me some really good advice so far with my training and diet.

  2. #2
    xHAPYxKILMOREx is offline New Member
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    i wouldn't. Heres why, tren is a much stronger drug than primo. Both in its anabolic and androgenic capacity. primo is a much more stable but milder compound tren is much different in side effects as well. my point being without knowing your trainer an speaking from a biochemical standpoint tren is big water, high anabolism, hepatoxic, a cardiovascular nightmare and very few people dont run into all the estrogenic side effects, the gains are also more difficult to keep though much greater size, and strength gains it probably isnt something you'd drop in mid cycle unless you were replacing another similar compound like sten or sust or even dbol . primo is going to help you recover and keep the quality of what you gain. it will give your liver a rest during a bulking cycle. help you eliminate some water see whats what toward the end of a cycle or just something to stabilize you when you are cycling during your cycle like taking anadrol to kickstart a test cycle you might stop the anadrol after the first three weeks and add primo and winnie to the back end. does that make sense? basically if primo and tren are bouncers at a bar and a fight kicks off primo is going to smooth things out, make sure everyone gets home okay and invites everyone to come back on a better night. tren is that gangster who knocks one dude out In one punch and grabs him by the pant leg with one hand and tosses him into traffic. hopefully that works lol sorry i am still at worklol
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  3. #3
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    If you use tren you need Cabergoline with it. It is not optional.

    1000mg of Primo will give less results than 75mg Tren weekly.

    You can half ass things with test and primo and be ok. You half ass things with Tren and you will regret it.
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  4. #4
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    This is a direct quote from the most steroid knowledgeable person I know:

    Not sure how much research you have done but in many ways these drugs are opposite. One is the most toxic and one is the least, not really a direct replacement.


    I dumped the tren & getting onto primo here shortly
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  5. #5
    Wannabhuge14's Avatar
    Wannabhuge14 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    If you use tren you need Cabergoline with it. It is not optional.

    1000mg of Primo will give less results than 75mg Tren weekly.

    You can half ass things with test and primo and be ok. You half ass things with Tren and you will regret it.
    I've never used caber with tren...
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  6. #6
    JdFlex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post

    Not sure how much research you have done but in many ways these drugs are opposite. One is the most toxic and one is the least, not really a direct replacement.
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  7. #7
    redz's Avatar
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    Just to reiterate what was said above caber is almost never needed with tren . Tren is on no way similar to primo.
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  8. #8
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Where do these guys get these ideas?? Comparing tren and primo?
    Needing cabergoline on tren?
    Holy cats ! Maybe there are new studies that tell me my experiences were fake and psychological.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  9. #9
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I asked in another thread due to looking to replace tren with something

    So, I get it now - Primo has its own category, as does tren

    It’s like comparing Var to dBol - well, they’re both steroids
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  10. #10
    Testie's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the answers guys I actually tried to remove this post shortly after I posted. When my coach said primo I was mistaken for parabolan on a side note as to the caber aspect referring to Tren I typically use masteron to help eliminate any prolactin issues but that’s just what works for me
    XnavyHMCS likes this.

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