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Thread: Switch from Raloxifene to Nolvadex for Gyno??

  1. #1

    Exclamation Switch from Raloxifene to Nolvadex for Gyno??

    Hey guys, I'm dealing with a bad case of puffy nipples. There's no solidified lump but it is extremely puffy and my nipples look massive on my underdeveloped chest. It started getting bad during my late teens and it's continued to get worse until it stopped when I was about 22 (I'm 25 now and on TRT). My TRT dose is good and my E2 is in check. I'm currently on a test E blast and my E2 is under control with AI's.

    My situation seems complicated but it really isn't. Basically, I'm just trying to get rid of these puffy nipples that are about 5 years old while being on cycle. I read the more plates more dates protocol for gyno reversal and he recommends being on an AI for estrogen control and employing a SERM to get rid of the gyno. That is what I'm gonna do.

    However, the problem is that raloxifene constantly runs out of stock where I live. I managed to get a script for a months supply but I can only renew it after another month (at which point it might be out of stock). My question is if a do a month of Raloxifene will be able to continue with Nolvadex from there on if raloxifene isn't available? I know SERMS have the same course of action but am I missing something here?

    P.S I know I should not have started the blast before trying to reverse the gyno but it's already done and I can't change that now, unfortunately. :/
    Last edited by Spumps; 07-26-2021 at 01:01 PM.

  2. #2
    I think you're going to need raloxifene specifically for gyno that is 5 years old. Since you read MPMD, you'll know that the clinical studies show raloxifene being much more efficacious than nolvadex. Nolvadex is great for preventing future estrogen from binding at the breast tissue receptor site. It's possible it could reverse prior gyno to some degree but raloxifene would be a much better choice.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Chark View Post
    I think you're going to need raloxifene specifically for gyno that is 5 years old. Since you read MPMD, you'll know that the clinical studies show raloxifene being much more efficacious than nolvadex. Nolvadex is great for preventing future estrogen from binding at the breast tissue receptor site. It's possible it could reverse prior gyno to some degree but raloxifene would be a much better choice.
    Thanks for the quick response. Appreciate it

    I have two options at this point and I hope you could pick one for me.

    Option 1: Go for Raloxifene and take the risk that it would run out of stock by the second month (at which point I'd have to switch to Nolvadex)

    Option 2: Start with Nolvadex and stick with it all the way.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Spumps View Post
    Thanks for the quick response. Appreciate it

    I have two options at this point and I hope you could pick one for me.

    Option 1: Go for Raloxifene and take the risk that it would run out of stock by the second month (at which point I'd have to switch to Nolvadex)

    Option 2: Start with Nolvadex and stick with it all the way.
    Option 1. You said your estrogen was under control. If it's in stock and you're able to continue Raloxifene, then great. If not you're in the same spot. You could table the idea and wait until you stockpile enough Raloxifene to give getting rid of 5 year old gyno a full run.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Chark View Post
    Option 1. You said your estrogen was under control. If it's in stock and you're able to continue Raloxifene, then great. If not you're in the same spot. You could table the idea and wait until you stockpile enough Raloxifene to give getting rid of 5 year old gyno a full run.
    You picked option 1 but if raloxifene runs out you think I should stop the run? You think switching to Nolvadex at that point wouldn't be a good idea?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    You might also check out Dinaz's log. He is attacking gyno with some success, iirc.
    Yeah Raloxifene is working really well for me. It’s on 1 side and it is much less noticeable now. I’m a little less than 40 days on Raloxifene. It made a huge improvement within weeks and is still improving but going a bit slower now that it is down to some of the older more stubborn tissue, but progress is still happening.

    If I had to stop taking it today I’d still be very happy with the results. If you can get your hands on 6+ weeks worth I’d say go for it. Best case that’s enough for you. Worst case you get improvement but must choose between switching to tamoxifene or taking a break until you can secure more Raloxifene.

    I’m getting tired of taking it, so TBH doing a 2 cycle Raloxifene program doesn’t sound bad at all. At first I had no side effects but after a month my joints started hurting a little, but not nearly as bad as when I took too much AI.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Are the joint issues the only negatives you have encountered from the Ralox?
    Yup! For how powerful the stuff is has been fairly side effect free. I have been supplementing calcium and D3 on it. I’m feeling a little more tired than usual the last few days but I’ve no reason to blame the Raloxifene for it. Been busy and lifted 17/21 days after July 4th so I think I’m just in need of a deload light week.

    I’ll probably stop Ralox when I run out of my 6 week course just so I can see how I feel on cycle but off ralox. Then go to standard clomid-tamox PCT. If need be I’ll run another course of ralox sometime after PCT concludes. The stuff has exceeded my expectations.

  8. #8
    Thanks, guys! Just called the pharmacy and they have run out of Raloxifene. Literally OVERNIGHT.

    At this point, I'm thinking about running a Letro protocol for gyno reversal. I know Letro is not the go-to approach for gyno reversal but since I'm already on Letro (as an AI for my 500mg test blast) maybe i'll up the Letro a bit and see how that works.

    I'm aware that all this sounds reckless especially considering the symptoms of tanked E2 and how it will affect my cycle. However, I think I can handle the side effects and I'm also fine with not getting the best out of this cycle - if that means I can get rid of the gyno. I'm currently single and on my summer break. Sex drive and mental clarity isn't a priority right now. I'm on SSRI's so emotional health and mood fluctuations should be under control too, hopefully.

    I'll see how Letro works out by itself for about 2 weeks and see if there's any change. If there isn't, I'll drop it back to an AI dose and add Nolvadex as the primary drug to get rid of the gyno.

    Is anyone interested in a log? With the worldwide shortage of Raloxifene, I think a Letro only or AI + Nolva protocol would be helpful for most people.
    Last edited by Spumps; 07-27-2021 at 03:47 AM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I think there is a protocol somewhere on the site that outlines the use of letrozole and another drug alternately, I can't remember all the details. That might be something to search for.

    My thoughts on logs are: do it. You never know when someone might get benefit from it.
    Is it on this forum? Or does the forum has a site? Sorry, I'm slow.

    Here's the log -

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Yes it's on this forum. It MIGHT be a sticky somewhere. I'm at work right now and can't dig it up.
    Thanks, I tried the search function and came up with nothing. There's this post from 2006

    but the doses seem a little outdated and there's no SERMs used in the protocol

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Why not 60 ralox
    20 nolva

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