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Thread: First Test cycle Problems

  1. #1

    First Test cycle Problems

    Hello! So i just started my first ever steroid cycle: I have testosterone enanthate,the plan is for first 2 weeks im doing 250mg a week and then going up to 350 mg a week. I know its not a very high dose but since its my first time i wanna take it easy. So far I have done 2 injections so i just started. Yesterday i did squats and after shower my eyes were red and i measured my blood pressure and it was 140. thats above normal and ive never had high blood pressure before. Today i didnt work out and in the evening i took my blood pressure and it was 160 .. thats high... im thinking this is because the test and its kinda scary... should i quit the testosterone or what should i do? i wanna go on with the cycle but im a little afraid because of the bloodpressure i dont want to die :P Also... my face is red.... Please guys give me some feedback and advice i have nowhere else to ask

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    The testosterone would not cause that kind of spike in blood pressure that quickly. The only way I could see it doing that is if the test is creating an inflammatory response. Steroids cause an increase in bp over time because of mineral retention/high estrogen which leads to water retention. More fluid retention in the vessels, more pressure. This doesn't happen overnight. I would more likely point to caffeine consumption, stress, bp anxiety, etc. You never mentioned what your bp was before the cycle.

  3. #3
    When I previosly have measured its allways been perfect around 120...Can you explain please what does it mean to have inflammatory response to testosterone? Im also right now starting creatine cycle.. im on the 5th day of the loading phase ... could this be the reason of the higher blood pressure? Or maybe creatine and testosterone together dont work well? I got a feeling its because of the test though... maybe because its my first cycle and my body aint used to it? Today I did my 3rd injection... after injection blood pressure went to 150.. 15 minutes later its back to norm. Feel abit hot headed though. Defo something little wierd is going on with blood pressure and feeling hot headed / face red I just dont know if its normal or i should be worrying... high blood pressure is dangerous though. Thanks for your reply and help
    Last edited by s1nc1ty; 03-17-2022 at 06:16 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    What I mean is your body is not used to the oil or solvents in the injection. It's like when you have an infection or you break a bone. The blood pressure will increase temporarily. I wouldn't worry about it if it's just temporary. Creatine can definitely increase the bp. Might want to back off on that for a while so you can see what the test is actually doing vs the creatine. Creatine will make you hold water, and so will test. So that's definitely going to affect your bp.

  5. #5
    Thank you

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    you are in to ur own head. you are over thinking this. stop worrying, keep diet clean and enjoy.
    what are ur stats man?

  7. #7
    Yeah maybe I am but blood pressuer 150+ is defently abit granny takes a pill when her blood pressure is so high :P I dont know what you mean under stats but im 85kg 187 cm around 15% bf (estimate), 30 years old

    Atleast it aint written anywhere that if you do testosterone cycle your bloodpressure will be 150 and it is normal. But im just trying to ride it out atm , maybe yeah it is a inflammatory responce or something and it will go away. Taking it easy 150 bloodpressure for a week or 2 wont kill me so lets see what happens

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by s1nc1ty View Post
    Yeah maybe I am but blood pressuer 150+ is defently abit granny takes a pill when her blood pressure is so high :P I dont know what you mean under stats but im 85kg 187 cm around 15% bf (estimate), 30 years old

    Atleast it aint written anywhere that if you do testosterone cycle your bloodpressure will be 150 and it is normal. But im just trying to ride it out atm , maybe yeah it is a inflammatory responce or something and it will go away. Taking it easy 150 bloodpressure for a week or 2 wont kill me so lets see what happens
    You’re doing test and creatine, if I were to guess I’d guess you’re taking a preworkout probably too?

  9. #9
    Well, it seems early to be high RBC, so no need to worry. My advice to you is, take only 200mg per week on your first testosterone contact! See how your body reacts, and think about a higher dosage in a possible second cycle!

  10. #10
    The higher the dose of testosterone you use the more it will raise your E2 estradiol, making you retain water (not that this is happening), but it's good to be aware of this to prevent your BP from going up with water retention. Running 200mg a week from start to finish will be best. Ahh, avoid eating junk like pizzas, snacks etc, this will fuck with your lipid profile that can lead your BP to increase with the increase in LDL cholesterol.... How are your exams, did you do your pre-cycle? Exams before the cycle It is necessary for you to know if you have a health problem or are prone to having one...Example a guy who has arrhythmia or cardiac dysfunction can have high BP even with low doses of testosterone..

  11. #11
    Thanks for the replys guys.

