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Thread: Lab results

  1. #1
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Lab results

    Posting here for high traffic…

    Spoken with a few OG’s here about a certain “friend” of ours. Thought I’d post up my labs and get some insights.

    My blast had been 750 mgs test C - 400 mgs Tren E - 500 mgs Mast E and 50 mgs of proviron .

    A few thoughts - I thought my total test would be closer to 5000 but 3400 might make sense if the Tren is suppressing? My estrogen is much lower than I expected and I’m not running any AI…is my mast turned up too high? Should I dial it back down? I’m normally around 85-90. No bloat (mild cankles when I fly) and Junior is working just fine. Libido has been fluctuating a bit but it’s also dependent upon a couple of other things so being graceful there.

    The free test is right where I would expect it and again why I’m such a proponent of proviron (should I expect it to be even higher though at that dose of test) should’ve gotten my SHBG checked as well…doh!

    Am I dealing with receptor burnout?

    I also recently transitioned off of having 200 mgs of Deca in my trt regimen and wonder if that’s impacting my total test number? Or do you think it’s where it should be?

    My strength has been down, but admittedly I am sleeping and eating poorly due to work travel and my gym time has been sporadic lately. I’m just not the Superman I used to be and juggling has gotten more difficult.

    I promised a few of you I’d post my labs from “you know who” and well here they are.

    Would love some feedback and thoughts, especially on the total number at that dose. Should I dial down the mast (did I really just ask that?! Lol)

    Anyways, love you all and appreciate the support and those that offered up what they did when I was extremely worried about what I was getting. You know who you are. So much thanks, this place and you fellas in particular are just the BEST!Lab results-c1c7528a-7654-4b6e-b587-116613303f85.jpeg

    Love and respect

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    Nothing to offer on the cycle advice - you know more than me. Just gonna say thanks for linking us up with Jasonhealth. I need to run some bloodwork soon and they seem the have better prices than discountedlabs and privatemdlabs.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Nothing to offer on the cycle advice - you know more than me. Just gonna say thanks for linking us up with Jasonhealth. I need to run some bloodwork soon and they seem the have better prices than discountedlabs and privatemdlabs.
    Jason health is awesome

  5. #5
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Anyone have an idea on roughy what dose of milligrams per week would equate to 3400 ng/dl?
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  6. #6
    charger69's Avatar
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    I am doing a similar cycle except I’m at tren 400, test 500, mast 600. I. The androgen phase. Just finished the estrogen phase with test at 1200.
    Strength is down, and I do not feel like I am on cycle however I am getting results.
    My previous cycle was test, deca , and anadrol so I I guess I am expecting the same results. Silly me.
    Strength went through the roof.

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am doing a similar cycle except I’m at tren 400, test 500, mast 600. I. The androgen phase. Just finished the estrogen phase with test at 1200.
    Strength is down, and I do not feel like I am on cycle however I am getting results.
    My previous cycle was test, deca , and anadrol so I I guess I am expecting the same results. Silly me.
    Strength went through the roof.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    That’s definitely a difference in compounds…oh Charger

    Have you pulled labs? I wonder if my estrogen is too low? I’m not symptomatic but I generally run about 40% higher numerically

    Thinking about taking test to a gram but still waiting on the Tren to do it’s thing, it’s only week 4 so not panicking. I do wonder if the previous Deca and the current Tren are suppressing my total T score?

  8. #8
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    I didn't think masteron would actually lower estrogen, just mask it?

    The rest of the numbers, but particularly total t, might just come down to timing of injection vs draw.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I didn't think masteron would actually lower estrogen, just mask it?

    The rest of the numbers, but particularly total t, might just come down to timing of injection vs draw.

    Thought about the timing component but all are suppressing in their own right, even masteron. Yes, mast will lower total estrogen on its own. Obviously not like an AI but it has a propensity for acting like an AI and a SERM and is also a mild anabolic . It’s a fascinating DHT drug. I do think the 19 nors with the mast and potentially the injection timing could all be playing a factor

    I just figured at that dose I’d be about 1400 points higher (closer to 5000 ng/dl)

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Thought about the timing component but all are suppressing in their own right, even masteron . Yes, mast will lower total estrogen on its own. Obviously not like an AI but it has a propensity for acting like an AI and a SERM and is also a mild anabolic . It’s a fascinating DHT drug. I do think the 19 nors with the mast and potentially the injection timing could all be playing a factor

    I just figured at that dose I’d be about 1400 points higher (closer to 5000 ng/dl)
    Just up the Tren and you will be fine.

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  11. #11
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    I learned from some close friends of mine that you can use the rule of 10 to deal with this.

