I'm a pretty chill and laid back guy at baseline. Testosterone alone has no impact on my mood, if anything I feel a bit more positive and uplifted. Started taking 50mg of anadrol a week ago along with 500mg of test cyp. Didn't notice a whole lot at first, maybe a bit more drive. Last night I was driving home from the gym and just felt irritated and pissed off for no reason. I got home, ate dinner and started to relax and felt better. I didn't get snappy with anybody or say anything regretful. But I was certainly on edge for an hour. Anybody else experience this taking anadrol?
Goal is to put on size and lean out a little. Not a full on cut but try to keep the weight gain as clean as possible by eating super clean. Pushing for a 700lb deadlift, 600lb squat, and 405 bench. Not far off from those numbers at this point @ 225 bodyweight. Have abs but am far from being shredded. Hoping this will help with body composition as well.
Plan to do a blood test in 4 weeks to check liver and kidneys. Blood pressure today was 100/80 which I assume is an ok range? Heart rate was 73 bpm with a bunch of caffeine.