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Thread: Take stuff if your not feeling well

  1. #1

    Take stuff if your not feeling well

    Hi, I came down with a fever yesterday and taking Tylenol to keep it down. My Question is should I still take stuff? I was taking test , deca and pro anadrol. Thanks for your advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Take stuff if your not feeling well

    Quote Originally Posted by sambuca02 View Post
    Hi, I came down with a fever yesterday and taking Tylenol to keep it down. My Question is should I still take stuff? I was taking test , deca and pro anadrol. Thanks for your advice.
    I would hold off as the immune system will be somewhat compromised. Talking from experience I did not fair to well doing it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Do you mean take stuff for your illness or still continue to cycle? Yes to one, maybe to the other, though both answers are qualified.

    It really is a good idea to let the body do it's thing with regard to illness. That said, I just got mostly over Omicron, and there were a couple of days where me and OTC meds were good buddies.

    As far as your cycle, if you think you are going to recover from being sick quickly, then continue with the cycle. If not, maybe come down to TRT level dose of test. You might want to stop the anadrol, though, at least until you are over the bug. It just taxes the body a bit too much to use while sick, IMO, and better safe than sorry.

    Also, estrogen has a positive impact on the immune system, so maybe let it cruise a little higher for now.
    Last edited by Cylon357; 01-16-2022 at 06:28 PM.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the good advice as long as I’m feeling ok I’m gearing towards taking test and deca

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