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Thread: [Need Advice] Took nolva and pubertal gyno started going away, what do?

  1. #1

    [Need Advice] Took nolva and pubertal gyno started going away, what do?

    Hopped on my first test cycle recently (500mg/week) and used nolvadex as an AI. Prior to this, I've had some really mild gyno from my puberty years but since starting AI it seems to have gotten significantly smaller. This pretty much tells me that the tissue hasn't "settled in/dried" yet and was probably the result of (probably) some hormonal imbalance.

    I'm seeking advice on where to go from here. How do I eliminate it completely? Can I expect it to re-appear once I eventually stop taking AI (after PCT of course)?

    Any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Be aware that nolvadex is not an AI. It is a SERM. Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator. AI's stop the conversion of test into estrogen while SERMs block estrogen at the tissue receptor site (they do not lower estrogen in the body).

    That's great that you've found it reduces it! Some people aren't so lucky. Hard to suggest what to expect. I wouldn't expect it to re-appear once you've stopped taking the SERM, but could reappear because you are using hormones along with it. People also try another SERM, Raloxifene, as it has been shown clinically to be more efficacious than nolvadex in reducing gyno but as always, your mileage may vary.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by hugh_mungus69 View Post
    Hopped on my first test cycle recently (500mg/week) and used nolvadex as an AI. Prior to this, I've had some really mild gyno from my puberty years but since starting AI it seems to have gotten significantly smaller. This pretty much tells me that the tissue hasn't "settled in/dried" yet and was probably the result of (probably) some hormonal imbalance.

    I'm seeking advice on where to go from here. How do I eliminate it completely? Can I expect it to re-appear once I eventually stop taking AI (after PCT of course)?

    Any help is appreciated.
    I’m pretty sure you an stay on Nolva throughout your cycle. Maybe 10mg. Just to keep the gyno in check

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