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Unless I was a pro I would not run cycles over 12 weeks, I find 10 weeks perfect, even 8 if using short esters. Complicated, multi level cycles are for those looking to push it at an elite level up a percent or two. Never run orals in the off season, contest prep only. Lastly front loading is beyond silly IMO, I would rather back load and make extra gains at the end. Front loading is for ego only, just like heavy super low rep lifting. Does not suit bodybuilding or muscular hypertrophy at all.
That being said here is the best cycle I ever ran for an experienced user, after about 3 years of steroid use...bla, bla, bla.
1-12 Test E 250mg 2x a week
9-12 Tern A 76mg 3x a week
10-12 Anadrol 50mg ED
Results were as good as my first cycle ever. Bench workout weight went up 50lbs, body weight went up 16lbs over my all time high and my waist was the same. Impossible gains that taught me once you are huge, this shit gets complicated.