    No im not taking preworkout, and i have stopped with the creatine also. Just testosterone and vitamins now. I wasnt drinkinng very strong coffe either before but now i have cut back on that also and im also drinking alot of water every day.
    I take 5000 IU d-vitamin, multivitamins, omega-3 600mg and glycosamine 1000mg. + an antidepressant named venlafaxin. I am kinda low on cash atm but i found out my multivitamin doesnt contain magnesium and i read that magnesium helps lower blood pressure too. Is it worth to get it? i can afford it if it is necessary.

    Yeah im eating very clean no junk food. oatmeal, meat rice, cottage cheese, curd,milk etc. No sweets no junk food
    I didnt take any tests before the cycle... but ive been checked by doctors before pretty thoroughly so im pretty sure i dont have any obvious heart condition etc or else doctors would have noticed.Running 200mg a week, im already at 250. But i will take your advice and i will stay on the 250 for the whole cycle then, i was planning on going up to 350 after next week.

    My blood pressure reading for couple last days:
    17.03 8:45 - 128 84 92
    17.03 21:54 - 159 75 73
    18.03 10:20 - 136 68 89
    18.03 20:22 142 80 80 ( was between 140 -160 whole evening i measured like 10+ times i think 142 was the lowest i got)
    19.03 10:02 142 72 85
    its like all the time almost between 135-160 something. couple months ago when i measured for a week it was always in perfect norm 120
    If the reason is creatine and testosterone together, i stopped creatine for 2nd day right now so maybe if that was the reason it will come down soon maybe.
    Last edited by s1nc1ty; 03-19-2022 at 03:53 AM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by s1nc1ty View Post
    Thanks for the replys guys.

    No im not taking preworkout, and i have stopped with the creatine also. Just testosterone and vitamins now. I wasnt drinkinng very strong coffe either before but now i have cut back on that also and im also drinking alot of water every day.
    I take 5000 IU d-vitamin, multivitamins, omega-3 600mg and glycosamine 1000mg. + an antidepressant named venlafaxin. I am kinda low on cash atm but i found out my multivitamin doesnt contain magnesium and i read that magnesium helps lower blood pressure too. Is it worth to get it? i can afford it if it is necessary.

    Yeah im eating very clean no junk food. oatmeal, meat rice, cottage cheese, curd,milk etc. No sweets no junk food
    I didnt take any tests before the cycle... but ive been checked by doctors before pretty thoroughly so im pretty sure i dont have any obvious heart condition etc or else doctors would have noticed.Running 200mg a week, im already at 250. But i will take your advice and i will stay on the 250 for the whole cycle then, i was planning on going up to 350 after next week.

    My blood pressure reading for couple last days:
    17.03 8:45 - 128 84 92
    17.03 21:54 - 159 75 73
    18.03 10:20 - 136 68 89
    18.03 20:22 142 80 80 ( was between 140 -160 whole evening i measured like 10+ times i think 142 was the lowest i got)
    19.03 10:02 142 72 85
    its like all the time almost between 135-160 something. couple months ago when i measured for a week it was always in perfect norm 120
    If the reason is creatine and testosterone together, i stopped creatine for 2nd day right now so maybe if that was the reason it will come down soon maybe.
    How are you taking your blood pressure? With an automatic machine? Do you have the correct cuff size? Are you following all steps before hand like sitting for 15 mins before taking the reading, having the arrow on the cuff pointing in the proper direction? There’s so many things that will give you false readings if you don’t know how to take it the old school way? I use worry about mine consistently as well now I just wait till the next time I go to the dr. Because worrying about blood pressure readings will actually increase your blood pressure, sounds stupid but true.

    And also your second number looks decent. The second number is the pressure that hits back at the heart and from what I understand is the more important number.

  13. #13
    Beetroot juice is an excellent resource to lower blood pressure in the most natural way possible!

    1. Beetroot juice
    In previous studies, scientists at Queen Mary University in the UK showed that this recipe was able to take the pressure off individuals who didn't struggle with the problem.

    Now, they noticed that the benefit is even more expressive in those who already have hypertension. Of the 15 patients who participated in the new analysis, those who drank 250 milliliters of beet juice saw their systolic pressure plumment by about 10mmHG .
    This means that if a person has a pressure of 140 by 90 mmHg, when taking the refreshment the measurement would drop to 130 by 90 mmHg.

  14. #14
    Well take magnesium chloride powder instead of opting for capsules. Magnesium Chloride Powder I used one tablespoon a day in water or chamomile tea, orange juice with beetroot etc to lower high BP.

  15. #15
    Venlafaxine can increase blood pressure, especially in people using doses of 150 mg or more, but it can happen at lower doses.

    I believe she is the culprit not creatine.

