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Thread: Tamoxifen Questions?

  1. #1
    Aesthetix01 is offline New Member
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    Question Tamoxifen Questions?

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    I have not done a cycle in over a year and a half at this point but I believe my gyno is getting worse. It’s now to the point where from a side profile view I can see it through most any shirt I wear. I’ve read a lot on here about common causes and the actual process of how it’s formed and I believe it’s just my low test/high estrogen levels after my past 2 cycles. I’ve had blood work done 2x and both times the doctor told me I’m within the acceptable range for my age but after further looking into it myself I’m at the absolute bottom(low 300s). Because I am however in their eyes in the “acceptable range” no prescription can be given and I was just told to get a test booster that also included dim in it and that should do the job. Well 6-8 months of that and if anything it’s worse. I know surgery is an option but insurance won’t cover unless medically necessary etc. , so I’m looking at taking Tamoxifen or possibly letro but no sure what’s the better option. Also should I cycle test with it to help balance things out.

  2. #2
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    I’s just get the surgery. I have fat in my chest that makes it look fuller when the nips are hard, but titty when they’re soft. I don’t see how any drug can spot reduce fat in the nips. It’s been there since puberty for me, though. When I have 8 stacks to throw around, I’ll probably get the surgery. If drugs worked at reducing gyno, then when you do another cycle what’s gonna happen?
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  3. #3
    Cylon357's Avatar
    Cylon357 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    It wouldn't hurt to give the nolvadex a try, assuming you have actual gyno. 20mg a day for the first month, 10mg a day for the next 3 or until gone. If you don't see changes in 4 months, you could try raloxifene for a similar time-frame, 60mg a day for the first month, 30mg per day for subsequent months.

    SERMs by themselves are a better option than letro initially, though there is a hard core gyno reversal process that includes letro and a SERM I think in alternated dosing, but I don't have the details on that. Letro can be harsh and difficult to get right, but that protocol is effective.
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  4. #4
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    40 mg of nolvadex every day and see how your nipple reacts

  5. #5
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    I ran a ton of Nolva, till one day it just stopped working - my bitch titties came in nicely & quick af - So, I had em pulled out

    But, I didn't get any chest reshaping > fat removal. So, a little residual fat is still there - but, my glands are long gone

    Look up my thread on here on it if you want, them fuckers were ugly af when my surgeon pulled em out
    Cylon357 and JaneDoe like this.

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