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  1. #1
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    1084.6 Free Test Levels!

    So I just got my bloodwork back, and have been taking 480 test cyp with 660 Primo per week.

    My Total test came back at 1783, which I thought should have been higher, but my free test is 1086.

    It was just a few years ago when 200mg of Cyp would raise my levels to 1500, so I don't get it. I guess age could be an issue, or does the Primo increase Free test more rather than total test?

    I'm taking 50mcg of T3 a day, but my test came back with:

    T3 = 92
    TSH = 1.18.
    Free T4 = 1.0

    I would expect T3 to be higher? Yet I'm losing fat, albeit slowly and my digestion is way better.

    My lipids are prefect, aside from LDL = 37.

    Hematocrit = 51.1

    AST = 52

    I'm waiting to see what my IGF 1 levels to come back so I can see how good these kits I've been taking for months are.

    But ya, I was expecting to see way higher Total Test from my homebrew gear.

  2. #2
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    Oh, and I did screw up my homebrew where I made each CC of test only 160mg per and each Primo 220; this makes me need to take 1cc of each, 3x a week. I took the blood test fasted Weds morning, which means my last shot was Monday morning. But I've been on for other two months, I should have stabilized levels, so not sure it would affect the test that much or at all.

  3. #3
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Last edited by clarky.; 10-11-2021 at 04:08 PM.

  4. #4
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    I don't get what you're saying lol

  5. #5
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    Can someone please help me understand what is going on here?

  6. #6
    xxblazenlowxx's Avatar
    xxblazenlowxx is offline Associate Member
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    Im going to guess your math was off with your homebrew or your raws are under dosed and taking less then you think.

    150 mgs of test a week puts my at 860

    Is your SHBG high?

  7. #7
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    Well I just found out today that my raw source MUST be garbage. The guy who sent me to it even stopped promoting them, after I emailed him this morning with my bloodwork. It was Purple Panda Labs, and their email was such BS excuse as to why they are low lol.

    So yea, it is clearly the latter: Under-dosed garbage. The only thing left to do is either increase dosages or toss everything I have

  8. #8
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    Here was the email when I made my complaint...

    Hello Sir,

    So I've checked this with Panda, and below was the reply.

    The hydrolysis of esters is carried out by the PDE7B gene, depending on the allele of the gene you can get a difference up to 3.5 times the test levels.

    Depending on the muscles you inject before taking the bloodwork the levels also change according to the clinical literature.

    Also depending on the viscosity of the carrier oil that you use you can get up to a 50% difference on your test levels.

    Also we should add that your pinning schedule also changes the test levels.

    Finally i want to point out that the increase on the test levels does not follow a linear graphic, 2x a quantity does not equal to 2x the levels you had with half of the quantity.

    Taking into account all of that... measuring the quality using bloodwork is not the best way of doing it, the only way is to test the purity via HPLC, and my factory HPLC are completely on point.

    Best regards

  9. #9
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    I asked Dave Palumbo as to why my FREE TEST was so high, and he responded with this:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Capture.PNG 
Views:	45 
Size:	28.2 KB 
ID:	181397

    So this would mean that my Total Test is only showing the affects of the 480 cyp, and the Primo isn't picking up, but is showing its affects in the FREE TEST being insanely high.

  10. #10
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    Alright, so perhaps the gear isn't as pure/potent as pharm (obviously), but not total garbage then. And SOMETHING is jacking up my FREE TEST, so it must be the Primo certainly working since my FREE TEST is retarded high.

    Dave also responded with " You're not taking too much, and most of what you're using is "FREE," so you don't need to worry about it. I guess what he means is that it's the free test that is floating around that will be building new tissue?

    My confusion comes from the fact I always assumed any exogenous test, and its derivatives, would show up under Total Test...How else does one know if their gear (besides test) is working or legit? Deca , Winny, Var, Dbol , Tren etc...? I guess one has to look at other markers. And if so, how do they know whether they should adjust dosages due to those markers?

    I know I'm asking a lot, but I might as well learn so I don't have to ask anyone ever again lol.

  11. #11
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    been researching this issue all day, and I've concluded something is STILL not right. There is no way my FREE TEST should that high, as it is a % of what Total Test is.

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