    And how it works:

    Let's say you use 200mg of Testosterone Cypionate per week, in 48 hours you will reach your Total Testosterone Peak!

    And it will drop to half that in about 7-8 days (cypionate ester half-life)

    Here's an example:

    You inject 200mg of cypionate, at about 7-8 it means your total testosterone levels will peak at 2,000mg ng/dl!

    After the first half-life

    7-8 days this will halve =


    So we know that 200mg of Testosterone Cypionate gets us to 1,000ng/dl in about 7-8 days.

    Just use this method to get an idea of ​​your current TT levels.

    SampsonandDealiah allow me to give my Imho;

    I learned from some close friends of mine that you can use the rule of 10 to deal with this.

    And how it works:

    Let's say you use 200mg of Testosterone Cypionate per week, in 48 hours you will reach your Total Testosterone Peak!

    And it will drop to half that in about 7-8 days (cypionate ester half-life)

    Here's an example:

    You inject 200mg of cypionate, at about 7-8 it means your total testosterone levels will peak at 2,000mg ng/dl!

    After the first half-life

    7-8 days this will halve =


    So we know that 200mg of Testosterone Cypionate gets us to 1,000ng/dl in about 7-8 days.

    Just use this method to get an idea of ​​your current TT levels.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Anyone have an idea on roughy what dose of milligrams per week would equate to 3400 ng/dl?
    In “theory” its 10x the mgs but i dont trust that always, some guys convert more test to E2 than others theres no exact say so in my opinion. I have seen guys post labs and prove the 10x theory such as 500 mg equals to a total T of 5000 but its just not the case. It looks like you are very blessed to keep your E2 at 59 and your total T at 3400. I for sure cannot do that mine will run 70s at only a 1000 ngl with no AI, with that said i would expect 750mg to put u well into the 5-6k range at least and id say normally 3500 ish would equate to 400-500 mg/week.

  13. #13
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    S&D ; dude your Total testosterone is in agreement with your testosterone dosage.... For you to have idea 100mg per week puts us in supraphysiological levels at 500ng/dl after 7-8 days..
    Trenbolone , which may have lowered the TT levels a little, but nothing to get in the way.

    .It is in agreement in my view, you are a monster compared to me more I feel the need to help you with this... At least with calculations I'm good, I'm also a guy who is always studying about bodybuilding nutrition and training hope I helped.
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 04-27-2022 at 02:31 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    In “theory” its 10x the mgs but i dont trust that always, some guys convert more test to E2 than others theres no exact say so in my opinion. I have seen guys post labs and prove the 10x theory such as 500 mg equals to a total T of 5000 but its just not the case. It looks like you are very blessed to keep your E2 at 59 and your total T at 3400. I for sure cannot do that mine will run 70s at only a 1000 ngl with no AI, with that said i would expect 750mg to put u well into the 5-6k range at least and id say normally 3500 ish would equate to 400-500 mg/week.

    The rule of 10 doesn't work until you've developed steady-state levels. So this formula works when you take the injectable consistently for 4-8 weeks. At this point you should be able to test the day of your next injection, before the injection
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    In “theory” its 10x the mgs but i dont trust that always, some guys convert more test to E2 than others theres no exact say so in my opinion. I have seen guys post labs and prove the 10x theory such as 500 mg equals to a total T of 5000 but its just not the case. It looks like you are very blessed to keep your E2 at 59 and your total T at 3400. I for sure cannot do that mine will run 70s at only a 1000 ngl with no AI, with that said i would expect 750mg to put u well into the 5-6k range at least and id say normally 3500 ish would equate to 400-500 mg/week.
    Agreed - I was just looking for a nice way to put “under dosed”. I mean right? Or again are the 19nors causing suppression of total T numbers?

    I was expecting much higher estrogen numbers given that dose as on legit pharma grade at 600, I would moon face and have lots of edema. That was just running straight test though
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Agreed - I was just looking for a nice way to put “under dosed”. I mean right? Or again are the 19nors causing suppression of total T numbers?

    I was expecting much higher estrogen numbers given that dose as on legit pharma grade at 600, I would moon face and have lots of edema. That was just running straight test though
    I don’t really have enough experience with 19 nors with “on cycle “ bloodwork to make a fair comparison on whether they would effect your total T numbers by that much, i mean that is quite a bit, it still seems underdosed to me. Id like to hear Kels opinion on that one
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    I don’t really have enough experience with 19 nors with “on cycle “ bloodwork to make a fair comparison on whether they would effect your total T numbers by that much, i mean that is quite a bit, it still seems underdosed to me. Id like to hear Kels opinion on that one
    Totally agree. I only know they “suppress”, to what degree I haven’t a clue.

