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Thread: Cutting cycle - Some advices

  1. #1

    Cutting cycle - Some advices

    Long story ..somewhat short.

    My country banned steroids and made them somewhat hard to get. Most sources have closed their "business" but luckily I have the compounds for one more bulking and one more cutting cycle.

    I plan on doing the bulking cycle this december - already talked about it in another post so I'll skip that.

    The next cutting cycle should be next summer - Have to do it like this because the substances I have expire in 2023.

    The thing is all I have are long esters but I do not think that should be a problem. All of them are Balkan Pharma Gear - Real deal - all checked out.

    It goes like this :

    300mg Parabolan - Tren Hex - at 300mg/week - 12 weeks

    Enandrol - Test Enanthate - at 500mg/week - 12 weeks

    Winstrol 50mg / day - first 6 weeks

    Drostanolone E - Masteron enanthate - 600mg/week the last 6 weeks of the cycle.

    Proviron - 25-50mg / day during the cycle

    I have HCG , Nolvadex , Clomid , Cabaser , Arimidex , Aromasi ...all that is needed altough I might not need too much ai on this cycle.

    I will run Cardarine at 20mg / day during and after the cycle for cholesterol helpout.

    NAC , TUDCA for the Winstrol

    I know different people recommend different types : Less test than tren ...more test than tren ...equal doses.... etc. I want to hear some oppinions or advice - Also if I can add anything helpful or remove something that has no place here - Supplements , SARMS even etc.

    Thanks in advance !
    Last edited by Carlanul; 08-15-2021 at 06:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    I don't know how many others feel this way but it could be a factor in who responds: Please don't ask for information to assist in engaging in illegal activities. Rather, just edit that part out or speak in the hypothetical.

    Also, if the theory of using all that stuff is based on making sure that you have every specialty need covered, why not just take a bunch of test? What I mean is, synthetic testosterones perform different functions, if we take one for every function, why not just take the general that does everything? I hope this doesn't sound stupid, my question is more based on common sense than careful consideration of every substance you are proposing and to utilize.
    Last edited by Quester; 08-15-2021 at 09:47 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    I don't know how many others feel this way but it could be a factor in who responds: Please don't ask for information to assist in engaging in illegal activities. Rather, just edit that part out or speak in the hypothetical.

    Also, if the theory of using all that stuff is based on making sure that you have every specialty need covered, why not just take a bunch of test? What I mean is, synthetic testosterones perform different functions, if we take one for every function, why not just take the general that does everything? I hope this doesn't sound stupid, my question is more based on common sense than careful consideration of every substance you are proposing and to utilize.
    They are banned for buying/selling - not possesing or using. I already bought them so no illegality there. I have them before the new law was voted. That's why I have no problem. I am not a part of any illegality. That's the whole ideea - I knew some will respond on this prefering the shorter esters of the compounds wich I cannot get anymore since it's illegal and I don't wanna have a part in that...So it was kind of the point not to perform any illegal activity

    I did take a bunch of test several times - different compounds have different results and this is a cutting cycle. Thanks for the heads-up.
    Last edited by Carlanul; 08-16-2021 at 02:50 AM.

  4. #4
    Anyone ?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    There are various opinions on the right Test to Tren and Test to Mast ratios.... I'm out of my wheelhouse on those topics, or if running tren and mast together is even a good idea.

    Proviron is a good addition, seems like maybe a little conservative dose for a cycle of that size.
    No ideea - Most cutting cycles use Tren and I searched. But I have no clue tbh - in theory it works well - but I am looking for more info on it. Most I have found are just doses and cycles - but no personal experience or tested etc.

  6. #6
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    La Cocina
    Cutting and bulking come down to dieting. Period.

    Now some substances have higher aromatization rates and can be looked at as wet or dry compounds…other than that the weight you put on or take off is food related.

    The holy trinity you seek for this “cutting cycle” is test, tren and masteron. They are like peanut butter, jelly and bread and they work very well together.

