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Thread: Anyone micro dosing TEST-C or SUS

  1. #1
    ElkDiesel's Avatar
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    Anyone micro dosing TEST-C or SUS

    I’ve been reading up on micro dosing test-c as a hrt/trt protocol to help keep blood serum levels better stabilized. Anyone here any any experience doing it this way instead of the traditional bi weekly injections?

    Some micro dosers will say putting in 100mg (or whatever your dose is) once a week is bad because it does not mimic the way the human body produces testosterone daily (3-15mg per day the balls produce” . I know said dose is better to split it and do twice weekly, but wouod the hassle of pining daily micro dosing be worth it?

    Also last thing test c has a long ester so when u inject “100mg or 1ml” it releases slowly into the blood stream and not all at once hence the “long ester attached” so why would people (experts) say injecting 100mg , 200mg or whatever the dose is all at once is a bad thing when it doesn’t all release in the blood stream at once?

    Cheers 🍻

  2. #2
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    Unless its straight test suspension then I would say no, thats what half lives and esthers are for they time release unnecessary imo
    SampsonandDelilah and songdog like this.

  3. #3
    Cylon357's Avatar
    Cylon357 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Micro dosing of test and other PEDs I think has two benefits people are trying to achieve.

    1 - less peaks and valleys
    2 - subcutaneous injection

    Both are good goals FOR TRT LEVELS of test, but the subq part doesn't make any sense on cycle because of the volumes involved. I have read accounts of some TRT'ers doing daily microdosed injections of T subq, but again, that is a volume thing. There is also some individual variance in response to subq vs IM, some people respond better with one vs the other.
    Test Monsterone likes this.

  4. #4
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    I've experimented with my injection schedule a little, but never went less than 2 days between injections. Right now I'm pinning every 4th day, with the 3rd day being a shot of HCG . I figure that the HCG helps buffer that dip in test levels a bit. Haven't had any issues and feel great. I know when I'm see sawing too much cause I get back acne, but with this protocol, I've stayed clear of that.

    I'm a big proponent of sub q, but I'll be honest, I haven't done it lately. Might be this underground shit, but I was getting big painful lumps that wouldn't go away for 2 weeks with even 0.2 mL of test. I don't think it was absorbing right so I felt like shit during that time. If you can find test with the right oil/solvents for your body, you can pretty much avoid those lumps, but it's been a hit or miss for me. Right now, IM it is..

  5. #5
    Third Tier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElkDiesel View Post
    I’ve been reading up on micro dosing test-c as a hrt/trt protocol to help keep blood serum levels better stabilized. Anyone here any any experience doing it this way instead of the traditional bi weekly injections?

    Some micro dosers will say putting in 100mg (or whatever your dose is) once a week is bad because it does not mimic the way the human body produces testosterone daily (3-15mg per day the balls produce” . I know said dose is better to split it and do twice weekly, but wouod the hassle of pining daily micro dosing be worth it?

    Also last thing test c has a long ester so when u inject “100mg or 1ml” it releases slowly into the blood stream and not all at once hence the “long ester attached” so why would people (experts) say injecting 100mg , 200mg or whatever the dose is all at once is a bad thing when it doesn’t all release in the blood stream at once?

    Cheers 🍻
    If you feel great physically and mentally why change it up.

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