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  1. #1
    j_kiler is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2001

    Question Lenght on winstrol

    What is the longest time you can safely stay on winstrol tabs?

  2. #2
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Aug 2001
    that's up to you bro..those are pretty toxic to the liver, so i wouldn't stay on them much longer than 10wks.

  3. #3
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Aug 2001
    From what I've read and people I've spoken more than 8 weeks is the norm. I've personally never been past 6 weeks. As always be sure to take PLENTY of milk thistle (starting 10 days before your first tab and finishing 10 days after your last tab) and drink plenty of water. Why...are you considering oral winny as part of a stack?

  4. #4
    The Iron Game Guest
    I know people who have gone 12 and I am sure there are others who have done longer. The only safe way is to get blood tests done. If you havent done winstrol before then try and keep it around 6-8 depending on dose and take some liver protectants

  5. #5
    Ranger Guest
    Pete has very good advice, and as IG said, blood work will offer a surprise most often....For example...and REMEMBER, everyone is different, both inside and out....

    I have gone 10 weeks at 50mg's EOD(for the most part) of winny, and liver values slightly elevated....did abombs at 1 a day for 1 week, then 2 a day for 3 weeks, and liver values through the roof...Did around 4 weeks of winny and abombs together to start a cycle a few years ago and values were almost normal...Hmmmmm

    According to my Endo, alot of times it will depend on your health, diet, and other medications at the time.....

    Bottom line, know your body, keep in tune with it, and play it safe at all times, whether on cycle, or off....It's the only way to remain in the game for a long time Bro....


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