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Thread: Just three weeks in cycle, bloods looking not so good.

  1. #1
    hallehason is offline New Member
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    Just three weeks in cycle, bloods looking not so good.


    I recently got bloods done because I’m mid cycle, I also got one before I started the cycle. As you can see some of the markers are out of range. I stumbled upon a thread where someone stated that fake Primo could ruin some blood-markers depending on the substance replaced for Primo. Anyhow i’m very mentally fatigued, so I can not really function properly. If there is any information missing, let me know and I’ll post it in the thread.

    I’m doing a ”mild” cycle because of prior abuse and damage done to my body that i’ve recovered from. Have been off for a year doing TRT at 115mg Test weekly (without hcg , preg, dhea). I’ve had elevated Prolactin for a long time as you can see on the bloods done 11/03, thinking maybe the use of tren /deca (1 year ago) is contributing to this.

    Current cycle:

    Started 30th of May

    400 Primo E EW (split in two doses on two days)
    175 Test P EW (25mg daily becaue of E2)
    5mg Cialis ED
    Used Caber because of high prolactin, that explains why my Prolactin now is non-exsistent.
    I’ve used modafinil 100mg maybe two-three times a month whenever my sleep is very bad.

    Fatigued (low Prolactin, low e2 and high TSH explains this)
    Gallbladder can not even handle 10g’s of fat without cramping and being inflamed (not sure about this one, but gallbladder issues are connected to Hypothyroidism)
    Low motivation
    Low Dopamine
    Bad sleep (waking up very tired and foggy brain)
    24/7 clogged nose (maybe cialis?)

    Pre existing conditions:
    Hypothyroidism (Hashimotos, on 50mcg t4 for this, just added 12.5 T3 because of the high TSH, the goal is for TSH to be around 1)

    What’s concerning me is the kidneys, Apolipoprotein, high iron, high progesteron and cholesterol. Not sure what to do for these.

    I’m donating blood for the high hematocrit, not using more Caber because of crashed Prolactin, i’m also adding 12,5mcg T3 to my 50mcg T4 to lower TSH.

    Got some gyno (from the high progesterone?) that i’m combating with Ralox when it arrives). I’m not using iron pans nor iron supplements regarding the high Iron.


    Diet: Paleo AIP because of Hashimotos Hypothyroidism

    This is in Swedish, so just let me know if translation is needed.


    I also have bloods on both DHEA and a Progesteron done 29th of March which resulted in:

    S-DHEAS 6.1 Mikromol/L
    S-Progesteron <0.16 nmol/L

    June 15th, 175 test, 400primo and 5mg cialis daily

    March 11th, only on 115mg Test weekly here:

  2. #2
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    Steroids are unhealthy. Checking bloods doesn’t do anything but tell you they are unhealthy. Even on TRT my hematocrit was high. You can choose to ignore it for some temporary gains, or try to optimize your nutrition with moderate TRT dose. No temporary gains are worth feeling like shit and ruining your health.
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  3. #3
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Im running test and primo at the moment also and just arent feeling like i should either. Everyone big talks primo but I dont think im sold. BUT, have also started an AI and think this is the culprit. I always feel shitty on low e2 . Why dont you see if you can raise your E2 back up some since its zero and back off the caber 400 primo and 175 test is absolutely nothing wrong with that yea obviously you need to give blood on trt thats a given. If your cholesterol is high try cutting some fats out and replace with protein and also a chance your primo …may not actually be primo.

    If it was me id run it a couple more weeks drop the ancillary and see if in felt better if not id throw it in the trash and continue my trt dose personally

  4. #4
    hallehason is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Im running test and primo at the moment also and just arent feeling like i should either. Everyone big talks primo but I dont think im sold. BUT, have also started an AI and think this is the culprit. I always feel shitty on low e2 . Why dont you see if you can raise your E2 back up some since its zero and back off the caber 400 primo and 175 test is absolutely nothing wrong with that yea obviously you need to give blood on trt thats a given. If your cholesterol is high try cutting some fats out and replace with protein and also a chance your primo …may not actually be primo.

    If it was me id run it a couple more weeks drop the ancillary and see if in felt better if not id throw it in the trash and continue my trt dose personally
    I’ve used AI for two weeks because e2 was high and my Primo did not combat Estrogen as it used to do. Could be the AI, I’ve used Asin at 12.5mg EOD for two weeks because i’ve always had E2 dominance, thats why I’m always on TRT dose Test, whenever I do a ”Cycle”, I use a DHT or a compound that controls E2. Maybe the Caber did some damage aswell, I’ve had Prolactin in the 500-800s for a year now even though using B6 (which gave me peripheral neuropathy) and caber, so I did .5-.75 weekly of caber which totalled my Prolactin levels.

