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Thanks for the replys guys.
No im not taking preworkout, and i have stopped with the creatine also. Just testosterone and vitamins now. I wasnt drinkinng very strong coffe either before but now i have cut back on that also and im also drinking alot of water every day.
I take 5000 IU d-vitamin, multivitamins, omega-3 600mg and glycosamine 1000mg. + an antidepressant named venlafaxin. I am kinda low on cash atm but i found out my multivitamin doesnt contain magnesium and i read that magnesium helps lower blood pressure too. Is it worth to get it? i can afford it if it is necessary.
Yeah im eating very clean no junk food. oatmeal, meat rice, cottage cheese, curd,milk etc. No sweets no junk food
I didnt take any tests before the cycle... but ive been checked by doctors before pretty thoroughly so im pretty sure i dont have any obvious heart condition etc or else doctors would have noticed.Running 200mg a week, im already at 250. But i will take your advice and i will stay on the 250 for the whole cycle then, i was planning on going up to 350 after next week.
My blood pressure reading for couple last days:
17.03 8:45 - 128 84 92
17.03 21:54 - 159 75 73
18.03 10:20 - 136 68 89
18.03 20:22 142 80 80 ( was between 140 -160 whole evening i measured like 10+ times i think 142 was the lowest i got)
19.03 10:02 142 72 85
its like all the time almost between 135-160 something. couple months ago when i measured for a week it was always in perfect norm 120
If the reason is creatine and testosterone together, i stopped creatine for 2nd day right now so maybe if that was the reason it will come down soon maybe.