  16. #16
    Well my 2 cents on the matter, give up your anti depressant, mixing drugs that mess with the nervous system with hormones is not a good idea..... You'll feel great when you drop this anti depressant and when you see your levels testosterone rise....High testosterone is the recipe for being more willing and facing the world, not anti-depressants

  17. #17
    Well my 2 cents on the matter, give up your anti depressant, mixing drugs that mess with the nervous system with hormones is not a good idea..... You'll feel great when you drop this anti depressant and when you see your levels testosterone rise....High testosterone is the recipe for being more willing and facing the world, not anti-depressants

    Venlafaxine can increase BP (Blood Pressure), due to its adrenergic action.

  18. #18
    Im taking 150 a day(venlafaxin). I wouldve never guessed that that might be the problem. So i will quit the venlafaxin while on cycle... I will stop taking it and see if i feel better. Thanks loads, hope it works!

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by s1nc1ty View Post
    Im taking 150 a day(venlafaxin). I wouldve never guessed that that might be the problem. So i will quit the venlafaxin while on cycle... I will stop taking it and see if i feel better. Thanks loads, hope it works!
    Just from my perspective I think you should stay on your anti depressant. Test is already going to fuck with your head, if you already have a reason to be on anti depressant whatever that reason is will more than likely escalate. Yes high blood pressure is not good but it’s more of a bad thing over a lengthy period of time. I’d find other ways to lower your BP. Up your cardio, pump more water get in a full gallon, do the beet root if it’s proven. Again youre making a conscious decision to take something that’s really not all that good for you, there’s going to be side effects you’ll have to manage. I don’t think coming off an antidepressant if you seriously need it is the best route. Just my thoughts. But you do what’s best for you.

  20. #20
    Guys IM thinking of stopping the testosterone cycle, the blood pressure, complications with other medications, and other problems I think are too much for me right now. I will save the vials I have and maybe go on the juice a year from now or so. I have only injected 2 mil so far.

    12.02.2022 - First injection 0,5 mil
    14.02.2022 - Second injection 0,5 mil
    17.02.2022 - Third injection 0,5 mil
    21.03.2022 (today) - Fourth injection 0,5 mil
    I was injecting testosterone enanthate 250 in 1 mil.

    so I was on test for 9 days total and I did 4 injections.... If i stop now, what happens to me now? Will my natural test plummet to 0 and how long will it be until my natural test production recovers? I think like 1 week from now a new girl i met will come to have sex with me, i was planning on fucking her hard and being on test giving a little boost too, what happens now will my natural test be 0 and no sex drive?

  21. #21

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by s1nc1ty View Post
    You didn’t take enough for the test to take effect. Your natural levels aren't depleted. You’ll be fine to just stop.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Swilderbeast View Post
    You didn’t take enough for the test to take effect. Your natural levels aren't depleted. You’ll be fine to just stop.
    But because i was injecting testosterone, my balls have not been producing testosterone for 9 days ( i know its a small time :P) You think that 9 days is so small time for them to be offline that theyl just pop right back into action? I have been feeling little discomfort in the testicle area last days i think it is because they were "offline" for first time in my life. TBH my test production will be "offline" even longer then 9 days because i still have alot synnthetical testosterone in my body so it will take like an extra week or so for it to clear out I think.
    THanks for the reply

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by s1nc1ty View Post
    But because i was injecting testosterone, my balls have not been producing testosterone for 9 days ( i know its a small time :P) You think that 9 days is so small time for them to be offline that theyl just pop right back into action? I have been feeling little discomfort in the testicle area last days i think it is because they were "offline" for first time in my life. TBH my test production will be "offline" even longer then 9 days because i still have alot synnthetical testosterone in my body so it will take like an extra week or so for it to clear out I think.
    THanks for the reply
    I’m not the most educated here and maybe someone more senior will pipe in but you took 500 mg over the course of 9 days. That’s nothing in terms of a cycle, I highly doubt your natural production slowed down at all. You have to remember the ester you are taking takes 13 days just to START kicking in and that it as a minimum. You’re at 9 on half a mL. Trust me when I tell you, you’re good.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by Swilderbeast View Post
    I’m not the most educated here and maybe someone more senior will pipe in but you took 500 mg over the course of 9 days. That’s nothing in terms of a cycle, I highly doubt your natural production slowed down at all. You have to remember the ester you are taking takes 13 days just to START kicking in and that it as a minimum. You’re at 9 on half a mL. Trust me when I tell you, you’re good.
    I concur on this.

    OP, if you wanted to be super cautious and maybe a bit obsessive, you COULD take a couple of weeks of enclo or nolva, but I think it would be overkill. Still, if it calms you down (placebo), it might be worth it.

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