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Thread: Clearing Nandrolone metabolites from system

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Clearing Nandrolone metabolites from system

    Long story short I around week 10 of a NPP cycle I started suffering from deca dick. 15 years ago I had no issues with nandrolone.

    I was on
    350npp weekly
    200 test c weekly
    .5 dostinex twice a week (pretty sure fake)
    .5 armidex twice a week
    50mg proviron daily (pretty sure fake)
    500 units HCG twice a week.

    I’m on TRT, HCG, and Armidex all pharma. I dont take the armidex as my e2 stays in range and save it for blasts… I’ve discontinued taking the NPP for almost 3 months now around week 12 of the blast, and I’m still suffering with deca dick!

    Where It’s been 3 months is it even possible to still have elevated prolactin?

    I know nandrolone metabolites stay in your system for about a year with NPP… can these metabolites be causing deca dïck… if so how do you get rid of them faster.

    It sucks to be getting older and compounds affecting you different. I’ve never had to run a 2:1 test/nandrolone ratio in the past. I played it extra safe and had proviron on hand… but even 100mg didn’t affect my libido so I know it was fake.

    I’m due for labs in about a month and will order prolactin/progesterone/DHT in addition to the normal ones.

    Where it’s been about 3 months, is there anything I can do at this point besides wait? Through research I read it can take 3-5x the length of cycle for dopamine and serotonin receptors to normalize with nandrolone use…could the ED be caused by this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Taken Deca twice, didnt get deca dick but both times it fucked with my head so no more deca ever.

    Sounds like you been using gear a long time, maybe the TRT dose is simply not going to cut it anymore. How many MG of TRT are you taking?

    Are you using any viagra?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by tlaloc View Post
    Taken Deca twice, didnt get deca dick but both times it fucked with my head so no more deca ever.

    Sounds like you been using gear a long time, maybe the TRT dose is simply not going to cut it anymore. How many MG of TRT are you taking?

    Are you using any viagra?
    200mg weekly, puts me at 1150ng total and 40 free T.

    I take 50mg viagra about an hour before sex. I can get an erection but there’s little sensitive and I can slam it like a porn star and I’ll usually lose the erection before busting. The nandrolone definitely messed with me mentally the first time this past cycle with mild depression and motivation issues creeping in around week 6-8.

    I’m going to start heavily dosing niacin to start flushing out my fat cells of metabolites. Will be good for the HDL as well.

  4. #4
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    Sounds like a prolactin issue…at least the delayed orgasm part. Downside of 19 Nors is prolactin issues. Make sure you’re not crushing your estrogen as well. If you can get your hands on some real proviron my guess is it will help. 50 mgs with a 19 nor for me is a must…

    A lot of the deca dick is also mental, it’s amazing what the brain can do (not saying that’s your issue) but if all of the blood work looks good then you might think about that aspect.

    The other thing you can try is some PT-141 along with the viagra. Best bet would be to get it scripted and go to a good compounding pharmacy.

    Be interested to hear what your labs look like. I would probably bet your E2 and prolactin are out of whack.

    Best of luck

  5. #5
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    Sep 2012
    I just recently saw this video, there is some info on prolactin and sexual function, it begins at minute number 40.

    Seratonin can also fukk with sexual function. Nandrolone just does a lot of shit to your brain.

  6. #6
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    TBH I wouldn't bother with the arimidex. That's probably causing your problem. You're taking proviron and that'll help control estrogen (along with help your dick out). You probably wouldn't notice any muscle hardening from it since you're taking NPP with it.

    But yeah, if you crash out your estrogens, you're going to have trouble getting it up (and maintaining).

  7. #7
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    Fuck it, I may as well say it since it’s my favorite thing in the world to say. Don’t touch a 19 nor without masteron on board.

    Mast + Proviron = success with mitigating sides from 19 nors. Free up test, control estrogen and prolactin without crushing them with an AI. For guys that aren’t super gyno prone, it’s a godsend in my opinion

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post

    The other thing you can try is some PT-141 along with the viagra.

    Be interested to hear what your labs look like. I would probably bet your E2 and prolactin are out of whack.

    Best of luck
    Pt141 and viagra helped. Would I still have high prolactin nearly 3 months after stopping NPP? I’m due for labs next month… I would get them right now but, it’s an 8 hour round-trip.

    Quote Originally Posted by tlaloc View Post
    Seratonin can also fukk with sexual function. Nandrolone just does a lot of shit to your brain.
    It does very much feel like it’s serotonin related since I’m still lacking motivation and have been forcing myself to do basic shit. It’s a good thing I have discipline.

    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    TBH I wouldn't bother with the arimidex.
    I’m just on my TRT dosage currently so I’m not taking an AI it stays at 30 @ 200mg and 40 with HCG included. I’ve crashed my e2 before it’s no fun.

  9. #9
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    It’s so hard to say, the metabolites from nandrolone are notorious for lasting a long time.

    My first inclination is to say no, but we’re all so unique in how we process. The delayed orgasm is what makes me think it’s possible, but elevated prolactin levels aren’t the only thing that can cause that to occur. Also wondering what your E2 range looks like and making sure that isn’t crashed or suppressed. So hard to paint with a broad brush without blood work and don’t mean to give you analysis paralysis.

    The labs will give you some clarity and hopefully some peace of mind and there’s a good chance there will be some positive psychological effect as well.

    Try not to let the doubt creep in. Manage it with the viagra and PT-141 for now and try and be in a good place mentally when you hit the bedroom. Easier said than done I know, I’ve been there. I do know my mind can derail my body if I let it.

    Really think you should get some proviron on board…if you need some help with a trusted source, PM me.

    I’m in no way affiliated with any sources but will help a brother out. My free T on my last proviron run went from the mid 40’s to almost 400 on 50 mgs a day. I’m a huge fan of that drug and my lipids behave for the most part of I keep it to 3 months or so…

  10. #10
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    Something I've read a few times. And seen on a few videos.

    For anything to clear your system. It takes five half lives.

    Which is why most people have never done a proper PCT

    But if you're on actual full-time TRT. PCT isn't needed anyway.

  11. #11
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    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I wouldn't think it's the NPP at all at that dosage.
    If anything it's adex lowering your E2 too much.

    Basically test turns to dht and estrogen, nandrolones turn to dhn. Both test and npp compete to bind to the androgen receptor where npp has a much stronger binding affinity. When npp binds to far more AR's than DHT does sexual issues can arise.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I wouldn't think it's the NPP at all at that dosage.
    If anything it's adex lowering your E2 too much.

    Basically test turns to dht and estrogen, nandrolones turn to dhn. Both test and npp compete to bind to the androgen receptor where npp has a much stronger binding affinity. When npp binds to far more AR's than DHT does sexual issues can arise.
    I haven’t been on adex in 3 months. I’m not having my usual low e2 sides, and I would’ve recovered by now if it was e2.

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