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  1. #1
    Jusso is offline New Member
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    May 2003

    Running a long term cycle....

    Got a question concerning a long term cycle for the experienced guys. Here is my current cycle: (im in week 7 currently)

    Test Prop 500mg 1-5
    Test Enanthate 500mg 1-?
    EQ 400mg 1-?
    ldex 1mg ED
    Nolva 20mg ED (very gyno sensitive)

    198 lbs
    8% bf or less
    21 yrs old

    I WAS planning on running a 12 week cycle and ending it with winny for the last 4 weeks with the eq and enanthate because i had a contest to do at the end of my cycle. Now things have changed. I started my cycle mid June and the contest i wanna do is in November so now i have to tweak all my doses and maybe add or drop some things because i am gonna be on for 6 months. I dont know if its wise to stay on for this long or if i should do this cycle as planned for 12 weeks, take a month break, and start again and continue cycling through my contest and start post cycle therapy after my contest in the beginning of November. I also started taking insulin at 4iu post workout this week and I am going to up the does 1 iu every time until 10 max iu's for about 4 weeks to help me get a little boost in size. Also I am going to run the var/winny/fina the last 3 weeks before my contest to harden up with maybe some t3/clen . Is there anything i should add\drop to this or maybe up the dosages as i go along. Any advice or opinions welcome, especially from guys who have competed before.



  2. #2
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    hmmm, maybe

    week 1 - 12: 500 mg test enth
    week 1 - 12: 400 mg EQ
    week 1 - 5: 500 mg prop
    week 9 - 12: winny (50 - 100 mg/ed)

    u might need some hcg !

    i would do some research !
    Last edited by gundam675; 07-28-2003 at 05:44 PM.

  3. #3
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    long island new york
    What's your cycle experience and stats?


  4. #4
    Jusso is offline New Member
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    May 2003
    I posted my stats up top, but if you mean the others ill post them here:

    On my 5th Cycle
    Bench 405
    Squat 405 for 12 reps
    deadlift 405 3 reps
    Arms 17.5 unpumped
    legs 25.5
    calves 16.5
    waist 30
    shoulders 46-47
    8% bodyfat

  5. #5
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Test Prop 500mg 1-5, 21-24
    Test Enanthate 500mg 1-20
    EQ 400mg 1-16
    Tren 75mg ED 17-24
    Masteron or Winny 19-24 50mg ED

    Thats whad Id do given what you have said.

  6. #6
    The Butcher's Avatar
    The Butcher is offline Member
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    Stuck under 135lbs. on th
    Quote Originally Posted by Jusso
    Got a question concerning a long term cycle for the experienced guys. Here is my current cycle: (im in week 7 currently)

    Test Prop 500mg 1-5
    Test Enanthate 500mg 1-?
    EQ 400mg 1-?
    ldex 1mg ED
    Nolva 20mg ED (very gyno sensitive)

    198 lbs
    8% bf or less
    21 yrs old

    I WAS planning on running a 12 week cycle and ending it with winny for the last 4 weeks with the eq and enanthate because i had a contest to do at the end of my cycle. Now things have changed. I started my cycle mid June and the contest i wanna do is in November so now i have to tweak all my doses and maybe add or drop some things because i am gonna be on for 6 months. I dont know if its wise to stay on for this long or if i should do this cycle as planned for 12 weeks, take a month break, and start again and continue cycling through my contest and start post cycle therapy after my contest in the beginning of November. I also started taking insulin at 4iu post workout this week and I am going to up the does 1 iu every time until 10 max iu's for about 4 weeks to help me get a little boost in size. Also I am going to run the var/winny/fina the last 3 weeks before my contest to harden up with maybe some t3/clen . Is there anything i should add\drop to this or maybe up the dosages as i go along. Any advice or opinions welcome, especially from guys who have competed before.


    This far out, you could run a few smaller cycles within a cycle, if you know what I mean. Keep test as your base (500mg of the Enanthate should be fine) until about 4 weeks out and switch to prop (for water retention purposes, assuming you don't hold water on the short ester of prop) . You could also continue with the Eq all the way through if you wanted. Since you are about 16 weeks out from the November show, you could throw some Dbol in for 4 or 5 weeks to put on some more size, and then once you start your diet (assuming you are starting around week 12 or so), you could drop the dbol, throwing in tren for the last 6 weeks or so. Winny for the last 4 weeks or so would also be a nice addition for extra vascularity.

  7. #7
    Jusso is offline New Member
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    May 2003
    Thanx guys, I'll keep the test as my base and run it through the way Billy Bathgate said, sounds like it should work. I was planning on bumping the test up to 750 a week starting week 8 or 10, is this a good idea? i was also gonna bump the eq to about 500 a week adn take it until 5 or 6 weeks before the show. I'm not starting my diet until the end of august because I'm pretty lean now and it doesnt take long for me to cut down, with the help of clen and t3 i should be fine. If i can get enough money by the end of august im gonna throw a kit of Serostim in the cycle too. So what do you think of upping those doses a little? Thanx for the help bros.


  8. #8
    goldenear is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2002
    The only thing I would add to the advice is to run hcg either 2x weekly @ 500IU's/day (e.g., 500IU on Sat. & 500IU on Sun.) or 500IU's e5days.

    I'm currently in week 13 of a 20-21 week cycle that has included dbol , Deca , & test. I started the hcg when I began feeling the "crushed ball syndrome" (~week 4) and have continued throughout. I have *ZERO* testicular atrophy at this point which will greatly enhance post-cycle recovery.

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