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Thread: Not sure if to start a cycle on dbol for 4 weeks and end with 4 weeks winny/anavar

  1. #1

    Not sure if to start a cycle on dbol for 4 weeks and end with 4 weeks winny/anavar

    Hi as title explains i am not sure if it is a wise idea to start a cycle with 4 weeks of dbol and end with 4 weeks of winny&anavar stacked with test

    My thinking is i will add water weight off the dbol first 4 weeks but i want the strength gains (will be in a 500 cal deficit all way through cycle)
    And the winny/var at the end of the cycle will reduce water weight but will still gain/keep muscle.

    Or.. just stack winny and var with test and thats it and maybe do 4 weeks winny var beginning and 4 weeks winny/var at end of cycle. I just wanted the strength gains off the dbol

    I need to lose weight and will still be losing weight before starting this cycle but ideally i need to cutt but add muscle

    High body fat %

    In gym doing 15-30 mins cardio 5 days a week (around 200-400 cals burnt daily) fast walk + incline

    Only training 1 muscle group once a week currently but will be switching it up to training muscle group twice a week
    Any recomendations for a training routine also for twice a week?

    Current routine

    Fri: legs

    Thanks for any info given much appreciated!

    Cycle would look something like this

    TEST + DBOL + winny/anavar

    AND MIDWAY THROUGH AND AFTER to see what cholestrol/estrogen/test levels/blood sugars/lipids are like

    This 12-16 week cycle 400mg-500mg test cypionate per week of testosterone running for the entire 12 weeks
    (One jab a week monday morning)

    Dianabol should be used only for the FIRST 4 weeks at a daily dose of about 30mg

    Stanavar (winny/anavar) last 4 weeks to harden up and other weight loss benefits
    Split tablet in half each day twice a day (25mg/25mg = 2x 12.5mg/12.5mg)

    Arimidex start week 2 of cycle 0.5mg twice a week (up dose if get gyno and drop testestrone dose if high) CONTROLS WATER RETENTION ASWELL

    HCG post cycle 1 week after last pin 1000iu every other day for 8 days, then 500iu every other day for 8 more days (16 days total)

    Clomid post cycle 1 week after 25-50mg a day for 2 weeks/2.5 weeks

    Nolvadex 20mg a day then continued 2 weeks passed clomid is stopped (4 weeks in total)

    Take all orals sublingually (under tongue and let dissolve 5-15 mins)

    Taurine tablets for joints 1000-2000mg tab a day throughout cycle

    Tudca liver support for when taking orals

    Milk thistle aswell

    Vitamin b3 niacin for HDL levels (good cholestrol)

    Creatine everyday even on off days

    Glutamine 20g a day for stronger immune system and helps body absorb nutrients better

    Nitric oxide to enlarge blood vessels = more blood to muscles and better circulation
    Last edited by aprjak92; 10-02-2021 at 11:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Any tweaks or any information given is greatly appreciated. Still learning alot.
    Dont want to jump into anything without doing it the correct way

    And im not taking tren or clen haha
    Last edited by aprjak92; 10-02-2021 at 11:58 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dbol at high body fat is not a good idea unless you want tits.

  4. #4
    Ok cheers for info. Will look more into hcg and drop the dbol 100% cheers guys appreciated

  5. #5
    And understood what cylon sed. Obviously every1 wants to lose weight am add muscle. I just meant to say is dbol overkill with the water weight with the test because ive heard can still be used as a cutting steroid (also heard it cant alot also) so basicly im best with test + stanavar and keep as little water retention as poss to lose weight. And il research into HCG alot more also.

  6. #6
    Now i realise where i was going wrong. HCG while on cycle small doses is better than using as part as PCT. Run an AI all way through. 500 test and no orals for now. Especially with winny/anavar for high bodyfat cause waste and wont see nothing anyways

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2021
    As far as training goes. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has their opinion on what works and what doesn't.

    In my opinion, your planned workout routine, or really body grouping. Will not be best unless you are an extremely seasoned lifter.

    You want something tried and true and proven to work for absolutely everybody? Ps... It's free.

    Google, youtube, etc: 5/3/1 BBB (Boring But Big)

    There are different ways to run it. Here's a copy and paste of what I send to friends that are brand new to lifting.

    Based off of your one rep max percentages that you will learn about after doing your search. There is an app as well to do the math for you.

    Day One:
    Bench – 5 x 10 @ 60%
    Tri/Shoulder accessories

    Day Two:
    Squat – 5 x 10 @ 60%
    Hamstring accessories

    Day Three:
    Bench Press
    OHP – 5 x 10 @ 60%
    Back accessories

    Day Four:
    Dead – 5 x 10 @ 60%
    Quad accessories

    If you're not experienced in the Big four lifts. By the book by Mark Rippetoe called Starting Strength. Run that program until you stall out on linear progression. Then start back with the 531.

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