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Thread: Some questions for anybody who has the time…

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2021

    Some questions for anybody who has the time…

    So I have been away from the game for 3.5 years and want to get back to it. Before I left I was 210. Right now I’m sitting at 190 and not bad shape but not as thick as I was.

    To get back to where I was I wasn’t planning on going crazy. I was thinking…

    Var 40mg/day. Test e-500mg/wk. eq-600mg/wk. cialis-10mg/day. Tudco 500mg/day

    Any input or suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    You didn't say how long you plan on cycling, if you're on TRT, and what your PCT looks like. I think EQ takes forever to kick in and makes my blood get too thick. I'd rather do around 400 mg of deca, which is going to be more powerful than EQ anyhow... Deca also has an erythropoietic effect, but less pronounced than EQ IMO. Everything else looks fine, maybe drop the var after 6 weeks and let the injectables do the rest.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    You didn't say how long you plan on cycling, if you're on TRT, and what your PCT looks like. I think EQ takes forever to kick in and makes my blood get too thick. I'd rather do around 400 mg of deca, which is going to be more powerful than EQ anyhow... Deca also has an erythropoietic effect, but less pronounced than EQ IMO. Everything else looks fine, maybe drop the var after 6 weeks and let the injectables do the rest.
    I probably should be a TRT but I am not. I was blasting and cruising for about 3-4 years and due to circumstances I had to come off with out anything, but I’m only 28 so idk.

    So with that said I’d like to blast and cruise again but wasn’t sure if I should run a cycle first then cycle off and see how it goes. I have clomid on hand for what I decide.

    Also bro, here is another question for ya, several people I know and have had discussions with claim with Eq I won’t have to take my AI any truth to that?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Str8diezel View Post
    Also bro, here is another question for ya, several people I know and have had discussions with claim with Eq I won’t have to take my AI any truth to that?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Hmm well that was a very blunt video lol. So what would you swap Eq for? And then would you run arimidex or aromasin and what dose?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Str8diezel View Post
    Hmm well that was a very blunt video lol. So what would you swap Eq for? And then would you run arimidex or aromasin and what dose?
    My bad, I didn't intend to direct you to a specific time in the video or to make a statement about EQ as an option...only to give you material to find the answer to your question.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Chark View Post
    My bad, I didn't intend to direct you to a specific time in the video or to make a statement about EQ as an option...only to give you material to find the answer to your question.
    No bro lol no worries you’re good. But in your opinion what would you swap out Eq for and then what for blocker would you run

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Why not just run test solo again?

    Any issues with estrogen previously? The goal is to not need an AI unless you absolutely have to. Estrogen is your friend. If the goal is bulking and you’re dead set on another compound, them Deca is tough to beat.

    You get all of these questions because it’s tough to generalize a plan without knowing your history and experiences/results with previous cycles.

    The MORE info you provide, the more tailored the advice can be. Otherwise it’s just shooting from the hip and we ALL react differently to compounds.

    What’s good for the goose isn’t good for the gander, ya dig?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Why not just run test solo again?

    Any issues with estrogen previously? The goal is to not need an AI unless you absolutely have to. Estrogen is your friend. If the goal is bulking and you’re dead set on another compound, them Deca is tough to beat.

    You get all of these questions because it’s tough to generalize a plan without knowing your history and experiences/results with previous cycles.

    The MORE info you provide, the more tailored the advice can be. Otherwise it’s just shooting from the hip and we ALL react differently to compounds.

    What’s good for the goose isn’t good for the gander, ya dig?
    For sure I can understand that. I’ve ran a lot of shit. My very first cycle was test c and dbol and I blew the heck up lol not bad weight either good size. Then I cycled off and jumped to superdrol test e then cruzed and went to tren primo super test, I’ve had no bad affects and have had good results from most of the stuff I’ve ran. Good reliable gear man

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