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Thread: Test C, Deca, Var Powerlifter Cycle HELP

  1. #1
    F4iGuy's Avatar
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    Test C, Deca, Var Powerlifter Cycle HELP

    Hey all,

    I will be competing in a pro powerlifting meet on July 30th. I need some advice on my cycle.

    -5'6" 212lbs 12% Bodyfat. 41 years old. 28 years lifting.
    -Squat: 600, Bench 485, Deadlift 700. Diet & Training are covered.
    -I'm sponsored by a lab company and work with a clinic (I'll be on top of bloodwork)
    -Cycle experience: 3 cycles with 500mg test 12 weeks. My body loves test. Minimal sides and no AI necessary.

    I Began TRT last year (200mg Test C with HCG ). Two weeks ago I began a mild blast of 500mg test C with 160mg Deca .

    Goals on July 30th:
    -All time world record bench press (Master's 90kg)
    -top 3 meet total (squat, bench, deadlift).

    Goals for this cycle:
    -Joint health is a priority (using CJC No Dac with Ipamorelin)
    -Not a ton of weigh gain (I could easily get from 212 to 205 lbs with carb cycling and extra cardio. Also, I can water cut 10 pounds the week prior to competing)
    -Strength over muscle mass

    Stuff I prefer to use and have on hand:
    -Test C
    -Deca (limited supply)
    *Anastrozole if needed
    *For the Anavar: Milk Thistle, NAC, Fish Oil, Ubiquinol, Vitamin C, Astragulus (I don't drink alcohol. Lots of water and regular cardio)

    I have 3.5 months until my competition. I will spend 8 weeks peaking for my 1 rep max's. What would be the best protocol with Test C, Deca, and Var?

    Cycle Plan:
    -Test C 600mg (now until competition. I'm on TRT for life so no worries about shut down)
    -Deca 180mg (now until competition. mainly using for joint health)
    -Anavar 50mg 8 weeks leading up to competition

    -Test C: Should I cut the Test C back to 500mg? Will 600mg cause more weight gain?
    -Deca: I have no clue what I'm doing with the Deca. My clinic prescribed 100mg/wk for joint issue which has been resolved. I have enough to go as high as 180mg/wk from now until my competition.
    -Anavar: I have never run Anavar before. What is the longest I can run it? 8 weeks? Is there any issue running var and deca at the same time? Should I go 50mg for 8 weeks? 100mg for 8 weeks? Lower dose for 10 weeks?
    -Anavar: I've read milk thistle can impeded Anavar results. Should I run milk thistle before and after var? The entire time I'm running var? What dosage of milk thistle should I go with?

    HGH protocol question:
    I'm using Ipamorelin with CJC No Dac twice daily. Would taking weekends off make sense? Should I use this every day? Every other day? 5 on 2 off?

    Would there be any benefit of adding MK677 with the CJC No Dac & Ipamorelin?

    I know HGH is preferred, however, it's cost prohibitive.
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  2. #2
    fossil is offline New Member
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    Very impressive numbers!
    I can only tell you from my experience last year trying NPP and Anavar . Like you, I am on 200/mg test weekly. I also added the NPP and Anavar in prep for a powerlifting meet. I kept my NPP at about the same as my test hoping for joint relief. Hard to say, but if it did help, it was minimal.
    And, if I could do it over again, I'd increase my anavar dosage. I had never used it before, so I was trying to be safe about it. I started my first few days with just one 10mg tablet a day to see if had any adverse reaction. Then went to 20mg for a week, then 30mg for three weeks. I can't say I had any strength increases, but I was a little more motivated to hit the gym and I had veins showing up all across my chest and arms I didn't know I had. That was pretty cool. On the week before my meet, I did go to 40mg/day and looking back my bench may have gone up 10 or so lbs. Not sure if it was just time for my jump in strength, or the anavar. On meet day I did take all 4 an hour before my bench.
    I really think I was just underdosing the anavar, and next time I will start a few weeks at 20/30 and then jump to 50/60.
    Good luck in the meet. I have a USPA meet coming up on 7/2/2022 and undecided on anavar, dianabol , or anadrol .
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  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would run way more Deca . Personally I love low test with high Deca. I thrive at 250mg test e with 600-900mg Deca. Strength goes through the roof when I run it that way.
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  4. #4
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I would run way more Deca. Personally I love low test with high Deca. I thrive at 250mg test e with 600-900mg Deca. Strength goes through the roof when I run it that way.
    I imagine just the joint pain relief he'd get from it alone would get him lifting even heavier.

    But yeah, I'd keep the test around 300mg a week and let the deca and anavar do the heavy lifting. He probably would do well from 50-100mg of anavar.
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  5. #5
    F4iGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I would run way more Deca. Personally I love low test with high Deca. I thrive at 250mg test e with 600-900mg Deca. Strength goes through the roof when I run it that way.
    Thanks brother. I've been wondering about upping the Deca . It's a new compound for me but feels great so far so up it goes! I was pretty impressed with how much 200mg test improved EVERYTHING. Strength, fat loss, muscle gain, and mental clarity/processing all shot up after 5 weeks. My total T was shit at 350 and 200mg keeps me around 1,000.

    New plan:
    -300mg Test
    -600mg Deca
    -8 weeks leading up to competition: 50mg anavar

    I'm excited for this. I'll report back in 3-4 weeks. I know exactly how my body responds to my current peaking program so I'll have some useful data to compare with.

    I wish I got into the fun stuff 10-15 years earlier. I've always loved lifting but this makes it euphoric!

  6. #6
    Iranon's Avatar
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    A very unhealthy cycle IMO but great for strength with out too much weight gain


    Halotestin made me crazy strong, even better then Anadrol and I gained no weight from it. That being said it is the most toxic drug I have ever used and I consider it extremely dangerous even at low doses.

  7. #7
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iranon View Post
    A very unhealthy cycle IMO but great for strength with out too much weight gain


    Halotestin made me crazy strong, even better then Anadrol and I gained no weight from it. That being said it is the most toxic drug I have ever used and I consider it extremely dangerous even at low doses.
    I think he was trying to say he doesn't have access to anything but what he listed. It doesn't make sense to me either since you can buy just about anything from the internet these days

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I think he was trying to say he doesn't have access to anything but what he listed. It doesn't make sense to me either since you can buy just about anything from the internet these days
    All I know is his back lat spread destroys mine. Dude looks amazing.

  9. #9
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iranon View Post
    All I know is his back lat spread destroys mine. Dude looks amazing.
    Yeah, whatever he's doing is right.

  10. #10
    Killah_Keith is offline Junior Member
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    AAS do not make you gain weight. Calories do. Keep the diet in check and weigh in every morning fasted. Keep a food/weight log to keep track of which foods cause water retention.

    50mg Anavar daily. Split the dose evenly. Studies have shown any more than that is just more stress on your body, with minimal results.

    Highly suggest only 6 weeks at that dose of Var. 1mg NAC AM & PM. Same daily dose of TUDCA. This should keep your AST/ALT from being too outrageous.

    Ps: What federation?

    I have similar numbers (just under) at the same weight classes, but I'm 38. Not masters yet. Wondering if I'll be trying to chase your down soon enough.
    Last edited by Killah_Keith; 04-15-2022 at 08:51 PM.
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