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Thread: How do steroids (other than T) affect bloodwork?

  1. #1
    LAB is offline New Member
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    How do steroids (other than T) affect bloodwork?

    My doctor has put me on TRT with 100mg/wk of Test and my current total T is around 800ng/dL.

    I would like to supplement that with other steroids like Tren .

    Without getting into the difference between free and total T and if 800 is high or low. Or what my goals are, etc, etc... I just want to know, if I start taking 100mg/wk of Tren ( for example). Will that make my total T number go up higher than the 800 I am at now?

    Or more technically, will testosterone -derived steroids cause total T to go up? And, will DHT-derived steroids cause total T to go up?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Tren may or may not ding your lipids.
    It can affect your Hct and Hgb, among other things. 100mg/week is a very small dosage, so it may not have a tremendous effect.
    Tren should not affect your total T, but depending on the type of assay is run, I've heard it can show up as a skewed E2 reading. Personally haven't experienced that.

    If you're going to supplement your TRT, you should drop off of the "extra" a good 8 weeks before any labs ordered by your Dr, and I would pull self ordered labs on your own @ mid- blast and 4 weeks before any Dr ordered labs in case you need to defer their labs for s few weeks/.you're confident your values are good.

    You've asked for a very specific answer, but this varies with everyone, so I'll have to provide a general answer.

    Edit: Just for general information, deca can falsely elevate T values if an ECLIA panel is used instead of the LC/MS type of assay.
    Last edited by almostgone; 09-27-2021 at 10:59 PM. Reason: Typos......
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  3. #3
    Charlie67's Avatar
    Charlie67 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good advice above from AG about the labs.

    Generally Tren doesn't up my T-levels. I'm not sure what 100mg/week will get you, but likely you'll be fine.... but, again, as AG said, my cholesterol is all messed up when I'm running tren in the 3-500 range if your doc checks that during your checkup.

  4. #4
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    By definition, DHT derived steroids will not raise Total T. DHT derived steroids, Anavar , for one, will raise Free T by suppressing SHBG thereby creating a greater effect because Free T is more important than Total T. If you're convinced Total T is more important than Free T, you're in the right place because there is a vast amount of knowledge on here to help you learn the truth.

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