Long story short I around week 10 of a NPP cycle I started suffering from deca dick. 15 years ago I had no issues with nandrolone.
I was on
350npp weekly
200 test c weekly
.5 dostinex twice a week (pretty sure fake)
.5 armidex twice a week
50mg proviron daily (pretty sure fake)
500 units HCG twice a week.
I’m on TRT, HCG, and Armidex all pharma. I dont take the armidex as my e2 stays in range and save it for blasts… I’ve discontinued taking the NPP for almost 3 months now around week 12 of the blast, and I’m still suffering with deca dick!
Where It’s been 3 months is it even possible to still have elevated prolactin?
I know nandrolone metabolites stay in your system for about a year with NPP… can these metabolites be causing deca dïck… if so how do you get rid of them faster.
It sucks to be getting older and compounds affecting you different. I’ve never had to run a 2:1 test/nandrolone ratio in the past. I played it extra safe and had proviron on hand… but even 100mg didn’t affect my libido so I know it was fake.
I’m due for labs in about a month and will order prolactin/progesterone/DHT in addition to the normal ones.
Where it’s been about 3 months, is there anything I can do at this point besides wait? Through research I read it can take 3-5x the length of cycle for dopamine and serotonin receptors to normalize with nandrolone use…could the ED be caused by this?