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Thread: Advice on cycle

  1. #1

    Advice on cycle

    Hey I'm a Type 1 Diabetic who is 38 years old, have been working out for 2+ years and looking at advice on a cycle I am planning. Had blood work done and my test is 600nl/DL. Looking at purely test Cyp 14 week cycle using 1500ui HCG (Pregnyl) per week on cycle, (125mg x1) (200mg x2) (375mg x2) (500mg x3) (375mg x2) (200mg x2) (125mg x1) two week break then 5mg of Nolvadex per day for 8 weeks. Any advice would be great I'm trying to avoid any harsher anabolic due to my diabetes so trying to keep it as save on and after cycle as possible. I'm currently 13% body fat, "5,11" 78.3kg.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    I’m not sure if I would keep changing the dosages every couple of weeks. Keep in mind that most side effects come when changing doses or compounds, during the ramp up or ramp down. When you are switching things up every week or two, you’re causing a disturbance within your body. Fluctuating levels of hormones are what lead to more acne, mood issues, water retention, etc. I know what you’re trying to do, I just think it may be better on paper than in reality, at least from my experience so far.

    Also, I’ve never gotten completely off steroids since starting, but I do take HCG, and understand it’s mechanism of action. It will take 2 or more weeks for the exogenous testosterone you inject to be fully depleted from your body. L HCG has a very short half-life of only a couple of days, so I would keep running it for a couple of weeks after your last injection.

  3. #3
    Thanks taking your advice I will adjust my amounts each week and more than likely reduce the weeks of injection to get the most from the cycle. 12 weeks of 421mg test continuing with the on cycle HCG and the Pregnyl after 14-20 days off cycle for 8 weeks with a blood test after completion to make sure blood work is close to being normal

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