On week 5 on cycle.
Week 1-2:
Test E 125mg/wk
week 3-6:
Test E 125mg/wk
Tbol 30mg/day
Tren E 100mg/wk
week 7-12:
Test E 125mg/wk
Tren E 100mg/wk
(It might be low dose, but it's a good cycle for me. Really nice recomp. I'm 44 and haven't felt/looked this good in at least 10 years, and if things keep up, I might even be hitting my old highs by the end of the cycle.)
Taking .5 Arimidex eod to control estrogen. Nips started puffing out at times and getting wide, so I started at .25 e3d. Then .5 e3d. Moved it up to .5 eod when I had to work hard to cum the other day.
No I didn't get bloods. (Still not really sure where to do it.)
Normally, my joints tend to dry out and hurt these days with heavy lifting. I take supps for it, but they only help a little when not on cycle. However, I don't have any dryness or joint pain while at .5mg eod, which I think says that it's not too much. So if nips are still acting weird, should I be increasing Arimidex or adding in something like Nolva, on cycle?
That's my main question. Anything else helpful that you'd like to add, feel free.