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Thread: Injection advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Injection advice

    So I’ve been pinning test only for a few years now, cycle on and off, have used a few orals with the cycle hit injecting wise I’ve only used test, twice a week at most, (every 3 days when I used sust)

    I have always pinned in my glute but I’m getting to the point now where one I’m finding that I just have a tonne of scar tissue where I pin and it feels weird going through it, sometimes gives me a bit of pip for a few days, and also I’m finding it harder to reach comfortably.

    I pinned my quad once which was so much easier but gave me massive virgin muscle pip, I couldn’t use my left leg, I want to start pinning my quad and I’ve accepted to go through the virgin muscle phase.

    Question is, I just pinned half a dosage just now as I was working away this week and picked up the wrong vial so only had half a dose on Wednesday. My quads are definitely on the skinnier side, I have always used 1 1/4 needles and I just went probably an inch in and it felt like it was to far in, I aspirated anyway and pushed the test through, but just for future reference is 1 1/4 needles needed or should I just go for an inch?

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  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by BS3915 View Post
    So I’ve been pinning test only for a few years now, cycle on and off, have used a few orals with the cycle hit injecting wise I’ve only used test, twice a week at most, (every 3 days when I used sust)

    I have always pinned in my glute but I’m getting to the point now where one I’m finding that I just have a tonne of scar tissue where I pin and it feels weird going through it, sometimes gives me a bit of pip for a few days, and also I’m finding it harder to reach comfortably.

    I pinned my quad once which was so much easier but gave me massive virgin muscle pip, I couldn’t use my left leg, I want to start pinning my quad and I’ve accepted to go through the virgin muscle phase.

    Question is, I just pinned half a dosage just now as I was working away this week and picked up the wrong vial so only had half a dose on Wednesday. My quads are definitely on the skinnier side, I have always used 1 1/4 needles and I just went probably an inch in and it felt like it was to far in, I aspirated anyway and pushed the test through, but just for future reference is 1 1/4 needles needed or should I just go for an inch?

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    I prefer one inch myself .

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  3. #3
    1 inch is probably sufficient. The length needed depends on where you're pinning or how much fat you're holding in that area. You just need it to go far enough in beyond the subcutaneous layer to reach the muscle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    I fucked up & ordered 1 1/4” instead of my usual 1” - both 27ga

    I’m not a huge fan of the extra 1/4”

    I pin my ass, tris & delts - never tried bi’s or legs - pec injections are too killer

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Personally, If I pin into my ventral glutes with a one inch, I need to push the needle in all the way and then a little more, so I use a 1.5 on this spot. 1 inch everywhere else.

    If you dont reach the muscle, thats fine this makes it a subcutaneous injection that many people use.

    Start using your Lats, posterior delts and Traps. These are great places . Avoid the highly vascular quadriceps, its a not an ideal place for injections.

    I personally dont pin into my biceps, its a small muscle prone to tears. Theres no evidence that pinning helps produce tears, but theres no evidence it doesnt either.
    Last edited by tlaloc; 10-15-2021 at 07:25 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    I pinned my glutes with a 1 1/2" 21g needle, then switched to quads with the same needle. It was like a dream, compared to the glute shots.
    Imagine how I felt when changed the needle size after like 2 years of pinning quads with those tubes to 1" 25g lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by BS3915 View Post
    So I’ve been pinning test only for a few years now, cycle on and off, have used a few orals with the cycle hit injecting wise I’ve only used test, twice a week at most, (every 3 days when I used sust)

    I have always pinned in my glute but I’m getting to the point now where one I’m finding that I just have a tonne of scar tissue where I pin and it feels weird going through it, sometimes gives me a bit of pip for a few days, and also I’m finding it harder to reach comfortably.

    I pinned my quad once which was so much easier but gave me massive virgin muscle pip, I couldn’t use my left leg, I want to start pinning my quad and I’ve accepted to go through the virgin muscle phase.

    Question is, I just pinned half a dosage just now as I was working away this week and picked up the wrong vial so only had half a dose on Wednesday. My quads are definitely on the skinnier side, I have always used 1 1/4 needles and I just went probably an inch in and it felt like it was to far in, I aspirated anyway and pushed the test through, but just for future reference is 1 1/4 needles needed or should I just go for an inch?

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    Honestly, I wouldn't pin my quads, if I didn't have to. About half of the many times I've pinned there, I've ended up coughing a lung up because I'd nicked a vessel on the way in. And I'd aspirate with no blood going in to the syringe.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2021
    Having more spots means less chance of buildings scar tissue over time.

    I use a 25 gauge 1 inch in my glutes medius

    Everywhere else I use a 30 gauge half inch.


    Avoid quads by any means necessary.

    This helped me a lot:

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Honestly, I wouldn't pin my quads, if I didn't have to. About half of the many times I've pinned there, I've ended up coughing a lung up because I'd nicked a vessel on the way in. And I'd aspirate with no blood going in to the syringe.
    Did you inject in the right place? I hit a blood vessel like 5 times of every 100 glute shots, but only hit a vessel once since doing quads (last 3 years, over ~300 pins). I hit a nerve like 5 out of 100 tho, but I always just push the needle through and act like nothing happened.

    Injecting to chest/traps/lats is just pure madness imo. Imagine getting an infection and having cut your pecs..ouch

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