    Kind of a bummer, I mean if you take the time to brew it and it still has hormone in it, why not QC that shit so it’s at maximum dose? Maybe I have a bad batch, shit happens and certainly not pointing fingers. Also, maybe I have receptor burnout, I know it exists.

    Agreed, would like to hear KK and AG or anyone else that may have some experience. I think the more labs we share, the better we can accrue data and mine it collectively.
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  18. #18
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    During my first cycle I ran bloods mid-cycle. Was at around 500 mg/week and my total t was only something like 1600 ng/dL. I was slowly increasing the dose at the time so I had only been at that dose for a couple of weeks tops.

    When I was on just 125 mg/week my total was 850 or so. I took both tests the day of injection before injecting.

    I also heard the 100 mg/ 1000 ng/dL, but I think it’s more like 700-800 per 100 mg.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Totally agree. I only know they “suppress”, to what degree I haven’t a clue.

    Kind of a bummer, I mean if you take the time to brew it and it still has hormone in it, why not QC that shit so it’s at maximum dose? Maybe I have a bad batch, shit happens and certainly not pointing fingers. Also, maybe I have receptor burnout, I know it exists.

    Agreed, would like to hear KK and AG or anyone else that may have some experience. I think the more labs we share, the better we can accrue data and mine it collectively.
    Let me see if I can find some of my older land when I ran higher dosages

    Your E2 does seem light

    Everyone is different vdeoending on SHBG levels in regards to free T, E2 conversion.
    150mg of pharma cyp puts me at or just over the top of LabCorp range (948 or so?), but really puts my free T high, but my SHBG is low. Also my E2 generally runs lower end.

    I'll dig through my part this weekend and see if I can find something relevant to your dosages.

    The 10x formula is a very rough average that isn't useful applying across the entire population. Too much variation in people's physiology.
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Totally agree. I only know they “suppress”, to what degree I haven’t a clue.

    Kind of a bummer, I mean if you take the time to brew it and it still has hormone in it, why not QC that shit so it’s at maximum dose? Maybe I have a bad batch, shit happens and certainly not pointing fingers. Also, maybe I have receptor burnout, I know it exists.

    Agreed, would like to hear KK and AG or anyone else that may have some experience. I think the more labs we share, the better we can accrue data and mine it collectively.
    Let me see if I can find some of my older labs when I ran higher dosages

    Your E2 does seem light

    Everyone is different depending on SHBG levels in regards to free T, E2 conversion.

    150mg of pharma cyp puts me at or just over the top of LabCorp range (948 or so?), but really puts my free T high, but my SHBG is low. Also my E2 generally runs lower end.

    I'll dig through my part this weekend and see if I can find something relevant to your dosages.

    The 10x formula is a very rough average that isn't useful applying across the entire population. Too much variation in people's physiology.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  21. #21
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    On my doctor monitored, pharma TRT regimen. My scripted dose is 200 mgs per week, that puts me right at 1080 total and around 100 free.

    If my math is right, then 600 mgs would put me at 3240. So if I’m taking 750 it’s either slightly under dosed, I’m dealing with some total T suppression from the 19nors or I have some receptor burnout.

    My thoughts anyways…
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Let me see if I can find some of my older labs when I ran higher dosages

    Your E2 does seem light

    Everyone is different depending on SHBG levels in regards to free T, E2 conversion.

    150mg of pharma cyp puts me at or just over the top of LabCorp range (948 or so?), but really puts my free T high, but my SHBG is low. Also my E2 generally runs lower end.

    I'll dig through my part this weekend and see if I can find something relevant to your dosages.

    The 10x formula is a very rough average that isn't useful applying across the entire population. Too much variation in people's physiology.

    I’m also running masteron AND proviron which would correlate with what you’re saying
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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    I’m also running masteron AND proviron which would correlate with what you’re saying
    Some T conversion to DHT as well. People use 10% as a rough guideline, but I can tell you T to DHT conversion seems to increase as I get older...and older ..and older...

    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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    14 hour work day....2.5 hours travel time. I got to hit the rack. Hopefully a week off coming up. I got to bush hog and cut grass. Wife says she saw a rhino peeking out of the field today.
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    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    14 hour work day....2.5 hours travel time. I got to hit the rack. Hopefully a week off coming up. I got to bush hog and cut grass. Wife says she saw a rhino peeking out of the field today.
    Sounds like a good day

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Sounds like a good day
    LOL, it did a good job of whooping my @ss!!
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    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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