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Thread: Can anadrol make you Moody?

  1. #1

    Can anadrol make you Moody?

    I'm a pretty chill and laid back guy at baseline. Testosterone alone has no impact on my mood, if anything I feel a bit more positive and uplifted. Started taking 50mg of anadrol a week ago along with 500mg of test cyp. Didn't notice a whole lot at first, maybe a bit more drive. Last night I was driving home from the gym and just felt irritated and pissed off for no reason. I got home, ate dinner and started to relax and felt better. I didn't get snappy with anybody or say anything regretful. But I was certainly on edge for an hour. Anybody else experience this taking anadrol?

    Goal is to put on size and lean out a little. Not a full on cut but try to keep the weight gain as clean as possible by eating super clean. Pushing for a 700lb deadlift, 600lb squat, and 405 bench. Not far off from those numbers at this point @ 225 bodyweight. Have abs but am far from being shredded. Hoping this will help with body composition as well.

    Plan to do a blood test in 4 weeks to check liver and kidneys. Blood pressure today was 100/80 which I assume is an ok range? Heart rate was 73 bpm with a bunch of caffeine.
    Last edited by rise_against; 07-16-2021 at 02:04 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    All AAS affect mood. You don't seem to really be impacted, however, vitals are very stable and the irritation you describe sounds transient, temporary and low intensity. Be prepared for worse. Perhaps be proactive by self-monitoring and limiting your exposure to potentially volatile situations and away from situations where the penalty is severe i.e. mitigate risk and consequences.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    Anything that effects your hormones has the potential to make you edgy. How you react is what created the issue.
    Step away from the situation, learn to go grab some fresh air, avoid compounds that give you problems.
    Try dropping the a-bombs and just run the test cyp.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Anything that effects your hormones has the potential to make you edgy. How you react is what created the issue.
    Step away from the situation, learn to go grab some fresh air, avoid compounds that give you problems.
    Try dropping the a-bombs and just run the test cyp.
    Vitals are still good and mood has evened out since writing this post. I'm liking what the anadrol is doing for me in the gym. I don't seem to have many side effects at this point. Was concerned that it would impact my appetite, but it hasnt. Getting stronger every workout

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by rise_against View Post
    I'm a pretty chill and laid back guy at baseline. Testosterone alone has no impact on my mood, if anything I feel a bit more positive and uplifted. Started taking 50mg of anadrol a week ago along with 500mg of test cyp. Didn't notice a whole lot at first, maybe a bit more drive. Last night I was driving home from the gym and just felt irritated and pissed off for no reason. I got home, ate dinner and started to relax and felt better. I didn't get snappy with anybody or say anything regretful. But I was certainly on edge for an hour. Anybody else experience this taking anadrol?

    Goal is to put on size and lean out a little. Not a full on cut but try to keep the weight gain as clean as possible by eating super clean. Pushing for a 700lb deadlift, 600lb squat, and 405 bench. Not far off from those numbers at this point @ 225 bodyweight. Have abs but am far from being shredded. Hoping this will help with body composition as well.

    Plan to do a blood test in 4 weeks to check liver and kidneys. Blood pressure today was 100/80 which I assume is an ok range? Heart rate was 73 bpm with a bunch of caffeine.
    I get pissed off when I'm driving too (even when I'm not on gear). Driving is a stressful task and I'm assuming since you're going home from the gym, you're feeling tired and worn out. If you're not seeing angry flare-ups throughout the rest of your day (more than usual), then I don't see any reason to change course.

    Maybe go sit in the jacuzzi for a bit to relax or a hot tub with some relaxing epsom salt if you don't have access to a spa.

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