    I’m thinking about backfilling my TRT with HCG or Pregnenolone/DHEA as I felt much better mentally the first months on TRT. It is very important for me to keep the mental health and overall health as good as possible.

    Yeah I’ll def release some pints of blood. Im just wondering why my Iron is so high, probably contributing to my thick blood. I’ve done pretty big amounts of gear weekly without high hemotocrit/thick blood.

    The Primo is probably not Primo, new batch and I had weird feeling about it, luckily just ran out of it as I did not stock up just for this reason.

    I’ve done Primo previously with insane results only at 300mg/weekly, my plan was to do 400 now and reach new physique goals. Maybe Npp with mast is a safer choice as Primo is often faked.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by hallehason View Post
    I’ve used AI for two weeks because e2 was high and my Primo did not combat Estrogen as it used to do. Could be the AI, I’ve used Asin at 12.5mg EOD for two weeks because i’ve always had E2 dominance, thats why I’m always on TRT dose Test, whenever I do a ”Cycle”, I use a DHT or a compound that controls E2. Maybe the Caber did some damage aswell, I’ve had Prolactin in the 500-800s for a year now even though using B6 (which gave me peripheral neuropathy) and caber, so I did .5-.75 weekly of caber which totalled my Prolactin levels.

    I’m thinking about backfilling my TRT with HCG or Pregnenolone/DHEA as I felt much better mentally the first months on TRT. It is very important for me to keep the mental health and overall health as good as possible.

    Yeah I’ll def release some pints of blood. Im just wondering why my Iron is so high, probably contributing to my thick blood. I’ve done pretty big amounts of gear weekly without high hemotocrit/thick blood.

    The Primo is probably not Primo, new batch and I had weird feeling about it, luckily just ran out of it as I did not stock up just for this reason.

    I’ve done Primo previously with insane results only at 300mg/weekly, my plan was to do 400 now and reach new physique goals. Maybe Npp with mast is a safer choice as Primo is often faked.
    Right you could try some npp and mast p next you could also throw in some proviron . I liked running npp/mast p together probably my second favorite stack next to tren ace/trt test. Good luck man

  6. #6
    hallehason is offline New Member
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    Hello guys,

    It has been two months and this is my update.
    I’ve just got back my new bloodwork, i’ll post them further down in this post.

    I’m clueless guys, I really need some guidance because I have to be strong the upcoming months as some people around me have passed away and I need to support my family.

    I’m constantly in a fight or flight mode. Constant stress, bad sleep, bad mood, low energy, low-ish libido, low motivation. I’ve never felt like this even though i’ve been through some rough times.

    One note to add is that I recently found out that my car leaks carbonmonoxide through the AC. Explains my severe hairloss, and my wifes hairloss. My wife had very high prolactin aswell, apprently carbonmonoxide can alter the pituitary gland severely, could explain my high prolactin aswell. I’m starting to look at alternative supplements like ”Cerebrolysin”, but i’d rather heal without it because it is not researched thoroughly.

    Side note: My physique is great though.

    I belive I have to donate blood. I’ve ran heavy amount of gear through the years with better bloods! It is crazy. Is the low SHBG a cause for my low libido?

    Im on 140 Test weekly, if I go higher I’ll get very high estrogen and AI’s are just not worth it. I’m thinking about adding 100-200 mast/primo and increase test to 250 so I can get decent T levels without too high E2. I can’t feel like this anymore. Everyone around me are wondering why i’ve suddenly changed from that charismatic, positive, loving and caring dude to this depressive, low energy dude. Got PE aswell, which i’ve never had. Do I have a deficiency of some kind that is preventing my body to function properly?

    PSA is higher than it used to be aswell, it was at 0.30 about a year ago. And why is my progesterone elevated when only using 140test weekly. I do have hypothyroidism which could be messing my hormones up but tsh is not very elevated at the moment.

    All advice is appreciated. My options are:
    1. Get off, start Triptorelin and start over.
    2. Increase T to 200-250 with 100-200 Primo/Mast to control E2
    3. Continue on this dose

    Kind regards.

  7. #7
    s1nc1ty's Avatar
    s1nc1ty is offline Member
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    Just sayn... if your struggling, lots of stress etc, maybe right now is not the best time for you to experiment with steroids . Take a timeout in the steroids department, go back to trt, work out, eat healthy etc and go on cycle when life calms down and you feel better
    Fit4Florida likes this.

  8. #8
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    "Side note: My physique is great though."

    This is all I read.

    Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
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  9. #9
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    get a new car.
    get off everything but trt.
    get life settled a bit, you will be amazed how much stress fucks with bloods, and ur stress sounds like a movie buddy.

    good luck

  10. #10
    narcolepticshark is offline Junior Member
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    This is one of those situations where, looking in from the outside, it’s obvious what you should do.

    As others have said, gains are not worth the cost. Do your basic TRT and get back to feeling good again and be there for your family.

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