    The workhorse of the three is Tren. With enth, anywhere from 3-500 is common. Test is to keep your HPTA functioning and act as a support piece for the tren, which in my opinion and experience is why it should be run just above a therapeutic range (2-300) this also significantly mitigates sides for me.

    Proviron becomes important becomes it optimizes then free testosterone and ensures you’re getting everything out not the lower dose. Your free test is the best marker and you can have all the test in the world but if it’s getting eaten by SHBG then what’s the point? It’s also very effective for sexual health.

    The masteron, does a nice job of shaping the muscles and though it’s a “weak” anabolic, it does a great job of slightly contributing in the strength department but really shines in a dual role of suppressing estrogen, helping with prolactin and enhancing that “dry” look desired in cutting

    Good starting cycle would be 200-250 test, 300 tren, 50 proviron and 400 mast. Anywhere with in those dose ranges. We are all different, but feel confident recommending something along those lines
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 08-17-2021 at 02:42 PM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Cutting and bulking come down to dieting. Period.

    Now some substances have higher aromatization rates and can be looked at as wet or dry compounds…other than that the weight you put on or take off is food related.

    The holy trinity you seek for this “cutting cycle” is test, tren and masteron. They are like peanut butter, jelly and bread and they work very well together.

    The workhorse of the three is Tren. With enth, anywhere from 3-500 is common. Test is to keep your HPTA functioning and act as a support piece for the tren, which in my opinion and experience is why it should be run just above a therapeutic range (2-300) this also significantly mitigates sides for me.

    Proviron becomes important becomes it optimizes then free testosterone and ensures you’re getting everything out not the lower dose. Your free test is the best marker and you can have all the test in the world but if it’s getting eaten by SHBG then what’s the point? It’s also very effective for sexual health.

    The masteron, does a nice job of shaping the musicales and though it’s a “weak” anabolic, it does a great job of slightly contributing in the strength department but really shines in a dual role of suppressing estrogen, helping with prolactin and enhancing that “dry” look desired in cutting
    That's was beautifully explained. The diet part should be implied. I mean ofc not gonna eat a 1000kcal over maintenance and expect a cut. That's dumb. Also the cycle itself would be at the end of a long slow cut anyway - so I hope to be on the 12% Bf at most ...

    What about Winstrol ? should I start with it for the first weeks or it's too much already ? or switch it with Anavar ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Nothing is ever implied

    I’m not a winny fan…I like Var, but feel test, tren, mast and proviron is more than enough. If you can’t shred up with that stack then there’s a bigger issue.

    That being said, 50 mgs of Var a day for 4-6 weeks isn’t going to hurt.

    Winny made my joints hurt and didn’t blow my mind aesthetically. We are all different though and I’m sure it has its loyalists. Have to run your own experiments

    Best of luck

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Nothing is ever implied

    I’m not a winny fan…I like Var, but feel test, tren, mast and proviron is more than enough. If you can’t shred up with that stack then there’s a bigger issue.

    That being said, 50 mgs of Var a day for 4-6 weeks isn’t going to hurt.

    Winny made my joints hurt and didn’t blow my mind aesthetically. We are all different though and I’m sure it has its loyalists. Have to run your own experiments

    Best of luck
    Thanks a lot for all the info ! Very helpful ! I will stick with Anavar for the first 4-6 weeks for a start since I have long esters of everything else. Also I will try and see if I stop TREN at 10 weeks or go for full 12 - Depending on how I handle the sides.

    I will come back with details on the cycle and everything when I start - first the bulking one and then this one. I will get pictures and diet and all maybe it helps someone. Cheers !
    Last edited by Carlanul; 08-17-2021 at 03:27 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Cutting and bulking come down to dieting. Period.
    So simple and 100% truth. Testosterone is such a wonderful substance and prevents muscle wastage while at ultra low calories. Focus on your diet

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